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HTML A brief introduction HTML1. HTML, what is? HTML is a markup language for describing web documents (web pages). HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup.

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Presentation on theme: "HTML A brief introduction HTML1. HTML, what is? HTML is a markup language for describing web documents (web pages). HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup."— Presentation transcript:

1 HTML A brief introduction HTML1

2 HTML, what is? HTML is a markup language for describing web documents (web pages). HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language A markup language is a set of markup tags HTML documents are described by HTML tags Each HTML tag describes different document content HTML2

3 HTML, browsers, servers, PHP, etc. Browsers Browsers receive HTML (and other things) from an HTTP server. The browser renders the HTML PHP is a programming language targeted at producing HTML PHP is executed in an HTTP server PHP can make HTML dynamically Depending on input, etc. browsers will receive different HTML HTML3

4 HTML5 HTML5 is the latest HTML version HTML5 includes HTML Markup language CSS Cascading Style Sheets = Colors and styling JavaScript A programming language executed by the browser W3C makes the HTML standards W3C standards are usually ahead of browsers Most browser implement most of the standards (but not all of the standards) HTML4

5 HTML and XML HTML is an XML language. HTML documents must be well formed HTML documents must have a single root element HTML elements must have a closing tag My heading or HTML tags are case sensitive HTML elements must be properly nested HTML attribute values must be quoted HTML documents must be valid Conform to the HTML standard specifying Element names Element attributes Element nesting, etc. The head of the HTML document must refer to actual version the standard Example: HTML5

6 Block level vs. inline elements Block level elements are usually rendered in block(!) Space before and after the block Examples to Inlne elements are usually rendered inline(!) Examples HTML6

7 HTML validators and the importance of being valid An HTML validator will check an HTML document Well formed Valid, according to the standard mentioned in the DOCTYPE section in the head of the document Common validators W3 Validators build in to editors like Adobe Dreamweaver Most browsers will show HTML documents even if the document is not valid Browser will show the document trying to “guess” the missing / illegal parts of the document. Parts of the document might not be shown Different browser might “guess” differently Search engine optimization Search engines (like Google, etc.) have a hard time indexing non-valid HTML documents Maybe the document will simply not be indexed at all. HTML7

8 HTML editors There is a huge number of HTML editors from NotePad and up … We will use NetBeans This is not the best HTML editor in the World, but we are going to use it later for PHP development. You can easily change the default template for new HTML documents to something that conforms with correct modern HTML. Menu: Tools -> Templates XML validate your document Menu: Run -> Validate XML HTML8

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