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GETTING TO SMAART GOALS Vision – Goals – Action Plans.

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Presentation on theme: "GETTING TO SMAART GOALS Vision – Goals – Action Plans."— Presentation transcript:

1 GETTING TO SMAART GOALS Vision – Goals – Action Plans

2 Vision to Action Vision is the “big picture” of where we are going as a neighborhood Goals are specific ways that we will work toward the vision Action Plans provide the details on how goals will be accomplished

3 GOALS Specific, Measurable, Relevant, Aggressive yet Achievable, Time-bound (SMAART)

4 SMAART Goals Specific Measureable Relevant Aggressive Achievable Time-bound

5 SMAART Goals Specific Explicitly state what you want to happen, where and to whom. Use verbs/action words – Develop, Build, Demolish, Provide, etc. Specific area or population What is the purpose?

6 SMAART Goals Measurable Identify the current, or baseline, value and the level or amount of change that is expected. Numbers Percent Change Reduction of/reduction to Increase of/increase to Need to know baselines

7 SMAART Goals Aggressive, yet Achievable Create a sense that success is difficult, but achievable and realistic. If you overreach, your target audience may turn away completely. Not “we’re going to hit that anyway” Eliminate is probably not achievable

8 SMAART Goals Relevant Logically related to the vision. Must help achieve the vision in a way that makes sense to most people. Just because some smart people are rich and have horses doesn’t mean giving a horse to a poor person will make them rich or well-educated.

9 SMAART Goals Time-bound Activities are limited in time and space. While you always hope and plan for permanent change be realistic about when to measure the effect that you can achieve. Identify the end point of your strategy and the points along the way at which you’ll measure progress.

10 ACTION PLANS How are we going to reach our goals?

11 Action Plans Actions Manageable steps toward goal Result in something (plan, decision, funding, physical, event)

12 Action Plans Responsible Party May be primary (lead) or support May be multiple organizations Try to focus on roles or organizations, not specific people Shouldn’t be listed unless they agree/commit to implementation

13 Action Plans Timeline Can be expressed as a date, month, or quarter Can be ongoing Not all dates should be in the first six months

14 Action Plans Performance Measures What will be the outcome of the action? What will be produced? How much will the action improve an indicator? What indicators will be used?

15 Action Plans ActionResponsible Party TimelinePerformance Measure Goal: _______________________________________


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