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Module 11 Biological Criteria 11-28-07
During this module, we will discuss biological criteria and their role in water quality management. The module will be divided into three separate sections. The first section will describe the background and value of biological criteria; the second section will address the concept and development of biological criteria; and the third section will describe components needed for implementation of biological criteria. The information presented during this module relies to a large extent on the EPA program guidance document. WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Theme “The true health of our aquatic environments is reflected by the biological communities that reside within them” Prof. J. Karr University of Washington “This we know: All things are connected. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.” Chief Sealth (Dwamish), of the Seattle area (1854). WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
CWA Section 101 Objective To Restore & Maintain the Chemical, Physical, & Biological Integrity of the Nation's Waters The objective of the Clean Water Act, found in section 101, is "to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the nation's waters." To achieve this objective, EPA, States, regulated industries and municipalities, and the public need comprehensive information about the biological integrity of aquatic environments to complement the established perceptions of physical and chemical integrity and provide a complete picture of the ecological integrity of the nation's waters. Section 303(c)(2)(A) requires the adoption of water quality standards that "serve the purposes of the Act," as given in section 101. Statutory Authority Section 303 (c) 2 (B): …where numeric criteria are not available, States shall adopt criteria based on biological assessment methods… Section 304(a)8: EPA shall…develop and publish information on methods for establishing and measuring water quality criteria for toxic pollutants on other bases than pollutant-by-pollutant, including biological monitoring and assessment methods. WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
CWA Section 101 Objective To Restore & Maintain the Chemical, Physical, & Biological Integrity of the Nation's Waters The objective of the Clean Water Act, found in section 101, is "to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the nation's waters." To achieve this objective, EPA, States, regulated industries and municipalities, and the public need comprehensive information about the biological integrity of aquatic environments to complement the established perceptions of physical and chemical integrity and provide a complete picture of the ecological integrity of the nation's waters. Section 303(c)(2)(A) requires the adoption of water quality standards that "serve the purposes of the Act," as given in section 101. Statutory Authority Section 303 (c) 2 (B): …where numeric criteria are not available, States shall adopt criteria based on biological assessment methods… Section 304(a)8: EPA shall…develop and publish information on methods for establishing and measuring water quality criteria for toxic pollutants on other bases than pollutant-by-pollutant, including biological monitoring and assessment methods. Sec 303(c) WQS that serve the purposes of the Act WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Elements Of Ecological
Integrity BIOLOGICAL INTEGRITY Ecological integrity represents the best measure of water quality. It is ideally attained when chemical, physical, and biological integrity occur simultaneously. When chemical or physical integrity are out of balance, this will be revealed by the biological condition of a water body. Biological Integrity: Definition: The ability of an aquatic ecosystem to support and maintain a balanced adaptive community of organisms having a species composition, diversity, and functional organization comparable to that of natural habitats within a region. For the purposes of biological criteria, biological integrity is defined as the condition of the aquatic community inhabiting the unimpaired waterbodies of a specified type. In general, biological condition is measured by both the structure and function of the community. CHEMICAL INTEGRITY PHYSICAL INTEGRITY ECOLOGICAL INTEGRITY WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Biological Integrity The ability of an aquatic ecosystem to support and maintain a balanced adaptive community of organisms having a species composition, diversity, and functional organization comparable to that of natural habitats within a region The objective of the Clean Water Act, found in section 101, is "to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the nation's waters." To achieve this objective, EPA, States, regulated industries and municipalities, and the public need comprehensive information about the biological integrity of aquatic environments to complement the established perceptions of physical and chemical integrity and provide a complete picture of the ecological integrity of the nation's waters. Section 303(c)(2)(A) requires the adoption of water quality standards that "serve the purposes of the Act," as given in section 