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M etadata E nrichment for R epositories in a L ondon I nstitutional N etwork MERLIN.

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Presentation on theme: "M etadata E nrichment for R epositories in a L ondon I nstitutional N etwork MERLIN."— Presentation transcript:

1 M etadata E nrichment for R epositories in a L ondon I nstitutional N etwork MERLIN

2 L EAP A ggregated S earch S ervice O nline Created during the third phase of the LEAP Employs OAI-PMH for shared, cross-repository search interface Currently harvests metadata from 10 repositories

3 MERLIN Addresses need for subject searching across the LEAP repositories. Mines full-text items in LEAP repositories Creates innovative, visual search interface Enables better discovery of repository content without additional metadata.

4 Project initially serves the LEAP consortium members – Just the fact of the development work has increased the uptake of LASSO – Has exposed needs within the consortium that had not been considered originally MERLIN

5 What we’re building: Repository Search page TerMine tool Weighted terms User Interface: Tag Cloud Thesaurus RSS

6 MERLIN database of mined terms created Tag cloud generator up and running Initial user feedback incorporated into design for MERLIN search page 2 nd iteration of user interface ready for testing Where are we now?






12 What next? Continue to improve mined terms. – Eliminate noise References - abbreviated journal titles Table headings Symbols and letters – Combine other tools with TerMine

13 What next? Develop third generation interface User survey of UKCoRR community Continue to work on tag cloud functionality Explore more advanced ways of presenting results

14 What next? Add structured navigation High Level Thesaurus – Cloud versus search options? Other possibilities for specific domains? – From MeSH to AAT

15 noise asynchronicity Social welfare static Static coordination game unique monotone equilibrium p r social learning Dynamic coordination game Private information vanish endogenous order wb related term synonymrelated term synonym broader term narrower term

16 Not so much ‘lessons learned’ as ‘problems understood’... Making TerMine do what we wanted Building meaningful and innovative visual search Developing a concept for adding structure to the freeform cloud

17 Impact New search interface Subject based search possibilities without the expensive cataloguers Chance for repository managers to offer added value within their own search pages – sans Google

18 What’s exciting? Implementations... Big and small institutions. Science and arts. Other aggregations? Future collaborations.

19 Thanks for listening. Any questions or comments?

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