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Health Outcomes due to Alcohol 14 July 2005 Kanitta Bundhamcharoen MOPH.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Outcomes due to Alcohol 14 July 2005 Kanitta Bundhamcharoen MOPH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Outcomes due to Alcohol 14 July 2005 Kanitta Bundhamcharoen MOPH

2 Acknowledgement Ratchata Tangsiripat IHPP Thaksapon Thamarangsi IHPP and the Thai Working Group on burden attributable to risk factor Theo Vos Majid Ezzati

3 Outline What are the effects of alcohol on health? How do we measure the health loss? How many healthy life years were lost due to alcohol?

4 Consumption, Mediators & Effects Patternvolume Chronic disease Accidents/ injuries (Acute disease) Acute social problems Chronic social problems Intoxicatio n Toxic effectDependenc e Ref: Babor et al. (2003)

5 Basic CRA framework and goals Risk factor levels current distribution counterfactual distribution(s) Disease burden Risk factor-disease relationships risk accumulation risk reversal Attributable burden Avoidable burden

6 Burden of Disease Burden of disease analysis provides a standardized framework for integrating all available information on mortality, causes of death, individual health status, and condition-specific epidemiology to provide an overview of the the levels and causes of population health

7 Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) One DALY is one lost year of ‘healthy’ life DALY = YLL + YLD –DALY (Disability-Adjusted Life Years) = YLL (Years Lost Due to Premature Death)+YLD (Years Lived With Disability) YLL = Dx * Ex (use standard life table (West level 26)) YLD = Incidence * DW * Duration

8 birth Death/Life expectancy 0 yr 80 yr ill death person Years lost due to premature death(YLLs) Years lived with disability (YLDs) DALYs = YLDs + YLLs

9 Basic CRA framework and goals Risk factor levels current distribution counterfactual distribution(s) Disease burden Risk factor-disease relationships risk accumulation risk reversal Attributable burden Avoidable burden

10 Burden of Disease and injuries Thailand, 1999 1 HIV/AIDS 960,087 17 HIV/AIDS 372,947 9 2 Traffic accidents 510,907 9 Stroke 280,673 7 3 Stroke 267,567 5 Diabetes 267,158 7 4 Liver cancer 248,083 4 Depression 145,336 4 5 Diabetes 168,372 3 Liver cancer 118,384 3 6 Ischaemic heart disease 164,094 3 Osteoarthritis 117,994 3 7 COPD (emphysema) 156,861 3 Traffic accidents 114,963 3 8 Homicide and violence 156,371 3 Anaemia 112,990 3 9 Suicides 147,988 3 Ischaemic heart dis 109,592 3 10 Drug dependence/ Harmful use 137,703 2 Cataracts 96,091 2 Rank Disease category MALE DALYs loss Disease category FEMALE DALYs loss % % Source: Thai Working Group on BOD, 2002

11 11 Alcohol dependence/harmful use 130,654 2 COPD (emphysema) 93,387 2 12 Cirrhosis 117,527 2 Deafness 87,612 2 13 Lung cancer 106,120 2 Lower respiratory tract infections 84,819 2 14 Drownings 98,464 2 Low birth weight 83,879 2 15 Depression 95,530 2 Dementia 70,191 2 16 Osteoarthritis 93,749 2 Anxiety disorders 66,835 2 17 Tuberculosis 93,695 2 Schizophrenia 60,800 2 18 Deafness 93,497 2 Tuberculosis 60,643 2 19 Low birth weight 91,934 2 Birth trauma & asphyxia 57,488 1 20 Anaemia 87,610 2 Nephritis & nephrosis 55,258 1 Burden of Disease and injuries Thailand, 1999 Source: Thai Working Group on BOD, 2002 Rank Disease category MALE DALYs loss Disease category FEMALE DALYs loss % %

12 Risk Burden Source: Thai Working Group, MOPH, 2003

13 Risk Burden

14 Risk burden by age group

15 Alcohol 5% 6% 14% Stroke 6% Cirrhosis 12% Burden attributable to alcohol: M Dependence 25% Traffic accidents 22% Suicides Homicide and violence ca liver

16 Burden attributable to alcohol: F Alcohol dependence 44% CA Liver Cirrhosis 7%

17 Data Sources

18 Alcohol Consumption Prevalence – Inter Asia (2000) Data Average volume drinking category II: –females 20 – <40 g pure alcohol daily –males 40 – <60 g pure alcohol daily Average volume drinking category III: –females 40+ g pure alcohol daily –males 60+ g pure alcohol daily

19 Alcohol consumption: Male

20 Alcohol consumption: Female

21 Relative Risk MF HazardHarmHazardHarm CA mouth/ pharynx 1.855.391.855.39 CA oesophagus 2.384.362.384.36 CA liver3. CA larynx3.94.933.904.93 CA breast <45 111.411.46 CA breast 45+ 111.381.62 Diabetes (NIDDM) 0.570.730.871.13 Ref: Ezzati et al (2004)

22 Relative Risk MF HazardHarmHazardHarm Epilepsy7.526.837.227.52 hypertension24.122 IHD0.831 1.12 Ischaemic stroke 1.331.650.641.06 Haemorrhagi c stroke 2.192.380.657.98 Cirrhosis9.5139.513 Cholelithiasis0.680.50.680.5 LBW1.4 Ref: Ezzati et al (2004)

23 Injuries Fraction of alcohol related injuries from Injury surveillance data

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