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694-702 Understand and recognize the use of propaganda during World War II.propaganda Describe conditions on the home front during the Second World War.

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Presentation on theme: "694-702 Understand and recognize the use of propaganda during World War II.propaganda Describe conditions on the home front during the Second World War."— Presentation transcript:


2 694-702 Understand and recognize the use of propaganda during World War II.propaganda Describe conditions on the home front during the Second World War. Propaganda: Lies and half-truths designed to win support for one’s cause.

3 World War II Propaganda Directions: As we watch and listen to the following pieces of propaganda, write down how each tries to support the war. World War II Cartoon: “Daffy Duck Meets Der Fuehrer” “Daffy Duck Meets Der Fuehrer”Daffy Duck Meets Der FuehrerDaffy Duck Meets Der Fuehrer World War II Songs: Freedom Train Freedom Train Freedom Train Freedom Train Rosie The Riveter Rosie The Riveter Rosie The Riveter Rosie The Riveter In Der Fuehrer’s Face In Der Fuehrer’s Face In Der Fuehrer’s Face In Der Fuehrer’s Face

4 Mobilizing for World War II: 1.Creating a war economy War Manpower Commission – allocated workers among industries. War Production Board – managed industry and invested $17 billion into war factories. Office of Price Administration – set price controls on goods & rationing. All industries re-tooled to mfg. war materials. 2. Enlisting Science Office of Scientific Research and Development was created with goal of building atomic bomb.

5 Robert Oppenheimer The Manhattan Project “Trinity Test” Manhattan Project: Led by Robert Oppenheimer at Los Alamos, NM. Two plants to produce the plutonium and uranium for the bombs. (Richland, WA and Oak Ridge, TN). Trinity Test – 7/16/45 at Alamogordo Air Force Base in New Mexico.

6 American Indians American Indians 25,000 served in integrated units 25,000 served in integrated units Navajo “code talkers” Navajo “code talkers” African Americans African Americans – segregated units - 761 st Tank Batallian - 99 th Pursuit Squadron Women Women - 350k served in military - WASP- (Women Air Force Service Pilots) - (WAC-Women Army Corps; WAVES-Navy) 3. Mobilizing Americans

7 4. The Home Front Families impacted Families impacted –Service Wives –Latchkey Children –Scrap Drives –Victory Gardens Office of War Information Office of War Information –Developed propaganda –Censored soldiers letters –Blocked publication of war casualties.



10 4. The Home Front New Workers joined the workforce New Workers joined the workforce –Women- 1940=6 million; 1944=19 million –Mexican-Americans- Bracero Program –Native Americans – 40k took “off-reservation” jobs –Blacks- won modest gains under the Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC) –Japanese-Americans- 1942 FDR issued order #9066 for Internment Camps. 1942 FDR issued order #9066 for Internment Camps. Korematsu v. US (1944) Supreme Court Case Korematsu v. US (1944) Supreme Court Case




14 The Hellwig Brothers Farm (Chesterfield, MO), where nearly 100 internment camp relocatees are working. -- Gumbo, Missouri. 8/31/43

15 Japanese-American employees on the Hellwig Brothers farm west of St. Louis are here seen entering the specially built mess hall on the property.. 9/1/43


17 Kitchen crew at the Hellwig Brothers

18 Showing some of the dormitories and the mess hall which were built by the Hellwig Brothers on their farm. 9/2/43





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