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Body Language…  … says more than words can!. The distances we keep... PROXEMICS Physical Space is a Part of Non-Verbal Communication Territorial Imperative.

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Presentation on theme: "Body Language…  … says more than words can!. The distances we keep... PROXEMICS Physical Space is a Part of Non-Verbal Communication Territorial Imperative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Body Language…  … says more than words can!

2 The distances we keep... PROXEMICS Physical Space is a Part of Non-Verbal Communication Territorial Imperative Intimate, Personal, Social, Public Distance! Garlic Distance

3 Closed Body Language  Avoid prolonged or habitual:  fingerpointing or aggressive gestures  arms crossed across the chest  fig-leaf position  hands stuck in pockets  military or ‘vishram’ position  stiff, slicing or distractingly fast movements


5 Open Body Language  Gestures  … which pull people in (not push them away!)  … convey openness, receptivity  … hands visible (‘above board’)  … smooth, (possibly) circular flow of hands  … comfortable, fluid, easy and reassuring.

6 Three Concepts... Clusters of Body Language Signals Congruence between Spoken and Unspoken Language Mirroring Families… Organisations... When in Rome do as the Romans!

7 Let your ‘mudras’ speak...

8 Eye Language  ‘Pull and Push’ factor  Comfortable eye contact, not staring  Emotional Involvement  Looking but not noticing…  Retail, not wholesale… (Tom Peters)  Avoid: - reading from notes; speak from them! - staring at the floor / ceiling - latching onto a friendly face - back to audience for long!

9 Reading the Audience  Leaning Forward (Sign of Interest)  Angled towards or away from you  Mirroring  Nervous ticks, like finger/foot-tapping  Hands folded across chest, steepled etc  Ducking or avoiding eye contact  Exit Signals

10 Reading unknown VIPs...  Air of Authority or unassuming  Feigned lack of interest…  Avoiding eye contact… Ignoring you?  In a hurry… fidgety…  Bossy… with sycophants in tow  The questions bosses ask…  Positioning...

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