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CS 347Notes 121 CS 347: Parallel and Distributed Data Management Notes12: Time and Clocks Hector Garcia-Molina.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 347Notes 121 CS 347: Parallel and Distributed Data Management Notes12: Time and Clocks Hector Garcia-Molina."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 347Notes 121 CS 347: Parallel and Distributed Data Management Notes12: Time and Clocks Hector Garcia-Molina

2 CS 347Notes 122 Reference: Leslie Lamport, Time, clocks, and the ordering of events in a distributed system, Communications of the ACM, Volume 21, Issue 7 (July 1978), pages: 558 - 565. Available at:

3 CS 347Notes 123 Time and clocks Time and clocks are fundamental concepts in distributed systems e.g.:timeouts identifying calls, transactions,… setting priorities versions of data...

4 CS 347Notes 124 What is time? How can clocks be implemented? Questions

5 CS 347Notes 125 Ordering of events More basic than time: event ordering event ahappened event b 9 am before 10 am Do not need physical time to order events event ahappened before event b can affect

6 CS 347Notes 126 Ordering of events “  ” is a partial ordering [ total ordering: for any two events a,b (a  b) either a  b or b  a partial ordering: a,b can be concurrent ]

7 CS 347Notes 127 The model ProcessProcessProcess P Q R P4P4 P3P3 P2P2 P1P1 R4R4 R3R3 R2R2 R1R1 Q7Q7 Q6Q6 Q3Q3 Q2Q2 Q5Q5 Q1Q1 Q4Q4 TIMETIME

8 CS 347Notes 128 Events within a process are totally ordered Sending or receiving a message is an event No assumptions about message transmission times E.g.: P 1  P 2 P 1  Q 2 P 3, Q 3 concurrent

9 CS 347Notes 129 Definition The relation  on the set of events of a system is the smallest relation satisfying the following 3 conditions: 1) if a,b events in same process, and a comes before b, then a  b 2) if a is sending a message and b is receipt of same message by a different process, then a  b 3) if a  b and b  c, than a  c assume a  a if a  b and b  a, than a,b are concurrent

10 CS 347Notes 1210 Logical Clocks ProcessProcess Process P QR P4P4 P3P3 P2P2 P1P1 R4R4 R3R3 R2R2 R1R1 Q7Q7 Q6Q6 Q3Q3 Q2Q2 Q5Q5 Q1Q1 Q4Q4 TIMETIME C R =9 C R =8 C R =7 C R =6 C R =5

11 Overview Logical Clocks Physical Clocks –basic properties –synchronization scheme –synchronization with clock server –probabilistic synchronization CS 347Notes 1211

12 CS 347Notes 1212 Logical Clock C i =logical clock (counter) at process i C[b] = reading of C j when event b occurs at process j Clock condition for any events a,b IF a  b THEN C[a] < C[b] No relationship to physical time

13 CS 347Notes 1213 Clock Condition If a and b are events in process i and a comes before b, then C i [a] < C i [b] If a is the sending of a message by process i and b is the receipt of that message by process j, then C i [a] < C j [b] C1C1 C2C2 If a  b THEN C[a] < C[b] can be satisfied if the following conditions hold:

14 CS 347Notes 1214 ProcessProcess Process P QR P4P4 P3P3 P2P2 P1P1 R4R4 R3R3 R2R2 R1R1 Q7Q7 Q6Q6 Q3Q3 Q2Q2 Q5Q5 Q1Q1 Q4Q4 TIMETIME C R =7 C R =5 C Q =10 7>5 by C1 10>7 by C2

15 CS 347Notes 1215 To implement C1, C2: IR1 Each process i increments C i between any two successive events IR2 - Let a be event “process i sends message to j” - Message contains timestamp T m = C i [a] - When message arrives at j (1) IF T m > C j THEN C j  T m (2) event “arrival of message” takes place

16 CS 347Notes 1216 Note: C i [a] < C j [b]  a  b Note: a,b concurrent  C i [a] = C j [b] Note: C i [a] = C j [b]  a,b concurrent

17 CS 347Notes 1217 Ordering Events Totally (breaking ties) Example: A server wants to execute requests in order a is event that originated one request (at client) b is event that originates second request (at other client) If C[a] < C[b], service a first (it could be that a  b) If C[a] = C[b], pick one (a,b concurrent) e.g., pick one with lower [ node#, process id ]

18 CS 347Notes 1218 Total Ordering Let “<” be a total ordering of the processes Define total ordering of events “  ” a  b (a event in process i; b in j) if and only if (1) C i [a] < C j [b] or (2) C i [a] = C j [b] and i < j “  ” not unique

19 CS 347Notes 1219 Anomalous behavior C=100C=50 Reserve a TelephoneReserve a seat call seat server Client AClient B 1 2 3

