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1 Chapter 4 Product, Process, and Service Design
2 Product/Service Design Product/service design directly affects: l Product/service quality l Production/delivery cost l Customer satisfaction
3 Product/Service Design and Development l Sources of Product Innovation l Developing New Products/Services l Getting Them to Market Faster l Improving Current Products/Services l Designing for Ease of Production l Designing for Quality l Designing and Developing New Services
4 Sources of Product/Service Innovation l Customers l Managers l Marketing l Operations l Engineering l Research and Development (R&D) l Basic research l Applied research
5 Steps in Developing New Products 1. Technical and economic feasibility studies 2. Prototype design 3. Performance testing of prototype 4. Market sensing/evaluation and economic evaluation of the prototype 5. Design of production model 6. Market/performance/process testing and economic evaluation of production model 7. Continuous modification of production model
6 Steps in Developing New Products 1. Technical and Economic Feasibility Studies l Determine the advisability of establishing a project for developing the product l If initial feasibility studies are favorable, engineers prepare an initial prototype design
7 Steps in Developing New Products 2. Prototype Design l This design should exhibit the basic form, fit, and function of the final product l It will not necessarily be identical to the production model
8 Steps in Developing New Products 3. Performance Testing of Prototype l Performance testing and redesign of the prototype continues until this design-test-redesign process produces a satisfactorily performing prototype
9 Steps in Developing New Products 4. Market Sensing/Evaluation and Economic Evaluation of the Prototype l Accomplished by demonstrations to potential customers, market test, or market surveys l If the response to the prototype is favorable, economic evaluation of the prototype is performed to estimate production volume, costs, and profits l If the economic evaluation is favorable, the project enters the production design phase.
10 Steps in Developing New Products 5. Design of Production Model l The initial design of the production model will not be the final design; the model will evolve
11 Steps in Developing New Products 6. Market/Performance/Process Testing and Economic Evaluation of Production Model l The production model should exhibit: l low cost l reliable quality l superior performance l the ability to be produced in the desired quantities on the intended equipment
12 Steps in Developing New Products 7. Continuous Modification of Production Model l Production designs are continuously modified to: l Adapt to changing market conditions l Adapt to changing production technology l Allow for manufacturing improvements
13 Managing Product Development Projects l About 5% of all new-product ideas survive to production, and only about 10% of these are successful. l It is best to cancel unpromising new-product/service development projects early! l Employees often become emotionally caught up in these projects and are overly optimistic l An impartial management review board is needed for periodic reviews of the progress of these projects.
14 Getting New Products to Market Faster l Speed creates competitive advantages l Speed saves money l Tools to improve speed: l Autonomous design and development teams l Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) l Simultaneous (concurrent) engineering
15 Tools to Improve Speed to Market l Autonomous Design and Development Teams l Teams are given decision-making responsibility and more freedom to design and introduce new products/services l Time-to-market has been slashed dramatically l Enormous sums of money have been saved l Teams do not have to deal with the bureaucratic red tape ordinarily required to obtain approvals
16 Tools to Improve Speed to Market l Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) l Engineers, using CAD/CAM, can generate many views of parts, rotate images, magnify views, and check for interference between parts l Part designs can be stored in a data base for use on other products l When it is time for manufacturing, the product design is retrieved, translated into a language that production machinery understands, and then the production system can be automatically set up.
17 Tools to Improve Speed to Market l Simultaneous (Concurrent)Engineering Economic and Technical Feasibility Studies Product/ Service Ideas Production Process Design Product/Service Design Produce and Market New Product/Service Continuous Interaction
18 Improving the Design of Existing Products/Services l Focus is improving performance, quality, and cost l Objective is maintaining or improving market share of maturing products/services l Little changes can be significant l Small, steady (continuous) improvements can add up to huge long-term improvements l Value analysis is practiced, meaning design features are examined in terms of their cost/benefit (value).
19 Designing for Ease of Production l Ease of Production (Manufacturability) l Specifications - Precise information about the characteristics of the product l Tolerances - Minimum & maximum limits on a dimension that allows the item to function as designed l Standardization - Reduce variety among a group of products or parts l Simplification - Reduce or eliminate the complexity of a part or product
20 Designing for Quality l Crucial element of product design is its impact on quality l Quality is determined by the customer’s perception of the degree of excellence of the product/service’s characteristics l Chapter 7 covers the principles of designing products/services for quality
21 Designing and Developing New Services Three general dimensions of service design are: l Degree of Standardization of the Service l Custom-fashioned for particular customers or basically the same for all customers? l Degree of Customer Contact in Delivering the Service l High level of contact (dress boutique) or low level (fast-food restaurant)? l Mix of Physical Goods and Intangible Services l Mix dominated by physical goods (tailor’s shop) or by intangible services (university)?
