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Testing Traditional Pest Control Methods. Identify Target Pests Identify Traditional Methods Put Methods into Field Trials Develop Workable Methods for.

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Presentation on theme: "Testing Traditional Pest Control Methods. Identify Target Pests Identify Traditional Methods Put Methods into Field Trials Develop Workable Methods for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Testing Traditional Pest Control Methods

2 Identify Target Pests Identify Traditional Methods Put Methods into Field Trials Develop Workable Methods for our Farms

3 Identify Traditional Methods Interview Practitioners of Traditional Agriculture Estevan Arrellano – Poet and Scholar Clayton Brascoupe – Traditional Native American Farmer's Association Bob Pederson – Thanksgiving Farms Scott Pittman – The Permaculture Institute Roy Rivera – Traditional New Mexico Farmer Bernadette Torres - Curandera

4 Identify Target Pests Which pests did our farmers have the most problems with? Conducted informal survey Aphids Flea Beetles Squash Bugs

5 Typically we plant squash in the spring and harvest as much as possible before the plants are destroyed by squash bugs midsummer. Then we plant another crop for Fall harvest Seems to be the most intractable pest problem for us to control organically and without using agents that also kill beneficial insects

6 July 2012

7 Squash Bug Damage

8 Benefits of Squash Bug Control Could we devise a method to keep the plants productive all summer? Reduce costs of replanting Reduce time lost waiting for second crop to become productive Prevent infestation of other crops

9 Methods we Tested Ashes for squash bugs Boards for squash bugs Garlic and Chili Oil for Flea Beetles

10 Preliminary Results We hadn't achieved our goal of keeping our plants going all Summer Had to look for other answers Asked ourselves, where are they vulnerable?

11 Vulnerability

12 How to Control Squash Bugs Eggs hatch in 7-10 days If we remove the eggs then we can control the exponential growth of population Need a method that is simple to apply and cost effective Obviously we can't remove them individually

13 This Works and is Cost Effective

14 Requirements to make it work Be gentle or can rip leaves Remove eggs every six days to beat cycle Can't miss, if we miss a week they'll get out of control Use good tape, Gorilla Tape seems to work best

15 Economics $2311.00 extra revenue per 100 ft row per season after labor costs

16 The Future Put in another test plot and test removing eggs throughout season Track economics to verify that it's cost effective

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