101. Statutory Authority Section 303 (c) 2 (B): …where numeric criteria are not available, States shall adopt criteria based on biological assessment methods… Section 304(a)8: EPA shall…develop and publish information on methods for establishing and measuring water quality criteria for toxic pollutants on other bases than pollutant-by-pollutant, including biological monitoring and assessment methods. WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Biological Integrity The ability of an aquatic ecosystem to support and maintain a balanced adaptive community of organisms having a species composition, diversity, and functional organization comparable to that of natural habitats within a region The objective of the Clean Water Act, found in section 101, is "to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the nation's waters." To achieve this objective, EPA, States, regulated industries and municipalities, and the public need comprehensive information about the biological integrity of aquatic environments to complement the established perceptions of physical and chemical integrity and provide a complete picture of the ecological integrity of the nation's waters. Section 303(c)(2)(A) requires the adoption of water quality standards that "serve the purposes of the Act," as given in section 101. Statutory Authority Section 303 (c) 2 (B): …where numeric criteria are not available, States shall adopt criteria based on biological assessment methods… Section 304(a)8: EPA shall…develop and publish information on methods for establishing and measuring water quality criteria for toxic pollutants on other bases than pollutant-by-pollutant, including biological monitoring and assessment methods. CLASSIFICATION WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Biological Integrity The ability of an aquatic ecosystem to support and maintain a balanced adaptive community of organisms having a species composition, diversity, and functional organization comparable to that of natural habitats within a region The objective of the Clean Water Act, found in section 101, is "to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the nation's waters." To achieve this objective, EPA, States, regulated industries and municipalities, and the public need comprehensive information about the biological integrity of aquatic environments to complement the established perceptions of physical and chemical integrity and provide a complete picture of the ecological integrity of the nation's waters. Section 303(c)(2)(A) requires the adoption of water quality standards that "serve the purposes of the Act," as given in section 101. Statutory Authority Section 303 (c) 2 (B): …where numeric criteria are not available, States shall adopt criteria based on biological assessment methods… Section 304(a)8: EPA shall…develop and publish information on methods for establishing and measuring water quality criteria for toxic pollutants on other bases than pollutant-by-pollutant, including biological monitoring and assessment methods. CLASSIFICATION REFERENCE WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Biological Integrity QUANTITIVE MEASURES
Biological Integrity QUANTITIVE MEASURES The ability of an aquatic ecosystem to support and maintain a balanced adaptive community of organisms having a species composition, diversity, and functional organization comparable to that of natural habitats within a region The objective of the Clean Water Act, found in section 101, is "to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the nation's waters." To achieve this objective, EPA, States, regulated industries and municipalities, and the public need comprehensive information about the biological integrity of aquatic environments to complement the established perceptions of physical and chemical integrity and provide a complete picture of the ecological integrity of the nation's waters. Section 303(c)(2)(A) requires the adoption of water quality standards that "serve the purposes of the Act," as given in section 101. Statutory Authority Section 303 (c) 2 (B): …where numeric criteria are not available, States shall adopt criteria based on biological assessment methods… Section 304(a)8: EPA shall…develop and publish information on methods for establishing and measuring water quality criteria for toxic pollutants on other bases than pollutant-by-pollutant, including biological monitoring and assessment methods. CLASSIFICATION REFERENCE WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Examples of Direct Measures of Community Structure and Function
Examples of Direct Measures of Community Structure and Function Number of individuals Proportion Distribution of feeding groups Tolerant/Intolerant Species Diseases and Anomalies Native/Non-native Species Trophic Feeding Groups Number of Individuals Reproductive Preferences Total Number of Species Mean Individual Size Measurement Biomass Direct measures of existing community structure are useful for establishing the normal range of community components to be expected in unimpaired systems and include number of species, presence or absence of taxa that are indicators of particular water quality conditions, distribution of feeding groups from different levels of the food chain, diseases and anomalies, number of individuals, non-native species, reproduction preferences, and total number of species. WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
