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Published byOliver Hardy Modified over 9 years ago
A simple rate ½ convolutional code encoder is shown below. The rectangular box represents one element of a serial shift register. The contents of the shift registers is shifted from left to right. The circle with a plus sign inside it represents Modulo-2 operation which is described below. Notice how the code digits which are output by the encoder are multiplexed into a serial stream of binary digits. For every binary digit that enters the encoder, two code digits are output. Hence code rate = 1/2. Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
Modulo-2 addition (XOR logic gate operation) AB 000 011 101 110 In general, the code rate is The constraint length K of a convolutional code is defined as the number of shifts over which a single message bit can influence the encoder output. Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
EXAMPLE: Encoding the binary sequence 10011 Comment EncoderOutput Code DigitsOutput codeword Initial state of the encoder, in which the contents of the shift registers are all-zero. We shall now encode the binary sequence 10011 Input a binary digit 1 Upper code digit=1 Lower code digit=1 11 Input a binary digit 0 Upper code digit=1 Lower code digit=0 10 Input a binary digit 0 Upper code digit=1 Lower code digit=1 11 Input a binary digit 1 Upper code digit=1 Lower code digit=1 11 Input a binary digit 1 Upper code digit=0 Lower code digit=1 01
HOW TO DETERMINE THE OUTPUT CODEWORD ? There are essentially two ways in which the output codeword may be determined. We will take a close look at both methods in this lecture. 1. State Diagram Approach The state of a rate 1/2 encoder is defined by the most (K-1) message bits moved into the encoder as illustrated in the diagram below. The corresponding state diagram for the rate 1/2, K = 3 convolutional code is shown below. Notice that there are four states [00], [01], [10], [11], corresponding to the (K-1)=2 binary digit tuple. We may assume the encoder starts in the all-zero state [00] Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
STATE TABLE The easiest way to determine the state diagram is to first determine the state table as shown below. INPUT DIGITINTIAL STATEFINAL STATEOUTPUT CODEWORD 000 1 1011 0010011 1011000 0100110 1 1101 01101 111 10 Notice how all the combinations of the initial state and input digit are used to first determine the final state, and then the output codeword. Now we use this state table to draw the state diagram as shown in next slide. Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
Encoder Operation Input1001100 Output111011 01 11 STATE10010010110100 Verify the table below using the state diagram. Notice that the in order to return the encoder state to the all-zero [00], it is necessary to flush the encoder shift registers with two zero's i.e 00, which are highlighted in red in the table above. STATE DIAGRAM Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
KEY: 1/01 This means for example, that the input binary digit to the encoder was 1 and the corresponding codeword output is 01. This represents the state of the encoder. In this example, the state is 01. Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
2. Transform-domain Approach The transform-domain approach may be used to determine the operation of the convolutional code encoder. We shall only consider a simple rate 1/2 code. In general however,. The generator polynomials of a rate 1/2 code are given by: where D denotes a unit-delay, with the power of D indicates the number of units of delay. NOTE: The plus sign's in the above equation, and in all the equations to follow, do NOT represent algebraic addition, but Modulo-2 addition. Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
The are either 0 or 1 depending on the shift register connections. For example, for the rate ½, K=3 code shown above, we get: The message polynomial is defined by where. For example, suppose the message sequence (10011) is input to the encoder. Then. The output of the rate 1/2 convolutional code encoder is given by For example, if, we get : Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
i.e output sequence from upper arm of encoder is 1111001 i.e output sequence from lower arm of encoder is 1011111 Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
In the table above, we make use of the fact that, where n is an integer, based on Modulo-2 addition. By multiplexing the two output sequences, [1111001] and [1011111], the operation of the encoder is summarized in the table below. Encoder Operation Input1001100 Output111011 01 11 Notice that by using the transform domain approach, the output of the encoder corresponds to an input sequence 1001100, even though the two additional zeros (highlighted in red) were not required. These two zero bring the encoder back to the all-zero state. In practice, it is far simpler to simulate the operation of the encoder instead of using this transform-domain approach. Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
CODE TRELLIS For the rate 1/2 convolutional code presented in the pervious lecture, the first step is to draw the Code Trellis as shown below. Notice that it is simply another way of drawing the state diagram, which is presented on the right hand side. Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
The four possible states (00, 01, 10, 11) are labeled 0, 1, 2, 3 (shown in brackets in the code trellis diagram) Notice that there are two branches entering each state, which will be refereed to as the upper and lower branches respectively. For example, the state 01 has an upper branch which comes from the state 10, and a lower branch which comes from state 11. Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE The branch codeword is the codeword associated with a branch. e.g. the upper branch entering state 01 has the branch codeword 10. Its labeled 0/10 in the diagram which means that a binary digit 0 input to the encoder in state 10, will output the codeword 10 and move to the state 01.
