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Arachis hypogea By Katie Estep. Origin  South America o Domesticated 3500 years ago o Country of Origin? (Burow 2009)  Hybrid (Leal-Bertioli 2012)

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Presentation on theme: "Arachis hypogea By Katie Estep. Origin  South America o Domesticated 3500 years ago o Country of Origin? (Burow 2009)  Hybrid (Leal-Bertioli 2012)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arachis hypogea By Katie Estep

2 Origin  South America o Domesticated 3500 years ago o Country of Origin? (Burow 2009)  Hybrid (Leal-Bertioli 2012)

3 Spread of Peanuts  From South America to Central America  Spanish and Portuguese (Taylor 1994)  Africa to America (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia 2013)

4 World Wide Production  Top producers: 1) China 2) India 3) USA (Hollis 2013)

5 Production in US  Southeast  Upper Southeast  Southwest (Roberson 2009)

6 Growth  Spurts  Flower blooms and dies on the same day  Peg dig into the ground and peanut develops (Taylor 1994)

7 Production  Four Types Grown As Crops 1) Runner 2) Spanish 3) Valencia 4) Virginia (The Peanut Institute 2014)

8 Uses  Peanut Butter  Roasted Peanuts  Peanut Oil  Peanut Candy  Peanut Cookies  Hay and other animal feed (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia 2013)

9 George Washington Carver  Did research on plants  Came up with more than 300 products (Monkeyshines On America 2001)  Introduced rotating crops Putting nitrogen into the soil (USA Today Magazine 2008)

10 Peanut Allergy  Immunity System  Reaction (Branum 2010)  Can Be Lifelong  No Cure  Prevention (Food Allergy Research & Education 2013)

11 Citations  Bailey, Ellen. "George Washington Carver: War Orphan." George Washington Carver (2006): 1. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 22 Jan. 2014.  Branum, Amy M., and Susan L. Lukacs. "Food Allergy Among U.S. Children: Trends in Prevalence and Hospitalizations." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 19 Jan. 2010. Web. 21 Jan. 2014..  Burow, Mark D., et al. "Molecular Biogeographic Study Of Recently Described B- And A-Genome Arachis Species, Also Providing New Insights Into The Origins Of Cultivated Peanut." Genome 52.2 (2009): 107-119. Environment Complete. Web. 22 Jan. 2014.  "Facts and Statistics." Food Allergy Research & Education. Food Allergy Research & Education, Inc, 2013. Web. 22 Jan. 2014..  "George Washington Carver: A Mighty Vision Beyond Peanuts." USA Today Magazine 136.2757 (2008): 4-5. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Jan. 2014.  "George Washington Carver: Scientist." Monkeyshines On America (2001): 30. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 22 Jan. 2014  Hollis, Paul L. "China Retaining Large Footprint In World Peanut Markets." Southeast Farm Press 40.25 (2013): 26-27. Business Source Complete. Web. 22 Jan. 2014.  Hollis, Paul L. "Final 2010 Reports Show Increases In Peanut Crop, Usage." Southwest Farm Press 38.6 (2011): 19. Business Source Complete. Web. 22 Jan. 2014.  Leal-Bertioli, Soraya CM, David J. Bertioli, Patricia M. Guimarães, Talles D. Pereira, Iugo Galhardo, Joseane P. Silva, Ana CM Brasileiro, Rafael S. Oliveira, Pedro ÍT Silva, Vincent Vadez, and Ana CG Araujo. "The Effect of Tetraploidization of Wild Arachis on Leaf Morphology and Other Drought-related Traits." Environmental and Experimental Botany 84 (2012): 17-24. ScienceDirect. Web. 20 Jan. 2014..  "Peanut." Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition (2013): 1. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Jan. 2014  "Peanut Allergy." Food Allergy Research & Education. Food Allergy Research & Education, Inc, n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2014..  "Peanuts." The Peanut Institute. The Peanut Institute, 2014. Web. 22 Jan. 2014..  Roberson, Roy. "Dramatic Changes In Production Have Occurred Over Past Decade." Southwest Farm Press 36.15 (2009): 10-11. Business Source Complete. Web. 22 Jan. 2014.  Taylor, Diane. "Nutty Facts About Peanuts." Children's Digest 44.413 (1994): 10. Associates Programs Source. Web. 22 Jan. 2014. All pictures and clip art are from Microsoft

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