22 Designing and Developing New Services l Differences Between New Service and New Product Development l Unless services are dominated by physical goods, their development usually does not require engineering, testing, and prototype building. l Because many service businesses involve intangible services, market sensing tends to be more by surveys rather than by market tests and demonstrations.
23 Process Planning and Design
24 Inputs: Product/Service Information Product/Service Information Production System Information Production System Information Operations Strategy Operations Strategy Process Planning & Design: Process-Type Selection Process-Type Selection Vertical Integration Studies Vertical Integration Studies Process/Product Studies Process/Product Studies Equipment Studies Equipment Studies Production Procedures Studies Production Procedures Studies Facilities Studies Facilities Studies Outputs: Process Technology Process Technology Facilities Facilities Personnel Estimates Personnel Estimates Process Planning and Design System
25 Major Factors Affecting Process Designs l Nature of product/service demand l Degree of vertical integration l Production flexibility l Degree of automation l Product/Service quality
26 Nature of Product/Service Demand l Production processes must have adequate capacity to produce the volume of the products/services that customers need. l Provisions must be made for expanding or contracting capacity to keep pace with demand patterns. l Some types of processes are more easily expanded and contracted than others. l Product/service price affects demand, so pricing decisions and the choice of processes must be synchronized.
27 Degree of Vertical Integration l Vertical integration is the amount of the production and distribution chain that is brought under the ownership of a company. l This determines how many production processes need to be planned and designed. l Decision of integration is based on cost, availability of capital, quality, technological capability, and more. l Strategic outsourcing (lower degree of integration) is the outsourcing of processes in order to react quicker to changes in customer needs, competitor actions, and technology.
28 Production Flexibility l Product flexibility -- ability of the production (or delivery) system to quickly change from producing (delivering) one product (or service) to another. l Volume flexibility -- ability to quickly increase or reduce the volume of product( or service) produced (or delivered).
29 Degree of Automation l Advantages of automation l Improves product quality l Improves product flexibility l Reduces labor and related costs l Disadvantages of automation l Equipment can be very expensive l Integration into existing operations can be difficult
30 Product/Service Quality l Old viewpoint – high-quality products must be made in small quantities by expert craftsmen l New viewpoint – high-quality products can be mass- produced using automated machinery l Automated machinery can produce products of incredible uniformity l The choice of design of production processes is affected by the need for superior quality.
31 Types of Process Designs l Product-Focused l Process-Focused l Group Technology/Cellular Manufacturing
32 Product-FocusedProduct-Focused l Processes (conversions) are arranged based on the sequence of operations required to produce a product or provide a service l Also called “Production Line” or “Assembly Line” l Two general forms l Discrete unit – automobiles, dishwashers l Process (Continuous) – petrochemicals, paper
33 PurchasedComponents,Subassemblies Product-FocusedProduct-Focused 22 31 4 1 7 6 5 ComponentsSubassem. Assemblies Product/Material Flow Production Operation Assemblies Raw Material Components Compon. Subassem. Fin. Goods
34 Product-FocusedProduct-Focused l Advantages l Lower labor-skill requirements l Reduced worker training l Reduced supervision l Ease of planning and controlling production l Disadvantages l Higher initial investment level l Relatively low product flexibility
35 Process-FocusedProcess-Focused l Processes (conversions) are arranged based on the type of process, i.e., similar processes are grouped together l Products/services (jobs) move from department (process group) to department based on that particular job’s processing requirements l Also called “Job Shop” or “Intermittent Production” l Examples l Auto body repair l Custom woodworking shop
36 Process-FocusedProcess-Focused CuttingAssemblySandingFinishingPlaning Drilling Shaping Turning 11 55 77 33 22 11 66 33 66 44 22 Job A Job B 4455 Custom Woodworking Shop
37 Process-FocusedProcess-Focused l Advantages l High product flexibility l Lower initial investment level l Disadvantages l Higher labor-skill requirements l More worker training l More supervision l More complex production planning and controlling