Using the code trellis, the Viterbi Trellis is drawn as shown below. Notice that its simply a serial concatenation of many code trellis diagrams. Ignore the "X", and the highlighted text (yellow) for now. The only important feature at this stage is that the Viterbi trellis consists of many code trellis diagrams. The trellis depth of a Viterbi trellis is the number of code trellis replications used. e.g. the trellis depth is 7 in the example below. The diagram below shows the internal operation of the Viterbi decoder using a specific example in which the code sequence 11101111010111 is received from the DMC without error! Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
Viterbi Trellis Rate ½ Convolutional Code Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
VITERBI ALGORITHM 1) Any given state in the Viterbi trellis may be identified by the state s and time t. For example (0, 1) represents the state s = 0 at time t = 1, and (3, 5) represents the state s = 3 at time t = 5. These states are shown below so that you may relate them to the main Viterbi trellis diagram. (0,1)(3,5) 2) Let the metric for a state s at time t be represented by m(s, t). Metric is just a number. This will become clear very shortly. For example, for the two states shown above, the metrics are shown in highlighted text. Thus m(0, 1) = 0 and m(3, 5) = 0. Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
3) At time t = 0, initialize all state metrics to zero i.e. m(0,0) = m(1,0) = m(2,0) = m(3,0) = 0. By setting each state metric to zero, we are taking into account that the encoder may have started in any of the possible states. This is typically the case because even though the encoder does in fact start in the all-zero state, the transmitted codeword sequence may have been segmented and sent as a series of packets. In this case, the starting state of any given segment cannot be assumed to be the all-zero state. If however, you know that the encoder started in the all-zero state for the codeword sequence you are decoding, then for the first code trellis, you need only calculate the metrics which eminate from the state s = 0 at time t = 0. For example, for the above convolutional code, you need only calculate the metrics m(0,1) and m(2,1) within the first code trellis. 4) Let the hamming distance for the upper branch entering a state s at time t be HD_upper (s, t), and the hamming distance for the lower branch be HD_lower (s, t). The Hamming distance is the number of differences between the received codeword and the branch codeword. Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
1.At time t, for a given state s, compare the received binary codeword with each branch codeword entering this state to calculate HD_upper (s, t) and HD_lower (s, t). For example, HD_upper (0, 1) = 2 and HD_lower(0,1) = 0. 2.Calculate y_up = HD_upper (s, t) + m(s*, t-1), where s is the state at time t, and s* is the previous state at time (t-1) for a given branch. For example, for the first state s = 0 at t = 1, y_up = HD_upper (0, 1) + m(0,0) = 2 + 0 = 2. 3.Calculate y_low = HD_lower (s, t) + m(s*, t-1) For example, for the first state s = 0 at t = 1, y_low = HD_lower (0, 1) + m(1,0) = 0 + 0 = 0. 4.Identify the surviving branch entering the state at time t as follows: Choose upper branch as the survivor if y_up < y_low, and let y_final = y_up. Otherwise choose the lower branch, and let y_final = y_low. If y_up = y_low, then randomly select any branch as the survivor. For example, for the first state s = 0 at t = 1, y_final = y_low = 0. 5.The branch which does NOT survive is marked with an "X". Only one surviving branch per state (or node on the trellis). These X's are only shown in the diagram above up to time t = 2. For example, for the first state s = 0 at t = 1, the upper branch is marked with an "X". This means that this branch does not survive. Only the lower branch entering the state 00 survives. Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
