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Chemical Warfare During World War I

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1 Chemical Warfare During World War I
By: Sam Katz

2 Chlorine Battle of Ypres 1915 - The first large scale use.
Used by the Germans. Yellowish color. Eyes, Nose, and Throat. French first to use gas, tear gas. French & Alegerian troops suffered. 168 tons of liquid chlorine, heavier than air. Ran from the clouds of gas. Choked to death. Blinded. 5,000 dead, 10,000 wounded. 4 mile breech. 2 days later, they released more gas on the canadians, they used a cloth dipped in urine or bicarbonate of soda as a form of a gas mask. Many died. From , sides pushed for development of gases and defense. September 1915, british troops gas attacked the germans in belgium, great success, captured germans. Chlorine Gas


4 Phosgene German use in late 1915 Invisible
Choke, Gasp for air & Suffocate 10x’s more deadly than Chlorine. Within a few months, the british were also using phosgene. The French set up. British Gas Mask

5 The Germans and their gas tanks
Chloropicrin German use. Colorless. Penetrated masks. First Chloropicrin, then Phosgene. Chloropicrin would make you want to throw up. German mixed Chloropicrin with Phosgene so when you went to throw up, you would inhale the phosogene. The Germans and their gas tanks

6 Mustard Gas Dihloroethyl sulfide. Smelled like Mustard or horseradish.
Oily brown liquid. “King of the war gases.” The liquid would burst out of the shells, the soldiers would remove their masks thinking it was harmless. But within a few hours they would start to show side effects like nausea and vomiting, sever burns, temp. blindness. Gas could get through the masks and clothes = blisters. Effects of Mustard Gas

7 Effects of Mustard Gas

8 Horse and soldier gas mask
Defense to the Gases Mask’s. Newer & Better Gases Techniques. French respirator Canister of Gas Horse and soldier gas mask

9 Dugout from Gas Attacks

10 Long run. Poison gases became essential. 113,000 tons of poison gas.
92,000 Deaths 1.3 million causalities. Gases were in everything, artillery, motar shells. WW1 became a chemical warfare test. 50 different gases experimented on animals, and humans. Chlor The French loading canisters of gas. Gas Shells on No Man’s land

11 Sources Pringle, Laurence P. Chemical and Biological Warfare : The Cruelest Weapons. New York: Enslow, Incorporated, America : The Twentieth Century. Evanston: McDougal Littell Incorporated, Duffy, Michael. "Weapons of War: Poison Gas." First World War: The War to End All Wars. 5 May Oct < "Mustard gas burns." 20 Oct Oct < Charles, Heller E. "Chemical Warfare in World War I." Sept Oct < "Gas Related Photos." Photos of the Great War. 23 Oct <

12 The End!

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