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1.Why did Byzantine emperor Leo the third forbid the use of icons in 730? How did the pope react to Leo's order? Reading notes 6.5 Many churches began.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Why did Byzantine emperor Leo the third forbid the use of icons in 730? How did the pope react to Leo's order? Reading notes 6.5 Many churches began."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Why did Byzantine emperor Leo the third forbid the use of icons in 730? How did the pope react to Leo's order? Reading notes 6.5 Many churches began to use icons of Jesus, Mary and the saints in prayer and worship. They would overreact if an icon was broken or stolen. This led to people believing that they were wrongly worshipping the icons as if they were divine themselves. Leo reacted to this by forbidding the use of them in prayer and worship. The pope reacted to this by excommunicating Leo. This caused outrage.

2 2. What event in 800 increased tensions between the east and west? In 800, Empress Irene was the ruler of the Byzantine empire. Pope Leo the third did not view her as a true ruler because she was a woman. He needed a strong leader to help defend the church in the west, so he crowned Charlemagne, the ruler of the Franks, as the Holy Roman Emperor. This outraged the Byzantines, because they felt they were the rightful rulers of the Roman Empire.

3 3.How did the relationship between t he Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic church change in 1054? They became un-united and there was a big schism between east and west. They were now two separate churches. This happened when the patriarch wanted to take control of the church. He closed all churches with western rites. The pope then excommunicated Cerularious, the patriarch, This split the churches bond forever.

4 6.4 What was the relationship between religion and government in the Byzantine Empire? They were very entwined because religion was very important to them. Even the leaders of the government were a holy entity, holier than the patriarch. He was called the living representative of Jesus Christ and God.

5 How did the Eastern Orthodox church play a central role in the daily life of Byzantines? Most people attended church regularly. The poor and sick were cared for by the monasteries and convents. These institutes were helped by and donated to by wealthy people and became pretty powerful. Religious sacraments gave shape to every stage of the journey from birth to death.

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