20 CS 347Notes 1220 Anomalous behavior C=100C=50 Reserve a TelephoneReserve a seat call seat server Client AClient B 1 2 3 C= 9am

21 CS 347Notes 1221 Solutions (1) Include “telephone call” in “system” (2) Use perfect physical clocks (3) Use real physical clocks - may be “slightly off” - does not eliminate anomaly, but reduces its likelihood - useful for fault detection

22 CS 347Notes 1222 Physical Clocks C i (t) = clock reading at process i at physical time t time=t C i (t)

23 CS 347Notes 1223 time=t C i (t) C i + (x) C i - (x) C i - (x)=lim C i (x - |  |) C i + (x)=lim C i (x + |  |) 00 x Assume Ci(t) is a continuous, differentiable function except when clock is reset (message arrived) 00

24 CS 347Notes 1224 How do we enforce clock condition? If a  b then C(a) < C(b)

25 CS 347Notes 1225 Each process i increments C i between any two successive events For each process i, if i does not receive a message at time t, then C i is differentiable at t and dCi(t) dt IR1 IR1’ Logical clocks > 0 process i a b TIMETIME

26 CS 347Notes 1226 Let a be event “process i sends message m to j” m contains timestamp T m = C i [a] when m arrives at j (1) IF T m > C j THEN C j  T m (2) event “arrival of m” takes place IR2 Logical clocks

27 CS 347Notes 1227 Let a be event “process i sends message m to j” at physical time t m contains timestamp T m = C i (t) Let  m be minimum transmission delay for m m arrives at process j at physical time t’ t’ > t +  m IF Tm +  m > C j - (t’) THEN C j +  T m +  m After clock adjust, event “arrival of m” takes place IR2’ optional

28 CS 347Notes 1228 i j t t’ m mm IF Tm +  m > C j - (t’) THEN C j +  T m +  m TIMETIME

29 CS 347Notes 1229 Additional properties Clock drift There exists a contstant k <<1 such that for all processes i dCi(t) dt - 1 < k PC1

30 CS 347Notes 1230 For typical crystal controlled clocks, k < 10 -6 time CiCi xx+1 y y+1 k k y+1+k y+1-k dCi(t) dt - 1 < k

31 CS 347Notes 1231 Clock synchronization for all i,j:| Ci(t) - Cj(t) | <  PC2

32 CS 347Notes 1232 can be satisfied if a message is sent on every link at least every  seconds PC2 diameter = d d=4 (not 3)

33 CS 347Notes 1233  let  m be the transmission time of message m  m = minimum delay + unpredictable delay  m =  m + Z m Assume constant  such that for all m: Z m   Assume that for all m:  m =  t 1 t2t2 maximum transit time:  +  shortest transit time: 

34 CS 347Notes 1234 Theorem PC2 holds for all t > t o +  d with   d(2k  +  ) (assuming  +  <<  ).

35 CS 347Notes 1235 Argument for d=1 slow fast sf Worst case scenario: t 1 : m leaves f for s with T m = C f (t 1 ) t 2 : m arrives at s: C s (t 2 ) = C f (t 1 ) +  C f (t 2 ) - C s (t 2 ) is as large as possible,  t 2 +  : no communication for  sec; f is as fast as possible, s as slow as possible. Just before communication at t 2 +  clocks are as far apart as possible, 

36 CS 347Notes 1236 t 2 +  t2t2 f s kk kk    time clock reading So,  = 2  +  Now just need largest possible 

37 CS 347Notes 1237 C f (t 1 ) t 1 C s (t 2 ) t 2 f s ++ C f (t 2 ) = C f (t 1 ) + (1+k)(  +  ) C s (t 2 ) = C f (t 1 ) +   = (1+k)(  +  ) -  max  = k(  +  ) + 

38 CS 347Notes 1238  =2k  +  max  = k(  +  ) +  Thus:  = 2  +  + k(  +  ) Assuming that k<<1 and (  +  ) <<  we get:   2  + 

39 CS 347Notes 1239 Summary Physical clocks: clock condition a  b  C(a) < C(b) drift < k | Ci(t) - Cj(t) | <  can be implemented as discrete

40 CS 347Notes 1240 Uses for Physical Clocks: (1) To order events (2) Timeouts Example: “Reply to my request by time t 1 ” At time t 2 = (  +  +  )( 1+  ) + t 1 we can timeout my clock may drift

41 CS 347Notes 1241 my node other t 1 on my clock  max trans  +  t 1 at remote clock t 2 = (  +  +  )( 1+  ) + t 1

42 CS 347Notes 1242 Do physical clocks rule out anomalous behavior? No anomalous behavior if C s (t 2 )>C f (t 1 )  min f fast clock s slow clock message out of system C f (t 1 ) C s (t 2 ) C s (t 1 )=C f (t 1 ) - 

