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Multiplication and Division! Della Alles. Content Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 3 Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to expand.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiplication and Division! Della Alles. Content Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 3 Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to expand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiplication and Division! Della Alles

2 Content Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 3 Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to expand on the basic knowledge of multiplication and division on the third grade level. Learning Objective: Given a problem, the student will be able to multiply or divide the problem with 100% accuracy. Content Standard: Multiplication and Division Teacher’s Info

3 Let’s look at multiplication!! This number is called the factor. This number will be multiplied by the second factor. This is the second number that is being multiplied. This is also a factor. This number is called the product. This is the number you will get after you multiply 5 and 3. Jeopardy/Multiplication-Jeopardy.html Want more help? Play a game!

4 A look at division!! This number is the quotient. This is the end result of dividing the divisor and the dividend. There are 15 baby deer and there are 3 baby sitters. How many groups did the babysitters split the baby deer into evenly? 5 because when these numbers are multiplied they equal back to 15. html Still need help? Play a game!

5 Let’s break these down! 7 X 3 Step one: take 4 into 4 and put 1 on the roof. Step two: subtract 4 and 4 to get 0. Regroup the 8! Step three: put 4 into 8 and put 2 on the roof. Step four: subtract 8 and 8 to get 0! 4 48 12 4 0 8 8 0 21 Step one: group seven into three groups. Step two: count each group of sevens and that is the total!

6 A heard of deer walk 3 miles per hour when grazing. How far do they walk in 4 hours? A. 7 B. 9 C. 12 D. 15 Question 1

7  If deer walk 3 miles per hour, in 4 hours they will have walked 12 miles! Correct! I’m tired!

8 One gray wolf can catch 3 rabbits. If there are 6 wolves in his pack, how many rabbits can they catch altogether? A.1818 B.1919 C.99 D.1212 Question 2

9  Correct! The entire pack can catch 18 rabbits for food! Correct! Ahooo!!

10 A wildlife scientist has 24 birds. He has to put them into 4 cages equally. How many birds will be in each cage when he is finished? A. 20 B. 5 C. 6 D. 12 Question 3

11  Correct! There will be 6 birds in each cage! Correct! Scoot over!!

12  There are 56 tropical fish in a tank. If you were to divide them equally into 14 separate tanks, how many fish will be in each tank? Question 4 A. 42 B. 18 C. 4 D. 14

13  If you were to separate the fish equally there would be 4 fish in each tank! Correct!! I have to share!?

14  When you practice multiplying and dividing it becomes easier! If you do it everyday it will become a habit and you’ll be a math pro! Keep up the good work. Summary

15  Whoops! Look back at your work. Did you add instead of multiply? Subtract maybe?  Still need help?? Ask me or a friend for some help! Incorrect!

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