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Vision2020. Plan for growth Framework to inspire and support Not a complex programme of activity, but a tool to help churches plan for mission on a regular.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision2020. Plan for growth Framework to inspire and support Not a complex programme of activity, but a tool to help churches plan for mission on a regular."— Presentation transcript:

1 vision2020

2 Plan for growth Framework to inspire and support Not a complex programme of activity, but a tool to help churches plan for mission on a regular basis.

3 Starts with the local church

4 Strengthening our identity Growing in spirituality and prayer Working ecumenically Doing evangelism Engaging in communities Welcoming all Growing the church Participating in global mission Working for justice and peace Caring for creation

5 4: Community Partnerships We will be a Church that is more active in the life of local neighbourhoods. Local indicator: Playing an active role in work with children and young people outside the Church. Synod indicator: Number of churches running some form of community project or working in partnership with other local agencies. Assembly indicator: Direct support through grants, training or other resources for community-based mission.

6 What churches might pledge



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