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Africa African styled Muslim mosque. Climate Zones.

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1 Africa African styled Muslim mosque

2 Climate Zones


4 African Kingdoms Timeline 200 CE 1800 CE1000 CE600 CE1400 CE 4 th -11 th GHANA 13 th -15 th MALI 15 th -16 th SONGHAY 13 th -14 th YORUBA 15 th -18 th BENIN 13 th -18 th KONGO 9 th -16 th GREAT ZIMBABWE

5 For the quiz on Wednesday 1. Grasslands, Swahili Coast, and Forest and Plains- know where they are on a map and be able to give a general description of each one 2. 7 Kingdoms/Cultures- for each of the 7 mentioned in the chapter you must: know their dates give a general description of their culture mention any important figures be able to place them on a map

6 Africa Before European Explorers No true universal states or religions  Christianity and Islam do arrive Many stateless societies  No central power  Clans, families, communities  Small influence on lives Little power  Warfare  Trade  Building projects Need for larger centralized states/kingdoms

7 State Building West Africa  Influence of Islam  Military power  Alliances  Less importance on ethnic/ cultural unity City-states  Strong merchant communities  Similar to Italy and Germany Not the same technology European influence to come

8 Similarities in Africa Language  Bantu migration of language Religion  Animistic  Spirit in every object  Diviners or priests to interpret  Acts as a guide Ethics and behavior How universe worked Land has religious meaning  Given by creator  Worked by people  fertility

9 Similarities in Africa Family/clan  Veneration of ancestors and gods Economies- not as easily defined  North Africa- stands apart  Mediterranean and Arab trade worlds  Sub-Saharan- varied  Varied agriculture mixed with herding  Use of metal tools/weapons  Local/regional trade  International trade arose Islamic world Arab traders

10 Islam Arrives North of Sahara  Part of ancient world  Mediterranean coastline  Middle East  Egypt Begins 7 th century Attraction of Islam  All Muslims are equal  Easier to accept conquerors/new rulers  All followers on equal footing  Uniting of state/religious power under on ruler Kings could consolidate authority Regional differences continued

11 Swahili Coast of East Africa Trading cities  Contact with Arabia, Persia, India, China  Vibrant trade of goods from far off lands  Islamic influence  Universal set of ethics and beliefs  Slow to reach larger populations or inland Class based Leaders Muslim Often compromises b/w Islam and indigenous faith for greater population Common language, culture  Bantu migration Portuguese attempt to dominate trade  Some success  Africans hold onto trade

12 Sudanic Similarities Leadership  Patriarch/family/group Core group  Extended area of rule- conquest states  Taxes, tribute, military Rulers sacred  Islam used to reinforce this Fusion of Islam and traditional cultures

13 African People of Forests and Plains Pre-literate  Oral traditions  Direct instruction Some larger states Advances made  Art  Building  Statecraft


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