BIOASSESSMENTS Bioassessments are evaluations of the biological condition of a waterbody using surveys of the structure & function of a community of resident biota (e.g. the interrelated plants and animals living in a waterbody including fish, bugs, amphibians, diatoms). Talking Point: Habitat Assessment - Training required - Visual-based - Reference condition serves as benchmark - “Semi-quantitative” assessment - ½ to1 work hour - Extent and abundance of instream cover for fish and benthos - Extent of embeddedness of the epifaunal substrate - Representation of various velocity and depth regimes - Presence or absence of channel alteration - Extent of sediment deposition - Sinuosity of frequency of riffles in a reach - Status of channel fullness or wetted width - Condition of banks - Extent of vegetative protection on banks - Riparian vegetative zone width WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Fish community bioassessment
Standardized length (100 m) No transects Fish community bioassessment WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Invertebrate community bioassessment using a kicknet
Invertebrate community bioassessment using a kicknet WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Invertebrate community bioassessment using a Surber sampler
Environmental Specialist, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, using a Surber sampler. Standard mesh size: 500 microns Invertebrate community bioassessment using a Surber sampler WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Minimally disturbed, forested watershed in Maine
Mayfly Stinking Brook T5R9 NWP Log 1002 ( 2001) Slimy Sculpin Stonefly Minimally disturbed, forested watershed in Maine WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Stream draining a shopping mall in Maine
Midges Penjajawock Stream Bangor below I-95 (2001) Snails Leeches Stream draining a shopping mall in Maine WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Definitions Attribute:
Attribute: any measurable component of a biological system. Metric: attribute that shows a quantitative change in value along a gradient of human influence. Multimetric Index: a number that integrates several The Index of Biotic Integrity (called IBI) is an example of a measurement of the relative structural and functional well-being of fish populations in freshwater streams. biological metrics to express a site’s condition or health. Ex: Index of Biological Integrity (IBI): Fish WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
RBP Recommended Metrics
RBP Recommended Metrics 14 Key Metrics from the RBP document (Barbour et al. 1999) As suggested by technical experts as being the best candidates to show a predicted response to disturbance (human caused or other). WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Approx. Upstream Distance (miles)
Approx. Upstream Distance (miles) from MBD Station ID Year Average 1981 1989 1990 1996 1999 2000 2001* 22.5 I80 63.6 39.3 43.6 47.0 51.2 48.9 20 WB 18.7 35.8 46.5 33.7 19 AH 49.1 17.5 FJR 52.8 25.1 59.4 47.1 14.5 SS 47.3 11.5 NW 38.9 80.8 59.9 10.5 DO 60.5 39.0 59.3 52.7 45.9 * 51.5 8 CN 34.2 50.5 51.7 45.5 47.9 6.5 ND 40.1 5 LNX 73.8 35.3 55.1 54.1 54.6 3.5 NB 28.3 63.3 45.8 2 NIX 71.0 45.4 57.6 50.1 56.1 MBD 58.2 16.3 44.7 25.6 38.1 59.2 27.7 45.2 51.3 50.7 47.5 New Slide: Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe IBI developed using 4 Key Metrics (Barbour, Leppo 2002) as suggested by as being the best candidates to show a predicted response to disturbance on the lower Truckee River, Nevada within the Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation. 100-80 Excellent 69-60 Good 49-40 Poor 79-70 Very Good 59-50 Fair 39-0 Very Poor PLPT Biological Index Score and Narrative Rating WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
WHY? Value Of Biological Information: Ohio Comparison Of Biosurvey
With Chemical Evaluation Chemical Evaluation Indicates No Impairment Biosurvey Shows Impairment Chemical Prediction & Biosurvey Agree In Ohio, evaluation of instream biota indicated that 36 percent of impaired stream segments could not be detected using aquatic life criteria alone. These and similar analyses reflect the difficulty of protecting waterbodies against the effect of individual chemicals when criteria cannot be developed for all possible chemicals. Biosurvey Shows No Impairment Chemical Evaluation Indicates Impairment WHY? WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Use of Biological Information
Comprehensive Watershed Assessments Point-source Discharge Permitting (CWA §402) Listing of Impaired Waters (CWA §303d) Hazardous Waste Site Assessments (CWA §104e) Comparative Risk Assessment Use of Bioassessment Results Evaluation of Habitat Modifications (CWA §401) Nonpoint Source Assessment (CWA §319) Aquatic Life Use Designations (CWA §305b) Reporting of Condition of Waters (CWA §305b) Wet Weather Discharge (CSOs, Stormwater) Water Quality Standards & Criteria (CWA §303c) From: Chris Yoder, Midwest Biodiversity Group WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
What is Biological Condition Gradient (BCG)?
