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The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln By Connor Ryan.

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1 The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln By Connor Ryan

2 Background on the shooter Born May 10, 1838 in Maryland Began interest in theatrics in 1855 and became an actor at the theatre September 1858 Booth moved to Richmond Virginia to act at the Marshall theatre Booth didn't’t join the confederates however he did smuggle medical supplies from the north Booth Previously performed in plays for President. Lincoln

3 The Plan The original plan was not to kill president Lincoln. Instead Booths original plan was to kidnap the president to give the confederates an advantage Within this plan Booth wanted to hold Lincoln for ransom in order to free confederate prisoners of war

4 Change in plan There was a number of failed attempts at kidnapping the president that eventually caused the plan to change. January 18, 1865 President Lincoln was supposed to go to a play at Ford’s theatre but did not appear The second attempt was on March 17, 1865 where Lincoln was going to appear at a play for the union troops within a hospital It was at Abraham Lincolns second Innauguration where booth decided that he would assassinate the president because he was angered about the Emanciation Proclamation

5 The Assassination April 14, 1865 Lincoln attended the play Our American Cousin and it was there that President Lincoln was assassinated. Booth arrived an hour after Lincoln and brougt a derringer and a hunting knife. At the time Lincolns body guard wasn’t present Booth went up through the backstage stairs and pointed the gun at the back of Lincolns head and fired. Booth jumped off the balcony and yelled “Sic Semper Tyrannis” after which he fled the city

6 The End Unable to save him Abraham Lincoln died the next day on April 15 th 1865 One of the largest search parties was sent to find Booth and on April 26 th 1865 he was trapped by federal troops within a barn. Booth refused to come out so the barn was set on fire. Booth stayed in the barn until he was shot to death.

7 Video lincoln-assassination lincoln-assassination

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