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Note quiz! 1) What was the Dawes Plan? 2) When did the stock market crash? (Exact Date) 3) What does the FDIC stand for? 4) Which president was blamed.

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Presentation on theme: "Note quiz! 1) What was the Dawes Plan? 2) When did the stock market crash? (Exact Date) 3) What does the FDIC stand for? 4) Which president was blamed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note quiz! 1) What was the Dawes Plan? 2) When did the stock market crash? (Exact Date) 3) What does the FDIC stand for? 4) Which president was blamed for the depression? 5) What were the 3 “R”’s of the new deal? 6) What year was the social security act? Bonus: What is prohibition and what was FDR’s dog’s name? Bonus: What is prohibition and what was FDR’s dog’s name?

2 Silent Reading Get ready for your note quiz Get ready for your note quiz Chapter 24 Chapter 24 (Roaring Twenties and Great Depression) (Roaring Twenties and Great Depression)

3 The Dictators and Fascism Mussolini, Stalin, and Franco 7 Slides (In yellow don’t need to write)

4 Democracy Unstable By 1939 only 2 European states were democratic – France and U.K. By 1939 only 2 European states were democratic – France and U.K. Totalitarian State – Government that aims to control the political, economical, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its people. Totalitarian State – Government that aims to control the political, economical, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its people. Single party dominated Single party dominated Mass propaganda Mass propaganda Cultures of Fear Cultures of Fear

5 The Soviet Union Economic disaster in Russia Economic disaster in Russia Famine, 1920-1922 Famine, 1920-1922 Lenin’s New Economic Policy (NEP) Lenin’s New Economic Policy (NEP) Allowed privatization of small scale agriculture and business Allowed privatization of small scale agriculture and business 1922- Union of Soviet Socialist Republic officially created (USSR) 1922- Union of Soviet Socialist Republic officially created (USSR)

6 Stalin Lenin dies in 1924 - Power struggle Lenin dies in 1924 - Power struggle Rapid Industrialization, spread Communism Rapid Industrialization, spread Communism Josef Stalin – used his position in the Party to take control Josef Stalin – used his position in the Party to take control Eliminated the Bolsheviks Eliminated the Bolsheviks

7 The Five Year Plan Ends NEP, Launches Five Year Plan in 1928 Ends NEP, Launches Five Year Plan in 1928 Maximum production of goods – armaments, oil, steel Maximum production of goods – armaments, oil, steel Law limited freedoms of workers Law limited freedoms of workers Collectivization – private farms eliminated; government consumed all lands, peasants worked it Collectivization – private farms eliminated; government consumed all lands, peasants worked it The Purges The Purges Removal of opposition Removal of opposition 8 million Russians arrested, imprisoned, or executed. 8 million Russians arrested, imprisoned, or executed.

8 Italy First Fascist Movement First Fascist Movement Fascism – government’s elevation of the needs of the state over the needs of the people Fascism – government’s elevation of the needs of the state over the needs of the people Economic depression after WWI Economic depression after WWI Benito Mussolini Benito Mussolini Leader of the Black Shirts Leader of the Black Shirts Violent, broke up strikes Violent, broke up strikes Ideas inspired Adolf Hitler Ideas inspired Adolf Hitler


10 Mussolini Takes Power Threatened to topple government in Rome of not given more power Threatened to topple government in Rome of not given more power Mussolini made prime minister in 1922 Censorship – prohibited criticism of Church, monarch, or state Mussolini made prime minister in 1922 Censorship – prohibited criticism of Church, monarch, or state Control of media outlets Control of media outlets Outlawed political Opposition Outlawed political Opposition Established Secret Police Established Secret Police

11 Spain Francisco Franco Francisco Franco Franco becomes dictator – more authoritarian Franco becomes dictator – more authoritarian Copied Mussolini’s Model Copied Mussolini’s Model

12 Map Pg 759 Pg 759 Color in the Authoritarian, Fascist and Democratic countries Color in the Authoritarian, Fascist and Democratic countries On back of map: On back of map: # 1 geography skills pg. 759 *ALSO* # 1 geography skills pg. 759 *ALSO* # 1and 2 pg. 762 Geography skills. # 1and 2 pg. 762 Geography skills.

13 Collecting this Read the article on collectivism on page 765. Read the article on collectivism on page 765. Answer the 2 questions. Answer the 2 questions. # 1 geography skills pg. 759 # 1 geography skills pg. 759 # 1 and 2 pg. 762 Geography skills. # 1 and 2 pg. 762 Geography skills. (5 questions total) (5 questions total)

14 Silent Reading 10 min. 10 min.

15 What is your favorite cartoon and why? What is your favorite cartoon and why?


17 What is propaganda? What is propaganda?

18 What is a political cartoon? What is a political cartoon?

19 political cartoon, is an illustration containing a political or social message, that usually relates to current events or personalities. political cartoon, is an illustration containing a political or social message, that usually relates to current events or personalities.









28 Now it is your turn Now it is your turn Pg 757 1-5 Pg 757 1-5 I am collecting this and we will be adding a few questions to it later I am collecting this and we will be adding a few questions to it later

29 Pg. 764 Pg. 764 # 2,4,5,6,7 # 2,4,5,6,7 Use your notes and book to answer the questions! Use your notes and book to answer the questions! Add these to your earlier questions from pg. 757 Add these to your earlier questions from pg. 757

30 Video 9F5B- FBB77FB41D4D&blnFromSearch=1&prod uctcode=US 9F5B- FBB77FB41D4D&blnFromSearch=1&prod uctcode=US 9F5B- FBB77FB41D4D&blnFromSearch=1&prod uctcode=US 9F5B- FBB77FB41D4D&blnFromSearch=1&prod uctcode=US Mussolini Mussolini

31 Stalin B216- 7C0F71B3B9F9&blnFromSearch=1&prod uctcode=US B216- 7C0F71B3B9F9&blnFromSearch=1&prod uctcode=US B216- 7C0F71B3B9F9&blnFromSearch=1&prod uctcode=US B216- 7C0F71B3B9F9&blnFromSearch=1&prod uctcode=US

32 Note Quiz Get ready for note quiz Get ready for note quiz

33 Animal Farm d/lessonplans/animalfarm.htm d/lessonplans/animalfarm.htm d/lessonplans/animalfarm.htm d/lessonplans/animalfarm.htm

34 Culture of the Inter-War West 1920 – First concert transmitted by Radio 1920 – First concert transmitted by Radio Movies Movies Full length feature films Full length feature films Silent Silent Italy – Quo Vadis Italy – Quo Vadis U.S. – Birth of a Nation U.S. – Birth of a Nation Propaganda Propaganda Germany – The Triumph of the Will Germany – The Triumph of the Will “Talkies” “Talkies” The Jazz Singer The Jazz Singer Gone With the Wind Gone With the Wind The Wizard of Oz The Wizard of Oz Literature Literature James Joyce – Ulysses, Dubliners James Joyce – Ulysses, Dubliners Herman Hesse – Siddhartha, Steppenwolf Herman Hesse – Siddhartha, Steppenwolf

35 Art - Salvador Dali – The Persistence of Memory, 1931

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