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Dynamic Invocation, Optimisation and Interoperation of Services- oriented Workflow Lican Huang, David W. Walker, Omer F. Rana, Yan Huang School of Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic Invocation, Optimisation and Interoperation of Services- oriented Workflow Lican Huang, David W. Walker, Omer F. Rana, Yan Huang School of Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic Invocation, Optimisation and Interoperation of Services- oriented Workflow Lican Huang, David W. Walker, Omer F. Rana, Yan Huang School of Computer Science, Cardiff University CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005

2 Outline Introduction Framework of WOSE Prototype of WOSE Conclusion Future work CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005

3 WOSE Project(Workflow Optimisation Service for e-Science Applications) Funded by the EPSRC Cardiff University, Imperial College and Daresbury Laboratory Introduction-- background CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005

4 Introduction-- motivation (1) Diversities of Web service composition languages such as PDL, XPDL, BPSS, EDOC, BPML, WSCI, SWFL, and BPEL4WS (2)Diversities of workflow engines, Such as Activebpel, Oracle BPEL (3) Scientific workflow differs from business workflow in many ways. (4) Optimizing workfow by selecting web services and workflow engines among the copies of those at design time and run-time (5) There are some cases that the web services can not decided in design time. CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005

5 Introduction-- Issues to concern (1) mechanisms to discover and invoke Web services dynamically (2) mechanisms to optimize workflow performance by choosing Web services and workflow engines from those available (3) mechanisms to interoperate between workflow languages and engines. CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005

6 The WOSE Framework CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005

7 The WOSE Framework-- The WOSE Sequence Diagram CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005

8 The WOSE Framework-- Dynamic selection of Optimal web Services Service Discovery Service Selection Service Dynamic invoking Another paper submitted to AHM2005 CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005

9 Prototype-- XSLT flow chart from SCUFL to BPEL4WS CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005

10 ScuflBPEL4wsXslt-ruleWOSE service stringconstant Assign arbitrarywsdlInvokeDynamicInvoke1Standard service proxy SoaplabwsdlInvokeDynamicInvoke2Soaplab proxy SourceReceiveDataInputGetparameter SinkReplyOutputResultTail service Data linkSequence activity DatalinkAnalysis Concurrency constraint Control activity ControllinkAnalysi s Prototype-- Correspondence between Scufl elements and BPEL4WS CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005

11 Prototype-- Portion of the XSLT scripts CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005

12 Prototype— example of scufl to be run in Activebpel CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005

13 Prototype-- Result generated by WOSE for the above example. CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005

14 Conclusion CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005 1.Present WOSE framework for dynamic invocation, optimization, and interoperation 2.The WOSE framework supports dynamic discovery, dynamic selection and dynamic invoking of web services 3.WOSE framework supports dynamic selection of workflow engines. 4.WOSE framework supports interoperation between different languages and workflow engines. 5.WOSE framework supports dividing large workflow applications into many small blocks and overall optimization

15 Future work CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005 1.XSLT-converter supports transformation between more languages. 2.Further Implementation of dynamic invoking of arbitrary web services. 3.Further implementation of dynamic discovery and selection of Web services.

16 CCGrid2005 Wip section 12 May, 2005 Thanks Question?

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