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Ad Hoc Disease Transmission Advisory Committee Fall 2014.

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1 Ad Hoc Disease Transmission Advisory Committee Fall 2014

2 Recent Public Comment Proposal Aligning OPTN Policies with the 2013 PHS Guideline for Reducing Transmission of HIV, HBV, and HCV through Organ Transplantation Specific concerns from public comment feedback :  Need NAT testing standardization  Guidance on how to proceed with initial positive results (triplex tests)  Hemodialysis as a risk factor  Need educational materials for candidates considering increased risk organ offer  How to handle recipient consent for increased risk living donor

3 Aligning OPTN Policies with the 2013 PHS Guideline for Reducing Transmission of HIV, HBV, and HCV through Solid Organ Transplantation Board approved November 13, 2014  NAT requirements to be implemented upon completion of programming in UNet sm (Summer 2015?)  All remaining new/updatedpolicies in proposal to be implemented February 1, 2015 Recent Public Comment Proposal

4  Board approved this new guidance document on November 13, 2014.  Meant to complement changes to living donor evaluation requirements  Available on OPTN and TransplantPro sites as a professional resource Recognizing Seasonal and Geographically Endemic Infections in Organ Donors: Considerations during Living Donor Evaluation

5 Modifications to Deceased Donor Testing Requirements  Implemented September 1, 2014  Temporary manual solution in place until programming is complete to capture HIV combination antigen/antibody and syphilis testing requirements  More details available in July 2014 Policy NoticeJuly 2014 Policy Notice Policy Implementation Dates

6 New Donor Information Learned Post-Transplant, Sharing with Recipient Centers  Joint subcommittee evaluating potential failure points in communication process  Patient Safety Contact is not working effectively in many cases  Do you have suggestions on who should be the point of contact for this information? Is the on call coordinator a more appropriate contact point?  January 2015 public comment planned Ongoing Committee Initiatives

7 What to do when serologies affecting match run appearance are updated  If results are pending when match is executed, patients are not screened off even if results come back positive  Current policy does not require match run be re- executed if positive results are learned during allocation for the following tests:  HBV core Ab, HCV, HTLV (if completed), and CMV (intestine only) Ongoing Committee Initiatives

8 What to do when serologies affecting match run appearance are updated  Joint subcommittee may require the match run be re-executed for any positive serologies that could impact allocation/screening  Liver allocation may be especially sensitive -rapidly change list (both due to new listing and candidate status changes)  What to do when new, sicker candidates appear on new match ahead of the potential recipient who had provisionally accepted an offer?  January 2015 public comment planned Ongoing Committee Initiatives

9  Dan Kaul, MD Committee Chair  Shandie Covington Committee Liaison Questions?

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