38 Group Technology/Cellular Manufacturing l Group Technology l Each part produced receives a multi-digit code that describes the physical characteristics of the part. l Parts with similar characteristics are grouped into part families l Parts in a part family are typically made on the same machines with similar tooling
39 Group Technology/Cellular Manufacturing l Cellular Manufacturing l Some part families (those requiring significant batch sizes) can be assigned to manufacturing cells. l The organization of the shop floor into cells is referred to as cellular manufacturing. l Flow of parts within cells tend to be more like product-focused systems
40 Group Technology/Cellular Manufacturing l Advantages (relative to a job shop) l Process changeovers simplified l Variability of tasks reduced (less training needed) l More direct routes through the system l Quality control is improved l Production planning and control simpler l Automation simpler
41 Group Technology/Cellular Manufacturing l Disadvantages l Duplication of equipment l Under-utilization of facilities l Processing of items that do not fit into a family may be inefficient
42 Group Technology/Cellular Manufacturing l Candidates for GT/CM are job shops having: l A degree of parts standardization l Moderate batch sizes
43 Product/Process Design & Inventory Policy l Standard Products and Produce to Stock l Sales forecasts drive production schedule l Maintain pre-determined finished-goods levels l MRP forecast drives material ordering l Custom Products and Produce to Order l Orders set production schedule and drive material deliveries l Design time (preproduction planning) may be required before production can be scheduled
44 Process Design in Services l Some of the factors important in process design for products are also important in services: l Nature (level and pattern) of customer demand l Degree of vertical integration l Production flexibility l Degree of automation l Service quality
45 Deciding Among Processing Alternatives l Batch Size and Product/Service Variety l Capital Requirements l Economic Analysis l Cost Functions of Alternative Processes l Break-Even Analysis l Financial Analysis
46 Process Design Depends on Product Diversity and Batch Size Small Batch Size Large Few Number of Product Designs Many ProductFocused,DedicatedSystems ProductFocused,BatchSystem Process-Focused, Job Shop Job Shop CellularManufacturing
47 Capital Requirements l The amount of capital required tends to differ for each type of production process l Generally, the capital required is greatest for product- focused, dedicated systems l Generally, the capital required is lowest for process- focused, job shops l The amount of capital available and the cost of capital are important considerations
48 Economic Analysis l Cost Functions of Processing Alternatives l Fixed Costs l Annual cost when production volume is zero l Initial cost of buildings, equipment, and other fixed assets l Variable Costs l Costs that vary with production volumes l Labor, material, and variable overhead
49 Cost Functions of Processing Alternatives Annual Cost of Production ($000) UnitsProduced Per Year 100,000 250,000 CellularManufacturingPreferred Automated Assembly Line Preferred JobShopPreferred 500 1,000 2,000 1,500 Job Shop Cellular Manuf. Autom. Assembly Line
50 Cost Functions of Processing Alternatives l Example Three production processes (A, B, and C) have the following cost structure: Fixed Cost Variable Cost Process Per Year Per Year Fixed Cost Variable Cost Process Per Year Per Year A$120,000 $3.00 A$120,000 $3.00 B 90,0004.00 B 90,0004.00 C 80,0004.50 C 80,0004.50 What is the most economical process for a volume of 8,000 units per year?
51 Cost Functions of Processing Alternatives l Example TC = FC + v(Q) TC = FC + v(Q) A: TC = 120,000 + 3.00(8,000) = $144,000 per year B: TC = 90,000 + 4.00(8,000) = $122,000 per year C: TC = 80,000 + 4.50(8,000) = $116,000 per year The most economical process at 8,000 units is Process C, with the lowest annual cost.
52 Economic Analysis l Break-Even Analysis l Widely used to analyze and compare decision alternatives l Can be displayed either algebraically or graphically l Disadvantages: l Cannot incorporate uncertainty l Costs assumed over entire range of values l Does not take into account time value of money
53 Break-Even Analysis l Example Break-Even Points of Processes A, B, and C, assuming a $6.95 selling price per unit Break-Even Points of Processes A, B, and C, assuming a $6.95 selling price per unit Q = FC / (p-v) Q = FC / (p-v) A: Q = 120,000 / (6.95 - 3.00) = 30,380 units B: Q = 90,000 / (6.95 - 4.00) = 30,509 units C: Q = 80,000 / (6.95 - 4.50) = 32,654 units Process A has the lowest break-even point.
54 Economic Analysis l Financial Analysis l A great amount of money is invested in production processes and these assets are expected to last a long time l The time value of money is an important consideration l Payback period l net present value l internal rate of return l Profitability index
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