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Hooray for Spiders! What do spiders look like? Spiders can be very large and have large webs.

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Presentation on theme: "Hooray for Spiders! What do spiders look like? Spiders can be very large and have large webs."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hooray for Spiders!

3 What do spiders look like? Spiders can be very large and have large webs.

4 What do spiders look like? Some spiders like this one hiding on the flower petal can be very hard to see because they are so small.

5 Where do spiders sleep? Spiders rest in their webs hiding in the corners so that other bugs will not see them. They even like to lay upside down!

6 Where do spiders live? Spiders can live anywhere! Some like to live in houses, Some like to live in gardens, Some even live in the Some even live in the ground! ground!

7 How do spiders catch their food? Spiders catch their food in their webs. Immediately after an insect flies into their web, they bite it and wrap it in silk.

8 What do spiders eat? Spiders eat insects. They will eat anything that flies into their webs.

9 What about baby spiders? Mother spiders lay their eggs and keep them safe in an egg sac. They spin their silk around the eggs. When the baby spiders are ready, they chew threw the sac and out they come!

10 How do spiders protect themselves? Spiders have hair all over their bodies. The hair helps the spider know when things are moving around it. They also have fangs that they bite their attckers with!

11 Hooray for spiders!! Spiders are in the arachnid family. They are not insects. Spiders are wonderful for catching pesky flies, annoying gnats, and other garden pests…Hooray for spiders!

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