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Engaging Middle Schoolers! By Priya and Susan. Objectives and Essential Question Objective: To learn how to learn various strategies about how to effectively.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Middle Schoolers! By Priya and Susan. Objectives and Essential Question Objective: To learn how to learn various strategies about how to effectively."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Middle Schoolers! By Priya and Susan

2 Objectives and Essential Question Objective: To learn how to learn various strategies about how to effectively manage your classroom. Essential Question: How can I create a positive, safe, and student-centered learning environment?

3 How will you be Assessed? Formatives: Classroom participation Teacher observation Four corners activity Closure activity

4 Today’s Plan of Action 1.Essential Agreements – 5 minutes 2.Video- 5 minutes 3. Starter: Think/PAIR/SHARE – 5 minutes 4.Creating a positive learning environment -2 minutes 5. Nonverbal and Verbal communication – 2 minutes 6. Preparedness – 10 minutes 7.Activity-5 minutes 8. Closure – 5 minutes 9.Questions and Answers-5 min

5 waKZJsLc5E Jack Berckemeyer: MS teacher, speaker and author

6 Organizing a lesson in MS Variety is key Keep activities or lesson to about 20-25 minutes Movement is helpful in a block schedule. If possible, give them choice

7 Possible 85 min. lesson arrangements Objectives overview (2-3 min) Starter/Warm up-10-15 Lesson or activity (20 min) Closure/Plenary-15 Homework/Preview-5-10 What are some other ideas?

8 Routines, structure, consistency Start: greet at door, begin right away, students write in diaries/notebooks while you take attendance Signals/prompt for attention Consistent rules/routines Be firm, yet polite, in enforcement (follow through) Recognize the good not just the bad

9 Things to keep in mind... They’re middle schoolers… it’s awkward. They’re still growing- it’s painful and they need to move They want to connect with you- know the popular culture They’re funny! Keep calm…


11 Ground Rules for Active Activities Oral AND written directions- review them until all questions are answered Set a clear goal- what is the purpose of the activity? (NOT just for fun or to waste time) Monitor and circulate- enforce any rules or directions; be consistent!

12 Paper Fight! Teacher separates students into teams Each student is given a blank answer sheet Each student is given a question/problem to answer/solve on a colored sheet of paper

13 Paper Fight, cont. Teacher gives a signal to crumple the paper Students are given 20-30 seconds to have a “paper fight” Student teams are directed to pick up a different color sheet Process is repeated

14 QAR’s (Question-Answer Relationship) In the Book (explicit) – Right There – Think and Search In My Head (implicit) – Author and Me -On My Own

15 In the Book QAR’s Right There The answer is in one place in the text and is usually easy to find. Think and Search The answer is in the text, but you must synthesize information from different parts of the text.

16 In My Head QAR’s Author and Me The answer is not explicitly in the text. It’s an inference. You need to think about what you already know, what the author tells you, and how this information fits together. On My Own The answer is not in the text. You can answer the question without reading the text. Use your own experience and ideas.

17 Stump Your Buddy using QAR’s This is an activity to do AFTER QAR’s have been introduced Read the material (this works best as a review) Create 5 questions based on information in the reading, including the answer and the page number

18 Stump Your Buddy, cont. Meet with your group and decide on the 4 best questions to submit to the teacher 35 seconds to answer the question within the groups Write the answers on a mini-whiteboard and hold them up when the teacher directs you to

19 Stump Your Buddy, cont. Correct answers receive 1 point If no one gets the answer right, the group who made the question gets 3 points for “stumping” the class Prize for the most points

20 Circle Summaries Read text Brainstorm and then narrow down to top 10 terms/people/events Groups of 4-5, each with paper and pen Write 1 sentence using 1-2 terms Pass papers to right Read neighbor’s sentence and add a 2nd sentence using 1-2 terms Continue rotating until all 10 words are used Group decides which of the summaries is best!

21 Rock ‘n Review Desks are arranged to allow for rotation Each student gets an answer sheet Each desk has a number and 1 question Music begins and students answer the question on the desk Music stops and students move to next desk Music starts and students answer the question Continue until all questions are answered Review the answers with the class


23 Summary Set up routines Avoid power struggles Handle defiant students Remain calm (in the midst of chaos) Not allow students to push their buttons Develop your own bag of tricks that works for the class

24 Questions? Comments? Concerns?

25 Four Corners Activity 1. A multiple choice question will be called out… If you choose… A- move to the back corner by the door B- move to the back LEFT corner C- move to the front corner (by teacher’s desk) D-move to the corner with the big free standing white board

26 Question 1 Question 1: If a student shouts out during class and doesn’t raise their hand, you: A- Let them answer B-Yell at them C let them answer but kindly request that they raise their hand next time D- Ignore them and call on someone who has their hand raised

27 Question 2 If a student swears (says shut up, s-it, p-ss, h-ell, etc.) in class how do you handle it? A. Ignore it B. Swear back at them C. Kindly request them to use respectful language and make a record of the account so if it happens repeatedly, parents can be contacted. D. Send him/her to Priya/Eric/Davi or Give them detention

28 Question 3 How important is it to be organized and have routines within your classroom and be consistent? A) Extremely B) Most of the time C) Sometimes important D) Not important

29 Question 4 When students are talking and you are trying to get their attention, you: A) Yell at them to SHUT UP! B) Use a non-verbal signal C) Go to your computer and do some work D) Lay on the floor and cry

30 Question 5 If a student is disrespectful to you such as calling you a name, yelling or gets in your face, you: A) Yell at them in front of the class B) Walk away C) lower your voice calmly and tell them that you both will discuss his/her actions after class because yelling is very disrespectful D) Send them to the principal

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