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- Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 ANNUAL SALES PLANNING FY 200_ - 200_ VBU _ _ _.

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Presentation on theme: "- Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 ANNUAL SALES PLANNING FY 200_ - 200_ VBU _ _ _."— Presentation transcript:

1 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 ANNUAL SALES PLANNING FY 200_ - 200_ VBU _ _ _

2 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 2 1. Unit’s Financial Details ParticularsMeasure UnitProjected for FY 05 -06For the FY 04-05 (till Q3) Total RevenueUSD Mn Gross Profit Margin USD % Billing Rates (Off Shore)USD/ Hr Billing Rates (On-Site)USD/ Hr Order BookUSD Mn -  All revenue figures should be in USD Mn

3 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 3 2.1 Collaborative Revenue- HCU Collaborating Units Projected Revenue FY 2005-06 Projected Revenue FY 2004-05 Actual Revenue FY 04 -05 (Till Q3) Exp. Q4 Revenue CES EABIS ES HITECH MITS MSG QUALITY SAP NIPUNA SATYAM GIS  All revenue figures should be in USD Mn

4 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 4 2.2 Collaborative BU Details Collaborating Units Projected Revenue FY 2005-06 Projected Revenue FY 2004-05 Actual Revenue FY 04 -05 (Till Q3) Exp. Q4 Revenue RBU EUROPE RBU APAC MEIA RBU CANADA TIMES MFG BFS HLP INSURANCE GOVT/REINS T&L  All revenue figures should be in USD Mn

5 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 5 3. Projected Service Offerings Delivering VBU/HCU Service Offering (SO) Criticality of SO Projected Revenue FY 2005-06 Projected Revenue FY 2004-05 Actual Revenue FY 2004-05 Important (1 – 10) Urgent (1 – 10)  All revenue figures should be in USD Mn

6 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 6 4. Key Account Details Triple Platinum AccountsPlatinum AccountsOther Accounts NameAct. Revenue (04-05) till Q3 NameAct. Revenue (04-05) till Q3 NameAct. Revenue (04-05) till Q3  Click here for classification of Accounts Click here for classification of Accounts

7 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 7 5.1 Vision for FY 2005-06  ** 1 indicates the most important Objective Unit’s Strategic Objectives (SO) for 2005-06 Importance of the Objective ** (1 – 5) Critical Success Factors (CSF) for the (SO) Action Items to cover the (CSF)# AIC Remarks (if any)  # can be Certified Resources required, Leads & Referrals, Service Offering Maturity, HCU participation in pre-sales etc

8 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 8 5.2 S.W.O.T Analysis of VBU Parameter of Assessment Strength (S)Weakness (W)Opportunity (O)Threat (T)Supporting Reference ** Future Action Point Product Technology Alliances Customer References Resource Pool Quality of delivery Experience/ Domain Expertise Pre-Sales Effectiveness  ** Reference should support your ratings on SWOT. E.g. Analyst Rating, No. of certified resources, Reputed Alliances  In the BU’s domain etc.

9 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 9 5.3 Ext Environment Attractiveness Industry Segment Market Size (Mn $) Growth Rate (%) CompetitorsChallenges Faced Attractiveness of Segments Segment Rank Revenue Potential (H/L) Profitability Potential (H/L)  All revenue figures should be in USD Mn

10 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 10 5.4 Opportunity Landscape Opportunity Name Expected Value (Mn $) Expected Close Date ECNB / ECEB NCNB / NCEB Type of Opportunity Required Collaborative Units Required Collaborative Support **  ** in terms of Resources required, IP creation, Service Offering required etc

11 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 11 5.5 Target Companies for FY 05-06 Company Name Expected Revenue (Mn $) Type of Project Base Service Offerings Collaborating Units Support Required **  ** Identify the support required for developing relationship with the Target companies