What is Biological Condition Gradient (BCG)? It is a scientific framework for determining biological response to anthropogenic stress. Longstanding, accepted science Measurable and predictable Based on bioassessments BioCondition Background notes: The BCG is a descriptive model that predicts biological response to increasing levels of stress. The BCG is based on longstanding, accepted science – in the field of aquatic ecology and bioassessment methods. Technical Underpinnings -predictable and measurable patterns of biological response to increasing levels of stress – common empirical observations in different parts of the country, regardless of method. Stress WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
1 2 3 4 5 6 The Biological Condition Gradient – Levels
Natural structure & function of biotic community maintained 1 Minimal changes in structure & function 2 Evident changes in structure and minimal changes in function 3 Moderate changes in structure & minimal changes in function Biological Condition 4 Major changes in structure & moderate changes in function 5 Background notes: This figure is a generalized representation of the BCG. In your handout you have the detailed BCG model. (Handout: BCG slide above, next, and matrix – Table 2.2 p 21 in the document) The gradient of biological responses spans a range of condition - from natural, undisturbed conditions to severely y disturbed. There are 6 tiers, or increments of biological change, along the gradient. Key Points: 1. It is intended to be uses as the starting point for States and Tribes to think about how to more accurately describe the condition of a waterbody and to establish appropriate goals; the 6 tiers represent incremental, measurable changes along this gradient; it is up to the States and Tribes to determine number of tiers and where thresholds established. 2. The model is applicable to different places (geography); different methods; across political boundaries (incorporate into existing State and Tribal programs). 6 Severe changes in structure & function Increasing Levels of Stressors WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Undisturbed/Minimally Disturbed Stream
Undisturbed/Minimally Disturbed Stream Stoneflies Mayflies Beetles Dragonflies, Damselflies Caddisflies Midges Background notes: expectations in an undisturbed stream in Maine Blue: sensitive species in Maine Green: moderate tolerant species Red: tolerant species 1 inch Courtesy of Susan Davies, ME DEP WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Nutrient Enriched Stream
Caddisflies Crane flies Non-insects Beetles Midges Stoneflies Background Notes: Example of a stream in Maine with upstream nutrient source Note shift in community and in abundance – but still retain representative species of a natural or near natural community. Blackflies Mayflies 1 inch Courtesy of Susan Davies, ME DEP WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Drainage from a Shopping Mall Parking Lot
Drainage from a Shopping Mall Parking Lot Snails Midges Leeches Scuds Beetles Craneflies Caddisflies Downstream of a shopping mall, storm sewer outlet in Maine. Note fundamental shift in community composition 1 inch Courtesy of Susan Davies, ME DEP WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Classification Ecoregions: Identifies Regions of Ecological
Classification Ecoregions: Identifies Regions of Ecological Similarity from Which To Select Reference Sites. Reference conditions can also be developed on a larger scale. For these references, waterbodies of similar type are identified in regions of ecological similarity. To establish a regional reference condition, a set of surface waters of similar habitat type is identified in each ecological region. As with other reference conditions, the biological characteristics of selected pristine or minimally impaired reference waters are determined to establish the reference. Biological criteria can then be developed and used to assess presumably impacted surface waters in the same region. Ideally, ecoregional reference sites should be as unimpacted as possible, yet be representative of the waterbodies for which they are to serve as reference waters. These sites may serve as references for a large number of similar waterbodies. For example, several reference streams may be used to define the reference condition for numerous physically separate streams, if the reference streams contain the same range of stream morphology (or shape), substrate, and flow as the other streams within the same ecological region. This approach must be used with caution for two reasons. First, in many urban, industrial, or heavily developed agricultural regions, even the least impacted sites are seriously degraded. Basing criteria on such sites will set standards too low. In such degraded regions, references may be obtained from a less developed neighboring State or from historical records for the waterbody before serious impact occurred. Second, in some regions, the minimally impacted sites are not typical of most sites in the region and may have remained unimpaired precisely because they are unique. This is often the case in National Parks that were designated because of their unique aquatic resources. Biological Conditions Expected to be the same. WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Ecoregions Of Ohio Eastern Corn Belt Plains Erie-Ontario Lake Plain
