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Globalisation 17.3. Today…. Influences on Global Business 3: Social and Cultural Influences Sociocultural characteristics Languages Non-verbal language.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalisation 17.3. Today…. Influences on Global Business 3: Social and Cultural Influences Sociocultural characteristics Languages Non-verbal language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalisation 17.3

2 Today…. Influences on Global Business 3: Social and Cultural Influences Sociocultural characteristics Languages Non-verbal language Tastes Religion Varying business practices and ethics


4 Sociocultural Characteristics Almost every aspect of a businesses' international dealings (contract negotiation, marketing decisions, human resource management policies and production and finance) may be affected by differences in culture.

5 Sociocultural Characteristics Sociocultural characteristics definition: The values, beliefs, rules, techniques and customs that are shared among a society’s people.

6 Sociocultural Characteristic Examples: Attitudes Child rearing practices Cross cultural difference Cultural deprivation Cultural identity Culture change Discrimination Ethnic identity Ethnic values Face (sociological concept) Family structure Kinship structure Power Race Racial and ethnic groups Regional differences Religious beliefs Religious practices Reputation Rituals Taboos

7 Languages Language differences can be a difficult barrier to overcome. Lack of language may prevent a person from fully understanding a country’s culture.

8 Languages English has become the language of international business. Many people around the world learn English as a second language.

9 Quiz Question! In one minute, how many countries can you name that have English as a national/primary/significant language?

10 English Around the World: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Belize, the British Indian Ocean Territory, the British Virgin Islands, Canada, the Cayman Islands, the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guam, Guernsey, Guyana, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jamaica, Jersey, Montserrat, Nauru, New Zealand, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Singapore, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, the Turks and Caicos Islands, the United Kingdom, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the United States.


12 Languages Many people prefer to converse in their own language, and being able to speak the local language helps establish a better business relationship.

13 Languages Translators (both human and computerised) are a way to get around language barriers. However, mistakes can occur!

14 Famous Business Translation Blunders!

15 Non-Verbal Communication Non-verbal communication: The messages we convey through body movements, facial expressions and the physical distance between individuals.

16 What does this symbol mean?

17 ? In the US, this symbol means ‘OK’ In Brazil, Germany, and Russia it is a rude gesture In Japan it means "money” Commonly used to signify "zero" in France.

18 Tastes Tastes refer to a particular liking for something, such as foods, clothes and music. Differences in tastes will have practical implications for product marketing, especially product design, packaging and advertising.


20 Quiz Question! What are some tastes (food, clothes, interests, marking styles) you can think of that are particular to Australia?


22 Quiz Question Extra … What about in the US?


24 Religion Awareness of a business colleague’s religious traditions is essential for building a lasting relationship. Those traditions may influence what a person can and cannot eat, as well as particular holy days and schedules that are very important to any devout follower.

25 Varying Business Practices and Ethics Business practices vary the world over. International managers must research the acceptable business practices and ethics of the countries with which they wish to conduct business so as to avoid awkward situations, embarrassments and insults.

26 Varying Business Practices and Ethics: Gifts Business gift traditions vary widely around the world In some cultures a business gift would be viewed as inappropriate, while in others it would be expected.

27 Varying Business Practices and Ethics: Bribes Bribes are a sensitive ethical issue. In Australia bribery is viewed as corrupt, however, in many countries payments to government officials are a way of life.

28 Varying Business Practices and Ethics: Bribes Would you be willing to pay a bribe to a government official to gain market access, a favour, a large order or protection?

29 Questions Quiz Question time! Write yourself five questions on today’s topic.

30 Today we covered…. Influences on Global Business 3: Social and Cultural Influences Sociocultural characteristics Languages Non-verbal language Tastes Religion Varying business practices and ethics

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