6. Set the state metric m(s,t) = y_final. The final metric for each state is shown in in the above diagram. For example, for the first state s = 0 at t = 1, m(0,1) = y_final = 0. 7.Repeat steps 1 to 6 until you reach the end of the Viterbi trellis at time 7. Of course we must determine the metrics m(s,1) first before we can calculate m(s, 2). 8.From all final state metrics [m(0,7) m(1,7) m(2,7) m(3, 7)], choose the minimum metric, and trace back the path from this state. In the above example this trace back path is shown as a solid black line, which starts from state s = 0 at time t = 7, and ends at state s = 0 at time t = 0. 9.Output the information binary digits which correspond to branches on this trace back path. In practice a different approach is adopted. Look at the next section. Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
METRICS ? Referring back to the Viterbi Trellis diagram, notice that if we trace back the path which starts at s = 2, t = 5, the codewords on that trace-back path are as shown below in the first row. Note that at this state, the metric m(2, 5) = 3. The question is what does a metric of 3 mean ? Codeword sequence on trace back path from s = 2, t = 5 11 11 10 11 11 Codeword sequence received from channel 11 10 11 11 01 Hamming distance between these two sequences 3 A total cumulative metric m(2, 5) = 3 means that the codeword sequence on a path traced back from this state differs with the received codeword sequence in 3 positions. Hence we select the trace-back path from time t =7 based on which state has the minimum metric. This is because we want to select a codeword sequence within the trellis, which is as close as possible to the received codeword sequence from the channel. i.e. Maximum likelihood decoding ! Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE VITERBI DECODER In practice, we encode and decode very long sequences. At least a few million binary digits! In this case, make the trellis depth at least (5*K ) and decode only the oldest message bit within the Viterbi trellis. e.g. for K = 3, we require a trellis depth of at least 15. Then shift the contents of the Viterbi trellis by one code trellis position to the left, to vacate a code trellis for the next pair of code digits received from the channel. Again decode only the oldest bit. Continue this process until all the bits have been decoded
M-Algorithm M-Algorithm (MA) works in a similar fashion to the well known Viterbi Algorithm (VA) The idea behind the M-Algorithm is to look at the M most likely paths at each depth of the code tree. The MA drops all but the best M states among the entire set. Because of the b-fold branching in the tree, only bM paths will be generated if all the M paths are extended to the next depth. Once again MA drops all but the best M from the bM paths. Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
Practical Sliding Block Version of MA Repeat Steps 1-3 for each tree level (stage) Step1: (path extension) Extend all stored paths to the next depth creating b new branches from each stored path. Step2: (Dropping) Drop all but the M-best paths. Step3: (Branch Release) If the paths have reached the decision depth release as output the first branch of the best path. Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA) SOVA extends the Viterbi algorithm with confidence information by looking at the difference of incoming paths to a state as a measure of “correctness” for that decision. Although the VA traces back over one path, SOVA traces backward over the maximum likelihood (ML) path and its next competitor ( if the ML approaches a state with a ‘1’ input, the competitor traces back the ‘0’ path). Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE
The traceback operation takes the measure of likelihood at the starting state, and updates the bits along that path with the minimum of the path-metric difference at the start of the traceback or its current value, but only along the paths where the ML and competitor paths differ in bit decisions. Error Control Coding, © Dr. J. Sodha, reproduced by: Erhan A. INCE Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA)
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