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WELCOME! LOOK AT OUR BELL WORK FOR FRIDAY:  [5 min] Bell Work: Imitate the following structure. Use different words/topic.  The KKK should be considered.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME! LOOK AT OUR BELL WORK FOR FRIDAY:  [5 min] Bell Work: Imitate the following structure. Use different words/topic.  The KKK should be considered."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME! LOOK AT OUR BELL WORK FOR FRIDAY:  [5 min] Bell Work: Imitate the following structure. Use different words/topic.  The KKK should be considered a terrorist organization because they targeted innocent people, they used violence, and they ignored law enforcement. The Klan was led by whites, yet they often targeted white people for associating with other races. However, some people disagree. The Ku Klux Klan, KKK, has definitely left a mark in history.  [10 min] SSR  Review norms—expectations that you are reading 2 hours a week at home, response in writer’s note book that should be kept in this room, recording pages read/setting goals, and conferring with Ms. Martin about your reading life.  You may read your choice OR To Kill a Mockingbird.

2 AGENDA  [4 min] Book Talk  Listen as I share a cool book you may want to read  Record book on our “Book Talk” list

3  Allegory is a form of writing in which the setting, characters, and actions in the story actually represent something else.  There are two different meanings to the story:  One: the literal meaning (EXPLICIT) of the story (what is actually happening in the book)  Two: a deeper meaning (IMPLICIT) that the story represents. Write in current unit!.

4 ALLEGORY…  Characters are often personifications of abstract ideas such as revenge, justice, greed, or envy.  Example: “Animal Farm”  Literal Meaning: Book is about animals on a farm.  Figurative Meaning: The book represents the Russian Revolution and the specific animals take the place of important figures such as Stalin, Trotsky, and Lenin.

5 ANALYSIS  [15 min] Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots  Look at song lyrics while we listen to the song.  T2T as we listen (thoughts, ideas, questions, connections, important words, etc.)  Turn and talk to elbow partner about what is happening in the song.  Discuss as a whole class.  Listen a second time for further meaning of Part 2.

6 APPLICATION  [15 min] Review chapters 2-3 in To Kill a Mockingbird  What could the classroom scene also represent or symbolize on another level?  Why would the author choose to do this?

7 Double-Entry Journal: Allegory in Chapters 2-3 Character/Description Allegory + Quote to support your claim 1.Miss. Caroline 2.Scout 3.Walter Cunningham _____________________ EXAMPLE: (Animal Farm) Napoleon: Outspoken leader of Animal Farm. He is manipulative and devious. He takes control of the farm through force Joseph Stalin, the second leader of the Soviet Union. “This work was strictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half.”

8 HOMEWORK  Read chapters 4-6 while keeping our essential question in the back of your mind.  Who or what is behind social class hierarchy?  Be prepared to write about and discuss what you’ve read on Monday.

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