12 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 12 6. Opportunity Success Indicator Customer Name Existing / New Won Or Lost In FY 2004-05 Lost to Or Won from Whom Exp. Revenue (Mn $) Collaborating Unit (s) 1.Reasons for Loss 2.Lessons Learnt 3.Best Practice followed  Fill in the above for PPP or P accounts for FY 2004-05

13 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 13 Concerns Issues Expected Contribution to Resolve the IssueImportance ( 1 - 5) Urgency (1 – 5) Action Item Proposed ** From VBUFrom Collaborative Unit 7. Concerns/Issues  Rate 1 for least severe  Rate 5 for most severe  ** Action Item should be tangible & measurable

14 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 14 8. Detailed Unit Sales Plan  Please open the above embedded file to enter your account wise yearly plan for FY 2005-06

15 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 15 9.1.A Planning – Existing Projects Existing Projects (Addl requirements) 306090 Customer Name Onsite / OffshoreOrgCollRemarks*OrgCollRemarks*OrgCollRemarks* Customer A On128 EABIS-3, SAP -5 Off Customer B On Off Customer C On Off  Provide details for all (PPP) & (P) Customers of your Unit – this data will reflect in 30/60/90 Plan for your Unit  * Provide break up of collaborating resources required – as shown  Add more rows if necessary

16 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 16 9.1.B Planning – Existing Projects Existing Projects (Addl requirements) Q 2Q 3Q 4 Customer Name Onsite / OffshoreOrgCollRemarks*OrgCollRemarks*OrgCollRemarks* Customer A On Off Customer B On Off Customer C On Off  Provide details for all (PPP) & (P) Customers of your Unit – this data will reflect in 30/60/90 Plan for your Unit  * Provide break up of collaborating resources required – as shown  Add more rows if necessary

17 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 17 9.1.C Planning – New Opportunity Existing Projects (Addl requirements) 306090 Customer Name Onsite / OffshoreOrgCollRemarks*OrgCollRemarks*OrgCollRemarks* Customer A On Off Customer B On Off Customer C On Off  Provide details for all (PPP) & (P) Customers of your Unit – this data will reflect in 30/60/90 Plan for your Unit  * Provide break up of collaborating resources required – as shown  Add more rows if necessary

18 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 18 9.1.D Planning – New Opportunity Existing Projects (Addl requirements) Q 2Q 3Q 4 Customer Name Onsite / OffshoreOrgCollRemarks*OrgCollRemarks*OrgCollRemarks* Customer A On Off Customer B On Off Customer C On Off  Provide details for all (PPP) & (P) Customers of your Unit – this data will reflect in 30/60/90 Plan for your Unit  * Provide break up of collaborating resources required – as shown  Add more rows if necessary

19 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 ADDITIONAL TEMPLATES - MODELS Please fill if Required

20 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 20 10. Industry Interaction Model Cost advantage / Economies of scale / Capital Requirement Learning Curve, Proprietary products, Brand Identity Government policies Brand Identity, product differentiation Backward & forward integration levels Price – availability of information across industry Individual leverage ability Impact of inputs on cost / differentiation of Supply Switching costs of firms in the Industry Threat of forward integration Presence of substitute inputs Customer inclination to switch Price-performance of product Switching cost to the Customer Kindly note that this is a sample model. Units are free to provide their own Interaction Models

21 - Satyam Computer Services Limited - QTCSP1W01/1.0 21 Account Name:Type of Account VBU:Triple Platinum Account Plan for the FY:Platinum Year of Acquisition:If Potential Platinum, Select conditions (Y / N) Years of Relationship: (as on Last March) 1. Traction at CXO Level PRM:2. 0.50 Mn. $ Rev. p.m. RM:3. Fortune 500 Listed Year of Establishment of Account: Corporate Contact Details Fortune Classification Current Year Previous Year Location wise IT Spending? LocationsCurrent year(Current+1) year(Current+2) year USA Europe ME&A Region - APAC Region - India

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