Ecoregions Of Ohio Eastern Corn Belt Plains Erie-Ontario Lake Plain Huron-Erie Lake Plain Western Allegheny Plateau Eastern Corn Belt Plains The use of ecoregions has been instrumental to the development of biological criteria in Ohio and Arkansas. Several other States are in the process of refining their ecoregion classifications, including Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Iowa. Reference conditions are needed for environmental assessments because standard experimental controls are rarely available. Reference conditions describe the characteristics of waterbody segments least impaired by human activities and are used to define attainable biological conditions. Proper selection of reference sites is critical to developing biological criteria. You may recall, we discussed reference conditions during Module 4 on Use Attainability Analyses. Currently, two principal approaches are used for establishing the reference condition. A State or Tribe may opt to - identify site-specific reference sites within the same waterbody to compare with impacted sites (such as the upstream-downstream approach), or - select ecologically similar regional reference sites for comparison with impacted sites within the same region (such as the ecoregion approach). To develop the most comprehensive reference condition, ideally as much attention as is realistically possible should be paid to the reference site data. However, this data must be evaluated in the context of historical information and the collective judgment of regional experts. In some cases, such as significantly impaired areas, appropriate reference conditions must be derived primarily from that historical data, models based on site-specific knowledge, or the judgment of these experts in order to prevent lowering the criteria by undue reliance on inappropriate reference sites. These are important options when appropriate reference sites are not available locally or regionally. This allows best professional judgment to set attainable conditions that might have existed before current land use patterns. In fact, even when reference sites are available, this additional information should be developed to qualify the current data collected on the reference sites. Interior Plateau WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
How Can This Information Help Us In WQS ?
How Can This Information Help Us In WQS ? States and Tribes can (and have) used biological Information to refine (or “tier”) aquatic life uses Help determine“ highest attainable” use(s) Develop criteria to protect them Develop goals for incremental progress Clearer communication to the public Talking points: Designated Uses – management goals for aquatic life protection in WQS. TALU approach: Detailed biological information about the characteristics of aquatic organisms expected to be found in a specific waterbody - referenced to natural, or undisturbed, conditions. Technical framework underpinning TALU – organizing scientific information to help determine the highest attainable use for a waterbody, Background notes: The TALU document provides examples of practical and scientifically sound approaches based on the technical expertise and practical experience of aquatic ecologists from around the country, including scientists from State and Tribal water programs. Many States and Tribes are using biological assessments in their programs now – USEPA Summary of Biological Assessment Programs ad Biocriteria Development for States, Tribes, Territories and Interstate Commissions: Streams and Wadeable Rivers EPA-822-R WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
X Biological Condition Gradient-Protect HQ Waters 1 2 3
Natural structure and function of biotic community maintained 1 2 Minimal changes in structure & function X Evident changes in structure and minimal changes in function 3 Biological Condition 4 Moderate changes in structure & minimal changes in function Talking Points: The purpose of this descriptive framework is to provide an ecologically based model for communication of biological condition. The descriptive, incremental gradient should enable more precise information about current conditions. “Fly in:” By more accurately characterizing the condition of waterbody – with quantitative measures – able to set thresholds that are more protective and prevent the waterbody from slipping from excellent to fair before management action initiated. 5 Major changes in structure & moderate changes in function 6 Severe changes in structure & function Increasing Level of Stress WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Biological Condition Gradient – Incremental Goals
