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Multiplication and Division Denise Viner.  Content Area: Mathematics  Grade Level: 3 rd Grade  Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiplication and Division Denise Viner.  Content Area: Mathematics  Grade Level: 3 rd Grade  Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiplication and Division Denise Viner

2  Content Area: Mathematics  Grade Level: 3 rd Grade  Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is for students understand division and multiplication and be able to solve division problems.  Learning Objective: Given a division problem with one number missing, students will be able to choose the correct number to complete the problem with 100% accuracy.  Content Standard: 1.4 Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers.

3 Let’s review multiplication and division!

4 Multiplication  You’ve learned that multiplying is adding groups of things together. If 3 people each have 7 cookies, how many cookies do they all have together? 3 groups of 7 cookies 3 x 7 = 21 = 21 cookies

5 Division  You also know that in division, you divide what you have into groups. Let’s look at the cookies again. I have 21 cookies, and 3 students to give them to, and I want each student to have the same number of cookies. How many cookies does each student get? 21 cookies divided into 3 groups 21 3 = 7 21 cookies 7 cookies

6 8 x __ = 56  7 7  4 4  8 8 Choose the correct answer

7 Great Job!!! 7 x 8 = 56

8 5 = 8  4343  6060  4545 Choose the correct answer

9 You Did It!!! Since 8 x 5 = 45 … 45 5 = 8

10 3 x 12 = __  1515  3636  6060 Choose the correct answer

11 Awesome!!! 3 x 12 = 36

12 Summary  In this lesson, you used multiplication and division to solve problems and fill in the blanks in an equation. Keep practicing and you’ll be able to solve all kinds of problems!

13 Oops! Try again…I’m sure you’ll get it next time!

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