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In new places for new people new churches. Sherwood Church Plant A proposal to the Elders at Cordova Church of Christ Prepared by Wilson Parrish.

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Presentation on theme: "In new places for new people new churches. Sherwood Church Plant A proposal to the Elders at Cordova Church of Christ Prepared by Wilson Parrish."— Presentation transcript:

1 in new places for new people new churches

2 Sherwood Church Plant A proposal to the Elders at Cordova Church of Christ Prepared by Wilson Parrish

3 Why Sherwood? A staggering 90% of the population of Oregon does not attend a church of any kind, giving “The Beaver State” the sad distinction: “most ‘un-churched’ state in the nation.

4 Sherwood Among the top five fastest-growing Portland suburbs. Just 14 miles from downtown Portland (an easy Commute!) Many young Sherwood residents work within 15 minutes of home.

5 Sherwood 77.6% of Sherwood’s population resides in a family household. The median age in Sherwood is 32.4 (lots of young families!)

6 Our new logo Visual personality to help the community identify and remember us Distressed/edgy drawing style to appeal to young families

7 Key Points ① There are statistically verifiable differences between growing and declining churches ② What growing churches do to grow has remained amazingly consistent across 3 decades of research ③ From these known facts we can draw principles for growth which can be harnessed into successful methods and practices

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