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2D Guidance for Excavators on the 3D Display. Configuring a 2D Hex Machine If this was a 2D only display you would only see “Depth and Slope”

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Presentation on theme: "2D Guidance for Excavators on the 3D Display. Configuring a 2D Hex Machine If this was a 2D only display you would only see “Depth and Slope”"— Presentation transcript:

1 2D Guidance for Excavators on the 3D Display

2 Configuring a 2D Hex Machine If this was a 2D only display you would only see “Depth and Slope”

3 Configuring a 2D Hex Machine

4 AccuGrade/GCS900 2D Excavator Operating Modes AccuGrade/GCS900 2D Excavator has the same core functions as the AccuGrade/GCS600 Hex 5 Operating Modes – Depth Mode – Depth & Slope Mode – Measure Mode – Profile Mode – Level Mode

5 AccuGrade/GCS900 2D Excavator Operating Modes Differences – Vertical Setup contains the main AccuGrade/GCS600 Hex Guidance modes – Level Mode is now a view – Measure mode has its own dialog and can be accessed in any mode

6 2D Excavator Guidance

7 AccuGrade/GCS900 Excavator Guidance Modes Job RequirementOperating Mode Flat-bottom excavation, leveling work, basements, footers, foundations, comparing elevations Depth Mode Slope-bottom excavation; sloped trenches, embankments Depth Slope Mode Measure slope between two pointsMeasure Mode Create a multi-segment profile in a single pass Profile Mode Check the pitch and roll angles of the cabLevel View Select the Mode for the task at hand

8 Depth Memory Focus Depth Increment & Edit Accept Laser Strike CB430/CD700 Button & Softkey Functions Touch Point Slope Memory Focus Slope Increment & Edit Bench Clear Bench Next Key (to level view) Setup Menu Profile View Panning Profile Creation Escape KeyZoom Keys Power Key OK Key

9 Vertical Set-up : Depth Flat-bottom excavation, leveling work, basements, footers, foundations, comparing elevations


11 Depth – Split View Screen Note: The two red target design lines will be at different heights The Profile view Manually Zooms and the Cross Section view Auto Zooms

12 Depth – Split View Screen Depth to grade Direction to Grade Laser Strike Indicator Bucket Slope (tilt or non tilting bucket) Touch Point Dynamic Profile View Grade indication line Depth Memory Indicator Bucket Reach (Centre) Units Dynamic Bucket Cross- Section View Target Depth Bench Softkey Laser Catcher enabled Text Items (configurable)

13 AccuGrade/GCS600 Hex Depth Mode Screen Grade indication line Dynamic bucket position Bucket ID Laser reference indicator Tilt bucket data (optional) Actual Elevation Memory indicator Bucket reach Direction to grade Depth to gradeUnits Target Depth Laser Strike indicator

14 AccuGrade/GCS900 2D Excavator Terminology Benchmark: this is the defined “zero” point for depth and reach values Target Depth: the vertical distance to the trench bottom from Bench (zero) – This value is adjusted by the operator at any time using the depth menu softkey – Values are stored in Memories D1, D2, and D3, etc.

15 AccuGrade/GCS900 2D Excavator Terminology Reach: radial distance (in/out) of the bucket tip with respect to Bench (zero) – This value is calculated and changes dynamically – AccuGrade/GCS900 displays an arrow next to the reach text item indicating which way the bucket has moved from the bench point – No sign is displayed Cut/Fill: vertical distance from the bucket tip to the Target Depth – This value is calculated and changes dynamically – Arrow indicates direction to grade – No sign is displayed

16 Vertical Set-up : Depth - Features Benchmark – Set the zero point Multiple Buckets – AccuGrade/GCS900 has no limit of the number of defined buckets AccuGrade/GCS600 Hex has up to 9 buckets – Edit bucket names Depth Memories – AccuGrade/GCS900 has no limit to the number of depth memories AccuGrade/GCS600 Hex has 2 to 7 depth memories Touch-Point – Use to maintain benchmark when machine is moved Laser Reference – requires additional equipment – Use to maintain benchmark when machine is moved

17 Benching 101 1.Place the bucket teeth on the benchmark – Do not physically move the benchmark 2.Press the Bench softkey – Elevation and Reach are set to zero 3. Enter a Target Depth (if desired) or select required depth memory 4. You are ready to work….. Note: You can move the machine and re-bench off the benchmark or a previous pass

18 Depth Memories 0.00 BENCHMARK D1 D2 D3… D7

19 Touch-Point Feature Used to move machine from Location A to Location B Use when no laser is available Must have common hard point accessible from both locations Only available after system is Benched LOCATION A LOCATION B COMMON HARD POINT (ROCK)BENCHMARK 0.00

