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MD2K is an NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Center of Excellence. Visit MD2K: Center of Excellence for Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "MD2K is an NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Center of Excellence. Visit MD2K: Center of Excellence for Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 MD2K is an NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Center of Excellence. Visit MD2K: Center of Excellence for Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge Director Santosh Kumar University of Memphis Training Core Vivek Shetty University of California, Los Angeles

2 MD2K Goals 2 Develop software, tools, training, and science to enhance the ability to gather, analyze, and interpret health- related mobile sensor data, facilitate the development of innovative methods for early detection & prevention of complex chronic diseases, promote discovery of new insights regarding behavioral and environmental context in the onset and progression of complex chronic diseases Enable timely mobile health interventions to realize the vision of Precision Medicine

3 MD2K Organization 3

4 MD2K Training Mission 4 Build and enable a sustainable community of transdisciplinary mHealth data scientists and translational researchers. Equip and enable data science researchers with data sets, open-source software, documentation, and online forums Develop web-based training resources that empowers users to address healthcare challenges using mHealth technologies Augment virtual training with a weeklong boot-camp that trains data scientists to work collaboratively on transdisciplinary mHealth projects.

5 5 Activities Outreach: MD2K program presents at Data Science conferences (SenSys and BuildSys) to generate awareness and interest in MD2K among data science researchers. Distribution: Maintains public and private GitHub repositories for software development and sharing Software Development: Validate, optimize and release end-to-end MD2K software for wearable-mobile-cloud solutions. Manuals: Develop training materials and webinars to facilitate use of MD2K software Objective Equip and enable data science researchers with data sets, open source software, documentation, and online discussion forums

6 6 Activities mHealthHUB: organizing hub for the MD2K’s training and dissemination activities. Wiki: Internal wiki to curate MD2K activities Student Research Seminars: Held monthly and curated Webinars: Monthly Seminars by thought leaders. Networking tools: Build virtual community and collaborations Objective Develop web-based training resources to train MD2K team and the larger community in transdisciplinary mHealth research

7 7 Held annually in August @UCLA Week-long boot-camp with Multidisciplinary Faculty mHealth Scholars 30 from Faculty pool 5 from MD2K Trainee pool Team Science Projects with capstone presentations Blended learning approach Networking sustained through MD2K’s mHealthHUB Educational effectiveness through UCLA CRESST Objective Augment virtual training with a weeklong boot- camp (mHTI@UCLA) that trains data scientists to work collaboratively on mHealth projects.

8 8 Develop and Consolidate cross-BD2K training collaborations BD2K participation in mHealth Institute Faculty Students Joint webinars Curating content on mHealthHub Diversity Outreach: Develop and refine training opportunities in MD2K for underrepresented minorities. Objective Develop Strategic partnerships to enhance the impact of MD2K training

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