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40 th Coccidosis Conference and Workshop “Taxonomy (α and β) and Systematics of the Coccidia” John R. Barta and R. Scott Seville University of Guelph,

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Presentation on theme: "40 th Coccidosis Conference and Workshop “Taxonomy (α and β) and Systematics of the Coccidia” John R. Barta and R. Scott Seville University of Guelph,"— Presentation transcript:

1 40 th Coccidosis Conference and Workshop “Taxonomy (α and β) and Systematics of the Coccidia” John R. Barta and R. Scott Seville University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada University of Wyoming, WY, USA

2 Goals of the Conference Overview of Coccidia from various host groups Working with coccidia from different hosts Identifying common issues related to: collection and preserving specimens collection and preserving specimens archiving type specimens and other materials archiving type specimens and other materials ‘sufficient’ species descriptions, type material “What is a species?” ‘sufficient’ species descriptions, type material “What is a species?” generating phylogenetic hypotheses generating phylogenetic hypotheses Open discussion

3 Speakers Coccidia from Mammals – R. Scott Seville Coccidia from Amphibia – Matthew Bolek Coccidia from Snakes – Steve Upton Coccida from Birds – John R. Barta Role of Molecular Markers - Kate Miska - Dagmara Motriuk-Smith

4 Discussion – Some of the Bigger Issues Future of the ‘Coccidia of the World’ Database and Website NSF-PEET program? Some sort of TaxWiki? Who will run this essential archive? Tools for α-taxonomy (and really β-taxonomy) of coccidia “What is a species?” ‘sufficient’ species descriptions, type material molecular characterizations – what target(s)? archiving type specimens and other materials All need to be address to assist in generating phylogenetic hypotheses that will last….

5 BarCoding of Coccidia? based on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase gene widely used to examine strain variation in the haemsporid apicomplexans (Plasmodium spp. and their relatives) better primer sets required for coccidia Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding expects throughput of 500,000 samples/year shortly Hajibabaei, Mehrdad et al. (2006) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103, 968-971

6 Acknowledgements Donald W. Duszynski, Steve J. Upton and Lee Couch for their ongoing contribution to the study of coccidia through the Coccidia of the World database Donald W. Duszynski, Steve J. Upton and Lee Couch for their ongoing contribution to the study of coccidia through the Coccidia of the World database ASP for hosting this meeting ASP for hosting this meeting Sponsors: Sponsors:

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