20 Touch-Point Feature Place bucket focus point on common hard point Press the Touch Point Softkey on display to activate Move machine Place bucket focus point on common hard point again Push the OK key to accept or press Escape to cancel

21 Laser Feature Use the laser to carry the benchmark information from Location A to Location B Advantages:– Allows one benchmark to cover a large site – More accurate as you don’t propagate errors LOCATION A LOCATION B

22 Using the Laser 1-2-3 1)Bench the system as before 2) Reference the laser 3) Dig 4) Move the machine 5) Reference the laser 6) Continue Digging

23 Laser Icons “Light House” icon appears when the laser has been previously referenced but the bench has been cleared “Laser Reference” icon appears when laser info is stored after the system has been benched

24 Referencing a Laser “Laser” Softkey appears when a valid laser strike is detected Icon appears for 3 seconds Then disappears Accept laser strike by pressing “Laser” Softkey If not accepted, laser strike is ignored

25 Referencing a Laser - Summary 1.Move laser catcher into the beam 2.Wait for “Laser” Softkey to appear 3.Push “Laser” Softkey to accept laser strike 4.“Laser Reference” icon appears

26 Referencing a Laser – Maximizing Accuracy Accuracy is best when Laser Catcher is vertical – Near vertical is fine Also better when you move slowly through the beam – Experiment to find out how fast is OK for your job If millimetre accuracy is not required on the job, then relax these requirements to what suits you best

27 Advanced Feature – Depth From Laser Used when no benchmark is available near machine Calculates Depth values from the Laser, not from the Benchmark Laser is defined to be 0.00 Elevation Depth Memories calculated from Laser

28 Depth From Laser Special icon appears Reach information is not displayed 0.00 D1 D2 D3

29 Method – Depth From Laser 1.Ensure that the system is in an “unbenched” state – Hold Bench Softkey down for two seconds 2.Position the machine so that the laser catcher detects the laser transmitter’s beam 3.Reference the laser – As before – Depth from laser icon is now shown 4.You are ready to use the Depth from Laser functionality

30 Operation Considerations: Depth Mode Grade guidance is to bucket center by default You can configure the bucket focus position in the configuration menu AccuGrade/GCS600 Hex supported on bucket centre Cab rotation is supported Only for Depth Mode Dual axis pitch/roll sensor will compensate for depth change as cab rotates Laser transmitter beam must be level for Depth Mode operation

31 Vertical Set-up Depth Slope Slope-bottom excavation; sloped trenches, embankments

32 Depth Slope: Definition of Terms 0.00 BENCHMARK TARGET DEPTH Cut/Fill (DEPTH TO GRADE) TARGET SLOPE

33 Depth Slope – Split View Screen

34 Dynamic Profile View Grade indication line Depth Memory Indicator Dynamic Bucket Cross-Section View Target Depth Bench Softkey Laser Catcher enabled Slope Memory Indicator Target Slope Depth to grade Direction to Grade Laser Strike Indicator (if laser detected) Bucket Slope (tilt or non tilting bucket) Touch Point Bucket Reach (Centre) Units Text Items (configurable)

35 AccuGrade/GCS600 Hex Depth & Slope Mode Screen Target Slope Bucket ID Laser reference indicator Depth to gradeUnits Laser Strike indicator Grade indication line Dynamic bucket position Tilt bucket data (optional) Actual Elevation Depth Memory indicator Direction to grade Target Depth Slope Memory indicator

36 Depth Slope Mode Features Same features as Depth Mode except: Target slope information is displayed GSC600 Hex did not display reach On-grade line shows slope Slope memories displayed Use the Depth Softkey and Slope Softkey to select required memory

37 TARGET SLOPE Using Laser in Depth & Slope Mode

38 Operational Considerations: Depth & Slope Mode Cab rotation is not supported Slopes are only correct in one cab orientation Cab must point up-slope or down-slope only When using a Laser Only single slope is supported (not dual slope) Must enter slope into laser transmitter Must enter matching slope value into the CB430/CD700 Take care to get the direction correct Do not rotate cab to catch laser! “Depth from Laser” works same as in Depth Mode

39 Vertical Set-up Profile Mode Create a multi-segment profile in a single pass

40 Profile Mode: Example 1 X Z Point 1 (0,0) Point 2 (X2,Z2) Point 3 (X3,Z3) Point 4 (X4,Z4) Point 5 (X5,Z5)

41 Profile Mode: Example 2 X Z Point 1 (0,0) Point 2 (X2,Z2) Point 3 (X3,Z3) Point 4 (X4,Z4) Point 5 (X5,Z5)

42 Profile – Split View Screen Profile Origin Profile Memory Indicator Profile Flip Elevation Reference Icon (laser referenced) Depth to grade Direction to Grade Laser Strike Indicator (if laser detected) Bucket Slope (tilt or non tilting bucket) Bucket Reach (Centre) Units Text Items (configurable) Dynamic Profile View Grade indication line Dynamic Bucket Cross-Section View Bench Softkey Laser Catcher enabled