43 CS 347Notes 1243 Worst possible scenario: Smallest possible transmission time  min C s, C f as far apart as possible C s (t 1 ) = C f (t 1 ) -  Smallest possible C s (t 2 ) = C f (t 1 ) -  + S.P.increment = C f (t 1 ) -  +  min (1-  ) No anomalous behavior if C s (t 2 )>C f (t 1 )

44 CS 347Notes 1244 No A.B. if C s (t 2 ) > C f (t 1 ) I.e., if C f (t 1 ) -  +  min (1-  ) > C f (t 1 )  1 - k  min >

45 CS 347Notes 1245 Using a clock service With IR2’, a fast clock speeds up all clocks Use instead a single, reliable clock service (eg. WWV), assume it is perfect “real time” (k=0) IR2’ is now: C j + (t ’ )  T m +  min whenever timing message arrives If max. transmission time from central clock is <  +  then  k    (1 + k  (Why? )

46 CS 347Notes 1246 Using a clock service - analysis 0  error at synchronization time, node j   node j server Cj=+Cj=+ Cj=+Cj=+ ++++ ++  time slowest clock message fastest clock message

47 CS 347Notes 1247 Using a clock service - analysis - cont.   elapsed time  server time 0  Node that got fastest message Node that got slowest message time  possible difference slow clock fast clock

48 CS 347Notes 1248 Why can period be   ? ++  t t +  server j   fast slow

49 CS 347Notes 1249   elapsed time  server time 0  Node that got fastest message Node that got slowest time    k(   kk worst case for clock reset

50 CS 347Notes 1250  server time 0  Node that got fastest message Node that got slowest time  k(   kk worst case for clock reset |C s (t) - C j (t)|    |C k (t) - C j (t)|  2  

51 CS 347Notes 1251 Setting clocks back C j (t) time timing msg arrives cannot use other solutions?

52 CS 347Notes 1252 How can we reset a clock after a failure?

53 CS 347Notes 1253 Probabilistic clock synchronization |C j (t) - C k (t)|  2k   k  CsCs k = drift  =update period  =max. transmission variability

54 CS 347Notes 1254 Probabilistic clock synchronization |C j (t) - C k (t)|  2k   k  CsCs k = drift  =update period  =max. transmission variability   % of messages transmission time

55 CS 347Notes 1255 Idea #1 When site j wants to synchronize, it requests time from server T 2  v C j  T+  +v/2 server time j assume k =0

56 CS 347Notes 1256 Idea #1 When site j wants to synchronize, it requests time from server T 2  v C j  T+  +v/2 server time j  T+  +v T assume k =0

57 CS 347Notes 1257 Idea #1 When site j wants to synchronize, it requests time from server T 2  v C j  T+  +v/2 server time j  T+  +v T T+  T assume k =0

58 CS 347Notes 1258 Idea #1 When site j wants to synchronize, it requests time from server T 2  v C j  T+  +v/2 server time j  T+  +v T T+  T |C s (t) - C j (t)|  v/2 assume k =0

59 CS 347Notes 1259 If we are lucky, v will be small and we get tight synchronization If we are unlucky, v is large and we lose!! |C s (t) - C j (t)|  v/2

60 CS 347Notes 1260 Idea #2 (a) pick desired desired bound, D (b) repeat request until v/2  D (c) if more than q requests, we die!

61 CS 347Notes 1261 area=p 22 2  D p.d.f of round trip delay Prob. 1 request fails = Pr[roundtrip time > 2   D]= p Prob. q requests fail = p q Prob. We can synchronize = 1 - p q  Choose q so that it is “very likely” that algorithm works...

62 CS 347Notes 1262 If k = 0, we are done –step 1: all nodes synchronize –step 2: we stay synchronized forever If k > 0, synchronize every  seconds homework…..

63 Excecise Consider the clock synchronization scheme described in Slides 54-58 (Notes 10), where a server site has an accurate clock. Assume that communications are asymetric, so that messages TO the server are "slower": –Largest minimum delay is  –Largest unpredictable delay is  2 messages FROM the server are "faster": –Largest minimum delay is  –Largest unpredictable delay is  1 and  1 <  2. Continue to assume that   is zero. At time t1 a node j sends a synchronization request to the server. At time t2 = t1 + v + , node j receives its reply CS 347Notes 1263

64 (1) When j gets the reply from the server at time t2 (containing server time T), to what value should it set its local clock? Answer: Cj(t2) <- T + v/2 +  (2) Right after the local clock is updated at j, how far apart can the local and server clocks be? That is, what is the largest possible value of | Cs(t2) - Cj(t2) | ? Answer: v/2 CS 347Notes 1264

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