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“Behold, we call them blessed that endured: ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord, how that the Lord is full of pity,

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Presentation on theme: "“Behold, we call them blessed that endured: ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord, how that the Lord is full of pity,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Behold, we call them blessed that endured: ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord, how that the Lord is full of pity, and merciful.” (James 5:11)

2 THE PATIENCE OF JOB THEME: The Need Of Endurance (Jas. 5:11). (also, Why The Righteous Suffer.) OUTLINE: I. The Dilemma of Job (1-2). II. The Debates of Job (3-37). III. The Deliverance of Job (38-42). TIME: Patriarchs ~2000 B.C. (Job’s age, social setting, no reference to Israel) LOCATION: Uz in the land of Edom, S.E. of the Dead Sea (Job. 1:1; Lam. 4:21). AUTHOR: Unknown.

3 THE DILEMMA OF JOB (1-2) A. JOB’S PIETY IN PROSPERITY. 1. Piety (1:1, 8). a. Perfect – Fullgrown, mature (1 Cor. 14:20; 16:13; 13:11). b. Upright – Integrity, innocence (1 Tim. 3:10; Col. 1:21-23; 2 Pet. 3:14). c. Feared God – Reverence & obey (Ex. 9:20; Eccl. 12:13-14; Acts 10:2). d. Turned away from evil (Job 31; Acts 26:18, 20; 1 Th. 5:22).

4 THE DILEMMA OF JOB (1-2) A. JOB’S PIETY IN PROSPERITY. 2. Prosperity (1:2-3). a. Riches do not guarantee righteousness (Ps. 73:1-17). b. Good men do not trust in riches (Job 1:21; 31:24-25; 1 Tim. 6:6-10, 17-19).

5 THE DILEMMA OF JOB (1-2) B. SATAN’S CHALLENGE TO AFFLICT JOB’S WEALTH & HEALTH 1. He is our adversary (Job 1:7-11; 2:2-7; 1 Pet. 5:8-9; Rev. 12:10-12). 2. Is against the upright (Gen. 3; Zech. 3:1; Lk. 22:31) 3. If you suffer temptations in the flesh, then you have ceased from sin (1 Pet. 4:1-4)! 4. The purpose of the adversary: Defeat faith (Job 1:16; 2:9; 1 Jn. 5:4).

6 THE DILEMMA OF JOB (1-2) C. GOD’S ALLOWANCE OF AFFLICTION 1. To cause us to consider our spiritual condition (Eccl. 7:14; 2 Cor. 13:5). 2. To remind us that we depend upon God (2 Cor. 12:7-10; 1:8-10; Job 1:21). 3. To rebuke sin (Jas. 5:14-15; Rev. 2:20-22). 4. To refine (Pr.17:3; 1Pet.1:6-9). 5. To give opportunity for others to growth, do good (Jas.1:2-4; Ax8:3-4; 11:27-30). 6. To reward us (Jas. 1:12; 1 Pet. 5:10; Ps. 94:12ff). 7. To glorify God (Jn. 9:1-3; 21:18-19).

7 THE DILEMMA OF JOB (1-2) D. JOB’S PIETY IN EXTREME ADVERSITY 1. No half measures, full catastrophes! a. Loss of property (11,000 animals). b. Loss of family (7 sons, 3 daughters). c. Loss of health (Boils). d. Loss of position (“Greatest”, 2:8). e. Loss of sympathy (Wife, 2:9). 2. Job’s pious reaction: a. Immediately worshipped God (Job 1:20-21). b. Did not murmur (Job 1:22; 2:10; Ex. 14:11; 15:24; 16:2, etc.).

8 THE DILEMMA OF JOB (1-2) CONCLUSION (Job 1-2): 1) In prosperity, follow Job’s example of uprightness. 4) Always be sober & watchful for your adversary is seeking to devour you. 3) In adversity, consider your spiritual condition. 2) In adversity, follow Job’s example of reverence. Does Adversity Make You Better or Bitter?


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