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What Am I Supposed to Get Out of Worship? “Oh come let us worship…” – Psalm 95:6.

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Presentation on theme: "What Am I Supposed to Get Out of Worship? “Oh come let us worship…” – Psalm 95:6."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Am I Supposed to Get Out of Worship? “Oh come let us worship…” – Psalm 95:6

2 Expectations What do we expect from a movie, a concert, a ball game? What do we expect from a restaurant? What do we expect from schools or businesses? What do we expect from worship?

3 Expectations Many do not know what they want from worship; this leads to complaining; disrupting the worship; attendance problems; etc. Proper worship starts with a proper inward attitude (Jn. 4:20-24; Phil. 3:3)

4 What Do I Get Out of Worship? We can learn from Isaiah what we should expect from worship (Isaiah 6:1-8)… –Reverence –Remorse –Rejoicing –Responsibility

5 What Do I Get Out of Worship? Isaiah 6:1-5: a sense of reverence, respect and awe (1 Chron. 16:28-29; Psa. 29:2; 95:6; “bow” and “worship” are found together several times in scripture) –We live in an age where reverence is lost (texting, talking, etc.) –We want others (and God) to “earn” our respect

6 What Do I Get Out of Worship? Isaiah 6:1-5: a sense of fear and trembling (Psa. 5:7; 89:7; 96:9; Isa. 66:2; Heb. 10:30-31; 12:28) –We do not worship our “good buddy” God

7 What Do I Get Out of Worship? Isaiah 6:5: a sense of remorse for my sin (Isa. 6:5; Psa. 51:17; Lk. 2:37) –Many today are looking for “celebration” worship (Ex. 32:6) –Many do “upbeat” things beyond the actual act of worship (preaching +, singing +, the Lord’s supper +)

8 What Do I Get Out of Worship? Isaiah 6:5: a sense of deep humility (Neh. 9:3; Lk. 18:13) –Arrogance in the presence of God is as inappropriate as a clown at a funeral

9 What Do I Get Out of Worship? Isaiah 6:6-7: a sense of rejoicing and gladness (Psa. 95:1-2; 111:1; 122:1; Lk. 24:52) –Some will come to worship or leave, angry and upset

10 What Do I Get Out of Worship? Isaiah 6:6-7: a sense of profound gratitude (2 Chron. 7:3; Psa. 100:4; 138:2) –Many forget that we worship a God of love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness

11 What Do I Get Out of Worship? Isaiah 6:8: a sense of responsibility and deep determination to do right and leave changed (Jas. 1:21-22) –Some will leave unchanged; the same today as they were this time last year; not growing or maturing; not volunteering for more

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