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API 17N Subsea Production System Reliability, Integrity, and Technical Risk Management Don Wells Hess Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "API 17N Subsea Production System Reliability, Integrity, and Technical Risk Management Don Wells Hess Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 API 17N Subsea Production System Reliability, Integrity, and Technical Risk Management Don Wells Hess Corporation

2 History / Status Document released in 2009 Specification contains: – Life Cycle Process (LCP) – Define, Plan, Implement, Feedback (DPIF) Loop – 12 Key Practices (KP) – Technology Qualification Process – Technology Readiness Level

3 Initial Plan / Path Forward Process – Split into 5 subgroups (now 6) – Industry Leaders – Common Template Introduce IM into the scope of 17N: – Define IM – Expand the Life Cycle Processes – Reassessment through remediation – Define TRL progression

4 Detail Expand the Life Cycle Process – Provides balance and depth to the document – Communication of goals & requirements 4 Feasibility Concept Selection FEEDDetailed Design Manufacturing & Assembly SIT, Installation, & Commissioning OperationDecommissioning

5 Detail Change to a Dual-DPIF loop – Add Remediation cycle – Facilitates Integrity Management

6 Specification Development (Greenfield Projects)

7 Specification Development (Brownfield Projects).. and acceptance criterion

8 Deadline for comments on ‘November 1 st issue’ December 10 th November 1 st Issue of complete document (Main section and ALL Annexes) October 14 th August 21 st January 31 st Final API RP 17N Issue Deadline for comments on ‘August 21 st issue’ Issue of document (Main section and Annexes A & C) API RP 17N Meeting to discuss high level comments and comments from decomworld conference API RP 17N Meeting November 1 st to introduce comments spread sheet and close out outstanding comments. API RP 17N Meetings Key dates October 15 th October 28 th January 13th Meeting to close out outstanding comments. Current Progress Progressed Plan as Presented in Previous Meetings

9 Progress Workshop held in Washington – Solicited Input from outside of 17N – Minutes and Summary Document distributed to all participants – Feedback incorporated into 17N

10 Progress Workgroups Submitted Input – Using Common Template Edited into a Single Document – Astrimar Circulated for Comment within 17N Committee – 3 rounds, 1,000+ – Last Comments Due Dec 10 th – Clarification Discussions at Jan 13 th meeting

11 Progress Comments have been Prioritized – Are currently being included Not full Fidelity for all comments / subjects – Decommissioning – Obsolescence – Field Life Extension – Human Factors – Configuration Management / MOC – Final Document Due January 31+

12 17Q History Plans for API 17Q – Last meeting, we were asked to blend 17Q into 17N – Work indicated that this was not best approach – Rationale Different Subjects Qualification Not Unique to 17N Expect Revision at a Different Rate – Qualification /Verification details from 17N will be Incorporated into 17Q

13 17Q Plans Path Forward – 17Q Committee to establish current Status January 30th – Define an “Ideal” version – Define a “Minimum” version – Make decision on Path Forward Minimum Version of Document – with planned future revision Ideal Version plus Technical Report & Work Plan Organizational Needs Funding Needs Schedule

14 Plans Original Plans included a “Pre-Ballot” Workshop – Change of Plans Not a New Document Large Active Committee Potential to Circulate to Washington Workshop attendees – OK? OTC Paper submitted – Presentation as part of API 17 Session

15 Next Complete Planned Activities – Deliver Summary Report on Completion Recommended Next Steps Issue Document to API Format, Ballot, etc. Question How do we “Deliver” to Industry – API University – Industry Training

16 Thanks You’s To Everyone Involved – Workgroup Leaders – Participants – Workshop Attendees – Astrimar – BSEE Large Amount of Effort by everyone Large amount of detail developed, considered and Worked Even with the Growth in Scope, effort continued and quality maintained A great deal of quality work was completed!

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