Natural structure and function of biotic community maintained 1 2 Minimal changes in structure & function 3 Evident changes in structure and minimal changes in function Biological Condition Moderate changes in structure & minimal changes in function 4 Talking Point: “Fly in:” Additionally, when waters are degraded, this approach can be used to set incremental, measurable goals for restoration and then monitor progress towards achieving those goals. These incremental goals can be revisited as progress made – and new goals set for further improvement if deemed possible and desirable. 5 Major changes in structure & moderate changes in function 6 Severe changes in structure & function Increasing Level of Stress WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Designated Aquatic Life Uses: Maine Example
1 Class AA/A: Aquatic life as naturally occurs 2 Class B: Ambient water quality sufficient to support life stages of all indigenous species. 3 Biological Condition Class C: Ambient WQ sufficient to support life stages of all indigenous fish species & maintain structure & function. Building on existing programs: MAINE Point out: 4 use classes – can be mapped on BCG. Remind re 6 tiers are a starting point for thinking of how to characterize biological change and set measurable, incremental benchmarks. 6 Increasing Level of Stressors WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Maine Tiered Uses Based on Measurable Ecological Values
Narrative Standard Ecological Value Quantifiable Measures Taxonomic and Numeric Equality ; Presence of Indicator Taxa Similarity, Richness, Abundance, Diversity; EPT, Indicator Taxa, Biotic Index CLASS A natural Retention of taxa and numbers; Absence of hyperdominance; Presence of sensitive taxa Community loss; Richness; Abundance; diversity; equitability; evenness; EPT; Indicator Taxa, Biotic Index CLASS B unimpaired, maintain indigenous taxa Resistance, Redundancy; Resilience; Balanced Distribution Richness; Diversity; Equitability; Evenness CLASS C maintain structure and function Energy Transfer; Resource assimilation; Reproduction Trophic groups; Richness; abundance; community loss; fecundity; colonization rate WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Narrative and Numeric Biocriteria
Narrative and Numeric Biocriteria Narrative Biocriteria- General Statements of Desired Level of Biological Condition for a Given Use Designation. Numeric Biocriteria- Specific Quantitative Measures (e.g., Metrics) of Desired Level of Biological Condition for a Given Use Designation. Biocriteria – Definition: Numeric Values or Narrative Descriptions that are Established to Protect the Biological Conditions of the Aquatic Life Inhabiting Waters of a Given Designated Use. While narrative biocriteria are general statements, numeric biocriteria are specific quantitative indicators of desired biological condition. To derive a numeric criterion, an aquatic community's structure and function are measured numerically at designated reference sites. These values are set as a reference condition, which is formally incorporated into the criteria statement. Examples of numeric criteria that measure the relative differences between communities include - similarity indices, - coefficients of community loss, and - comparisons of lists of dominant taxa. WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Developing Biocriteria
Select standardized, consistent Bioassay Protocols Classify water bodies into similar groups or classes Identify reference sites in each class Conduct bioassessments at reference sites in each class Derive Biocriteria (Technical) Select responsive metrics Develop scoring for each metric Aggregate metrics MMI: Following the establishment of narrative biological criteria in standards, the first step is for States to develop standard protocols for use in producing quantitative biological criteria. The reference site establishes the unimpaired baseline for comparison with the site under consideration. Evaluations of the results of the surveys of reference site are used to set quantifiable measures applicable to the individual waterbody. Develop Biocriteria for each Aquatic Life Use Apply Biocriteria to all Water Bodies WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Applying Biocriteria Sample test sites and compare to biocriteria
Applying Biocriteria Sample test sites and compare to biocriteria Impaired Condition Not Impaired Diagnose Cause of Impairment No Action Required (Continue Monitoring) By conducting the assessment or survey of the subject waterbody and comparing it to the reference condition you could determine possible impact and impairment of the designated use. If there is impairment of the subject waterbody and non-attainment of the designated use. Implement Corrections (Continue Monitoring) WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