43 Profile Mode Screen Tilt bucket data (optional) Reach Profile Number Bucket ID Laser reference indicator Depth to gradeUnits Actual Elevation Direction to grade Grade indication line Dynamic bucket position

44 Profile Mode Operation User to create profile definition – AccuGrade/GCS600 Hex limited to 6 line segments and 7 points Profile editor to define enter X,Z coordinates of points 2 through x – X - reach from benchmark – Z – elevation change from benchmark Point 1 is defined to be (0,0) Can define profile by touching points with bucket tooth – “Use Bucket” feature Can use Laser referencing Multiple profiles can be defined and stored – AccuGrade/GCS600 Hex limited to 9 profiles Features not available: – Depth from Laser – Touch-Point – Depth/Slope memories

45 Profile Definition Use arrow keys on the display to move point 2 into position If you want to edit a point use the arrow softkeys

46 Profile Definition When finished press OKPress OK again to select and load profile Select the point you want to bench on If you wanted to Flip the Profile then you can – Otherwise you are ready to dig

47 Profile Details – Data Card Files Profile files are stored in the “.Profile” folder

48 Measure Mode Measure slope between two points

49 Measure Mode Operation Very simple mode Used to measure slope between two points Only inputs available are “Origin” & “Bucket Tip: xxx” to measure between points Rotation of cab is not supported –Points must be measured without rotating the cab AccuGrade/GCS900 adds an extra feature here that AccuGrade/GCS600 Hex did not do –AccuGrade/GCS900 lets you measure a between two points and save the resulting slope –This slope is added as a new Slope Memory

50 Measured Slope (from origin point) Measure Mode Dialog Actual Slope line (from bench point) Actual Elevation Change Reach (Horizontal Distance) Slope Direction Indicator Tilt Bucket Data (optional) Slope Distance (from origin point) Bucket Focus Selection Origin Save Slope to slope memory Scale Bar Origin Point Dynamic bucket position

51 Measured Slope (from bench point) AccuGrade/GCS600 Hex – Measure Mode Screen Actual Slope line (from bench point) Actual Elevation Change Reach Slope Direction Indicator Tilt Bucket Data (optional)

52 Measuring 1.Put bucket on a starting point 2.Select the required bucket focus Left, centre, or right 3.Press Origin To select a different origin, re-press Origin 4.Move the boom / stick and bucket The slope, elevation change and reach information with respect to the starting point is displayed along with the bucket

53 Saving a Slope Repeat the steps for measuring a slope Once you move the bucket and have pressed “Origin”, the “Save Slope” Softkey will be displayed When you have measured the desired slope then press “Save Slope” The measured slope will be added as a new slope memory – If you are currently in Depth Slope mode the saved slope will become the active slope – If you are running in Profile or Depth modes the saved slope will be active when you next run Depth Slope mode

54 Level View Check the pitch and roll angles of the cab

55 Level View Machine Pitch Machine Roll The machine is level when the “bubble” is in the center of the cross-hairs “Bubble”

56 Miscellaneous

57 Miscellaneous Sections Laser Catcher Dialog Text Items Reach to Surface Text Items Bucket Focus New Arm/Body Measurements for AccuGrade/GCS900 Increment Adjustment

58 Laser Catcher Laser Catch Dialog Under Installation Menu

59 New 2D HEX Text Items

60 Reach to Surface Text Item New Text item for 2D Hex Gives you the horizontal distance to the closest surface Also has an arrow indication to tell you which direction that surface is

61 Bucket Focus Default is Center

62 New Arm/Body Measurements

63 Boom Pin Measurements – Positive Direction Offset Positive direction is to the right from the Center Of Rotation Reach Positive direction is forward from the Center Of Rotation

64 Laser Catcher Measurements When the stick is curled in as shown: – ML is Positive when L is Below BG – BL is Positive when L is closer to G than the orthogonal extension from B of BG

65 Laser Catcher Measurements L ML is Positive BL is Positive ML is Positive BL is Negative ML is Negative BL is Positive ML is Negative BL is Negative M B G

66 Increment Adjustment Increment adjustment dialog to adjust depth and slope increments

67 Increments Cont. To edit your depth or slope memory press and hold the memory Softkey you want to edit Example, want to edit the slope – Press and hold the Slope Memory Softkey You are taken to the Slope Memory dialog Use the increment Softkeys to edit the slope

68 Increment Example Press & Hold Use Increment and Decrement Softkeys to edit Option to set to Zero

69 Questions ?

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