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Increase My Faith Matt. 17:20 Luke 17:6. Increase My Faith Matt. 17:20 Luke 17:6.

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2 Increase My Faith Matt. 17:20 Luke 17:6


4 Recognizing Our Potential
It is difficult to see the potential of something as small as a mustard seed. How many of us feel as if our faith is as a mustard seed? Do you recognize your potential? Faith as a mustard seed starts out small but can grow into a beautiful, living, and thriving faith!

5 Recognizing Our Potential
Your faith in God, even as small as a mustard seed, is capable of incredible things: Matt. 17:20 – moving mountains Luke 17:6 – uprooting trees Your faith in God makes you capable of the impossible (Matt. 17:20; Mark 9:23).

6 Defining Faith What is faith?
Heb. 11:1 – ὑπόστασις - Greek for “substance” – “support; substructure, foundation” Faith is the foundation for hope! Faith is the lifeblood of a relationship with God and the foundation for a hope of eternal life.

7 Increasing My Faith Mark 9:17-22, 23-24
Both the disciples in Luke 17 and this man in Mark 9 had the same need – an increase in faith. A sense of urgency is seen from the man in Mark 9:24. Do we feel a sense of urgency for a stronger faith? Sadly, the times that we do feel urgency are often only the times we think we need Jesus to help us.

8 Increasing My Faith The truth is that once we recognize the critical role of our faith in salvation (Heb. 11:1 – “foundation”), the more urgent we ought to feel to keep it alive and growing! Heb. 11:6 Acts 26:17-18 Rom. 3:21-30 (vv. 22, 25, 26, 28, 30) Acts 14:22; 1 Cor. 16:13; Phil. 1:27; Col. 1:21-23 It is evident from Scripture that maintaining a strong faith is crucial to our spiritual success.

9 Working For It “Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty and persistence.” – Colin Powell It is going to require work and perseverance on our part if we want our faith to increase (Acts 14:22; 2 Pet. 1:5, 8-11; James 2:14-26). These works are works of obedience. They are demonstrations of faith (James 2:21, 25).

10 The Power of a Thriving Faith
A Thriving Faith brings joy! - Phil. 1:25; 1 Pet. 1:8-9) A Thriving Faith brings peace! - Rom. 8:6; 15:13 A Thriving Faith casts out fear - Mark 4:40 A Thriving Faith casts out doubt - Matt. 21:21 A Thriving Faith works wonders - Mark 11:22-24

11 New Year’s Resolution:
In what ways can I demonstrate my faith more obediently to God? I will commit to an obedient faith, recognizing its importance, its role in my salvation, and its power in my life.


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