MAINE Water Quality Re-Classification History
MAINE Water Quality Re-Classification History UPGRADES = 1,441 miles Class C to Class B= 68 miles Class B to Class A= 798 miles Class B to Class AA= 59 miles Class A to Class AA= 346 miles DOWNGRADES = 5 miles Class B to Class C (UAA due to impoundment + point sources) Reasons? Trout & Atlantic salmon protection Tribal petitions Point-source improvement; dam removal WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Tiered Aquatic Life Uses (TALU)
Tiered Aquatic Life Uses (TALU) Management Goals for protection and restoration of aquatic life (aquatic life uses) Detailed biological information about the characteristics of aquatic organisms expected in a waterbody Quantifiable (biological criteria) Talking points: Designated Uses – management goals for aquatic life protection in WQS. TALU approach: Detailed biological information about the characteristics of aquatic organisms expected to be found in a specific waterbody - referenced to natural, or undisturbed, conditions. Technical framework underpinning TALU – organizing scientific information to help determine the highest attainable use for a waterbody, Background notes: The TALU document provides examples of practical and scientifically sound approaches based on the technical expertise and practical experience of aquatic ecologists from around the country, including scientists from State and Tribal water programs. Many States and Tribes are using biological assessments in their programs now – USEPA Summary of Biological Assessment Programs ad Biocriteria Development for States, Tribes, Territories and Interstate Commissions: Streams and Wadeable Rivers EPA-822-R WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
TALU Benefits Demonstrate environmental outcomes
TALU Benefits Demonstrate environmental outcomes - What we are measuring is what we are trying to protect Strengthen Water Management Programs - More precisely define and measure aquatic life goals - Better assess current and potential conditions - Quantify progress towards meeting aquatic life goals - More effectively communicate the health of the waters to the public Talking Points: Because bioassessments are basis for TALUS – we are better able to demonstrate environmental outcomes. Bioassessments directly measure the resource we are trying to protect and its response to any and all of these stressors. TALU is a tool that can be used to strengthen W M programs in the follow ways ….. TALU is based on the successes of existing state programs that have demonstrated the benefits – such as Maine (next slide). Background Notes: State capacity exists (see State/Tribal summary document). Better approaches being sought – a fundamental component is the ability to better define and measure appropriate goals for a water. Important implications for 303d listing. Bottom Line: TALU – an improved approach for determining appropriate goals for a waterbody and for communicating that information to multiple audiences. Can build on existing programs. Cite: NRC report. Important message from draft document foreword: In the more than 30 years since the Clean Water Act (CWA) was passed, there has been considerable progress in the science of aquatic ecology and in the development of biological monitoring and assessment techniques. During the 1970s, the biological goals adopted into State or Tribal water quality standards as designated aquatic life uses may have been appropriately general (e.g., “aquatic life as naturally occurs”) given the limited data available and the state of the science. However, while such general use classifications meet the requirements of the Clean Water Act and the implementing federal regulations, they may constitute the beginning, rather than the end, of appropriate use designations. Improved precision may result in more efficient and effective evaluation of attainment of condition and utilization of restoration resources. Finally, improved precision in uses can enhance demonstrating progress towards management goals. Tiered aquatic life uses, based on the biological condition gradient model presented in this document, can help States and Tribes to better define and develop more precise, scientifically defensible aquatic life uses that account for the natural differences between waterbodies and should result in more appropriate levels of protection for specific waterbodies WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
Bioassessment-based ALUS and Criteria: Take Away Messages
WQS PROGRAM: Take Away Messages
WQS PROGRAM: Take Away Messages Biological criteria have attributes that chemical criteria do not Biological Information and criteria play a role in all facets of water quality management Biological Information can be used to develop more appropriate aquatic life uses and the criteria to protect them. WQSA Module 11: Biological Criteria
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