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QUESTION #1 On an average school night, how many hours do you sleep? 1.5 hours or less 2.About 6 hours 3.About 7 hours 4.About 8 hours 5.9 hours or more.

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Presentation on theme: "QUESTION #1 On an average school night, how many hours do you sleep? 1.5 hours or less 2.About 6 hours 3.About 7 hours 4.About 8 hours 5.9 hours or more."— Presentation transcript:

1 QUESTION #1 On an average school night, how many hours do you sleep? 1.5 hours or less 2.About 6 hours 3.About 7 hours 4.About 8 hours 5.9 hours or more

2 QUESTION #2 During the past 30 days, how many days did you smoke cigarettes? 1.None 2.1-2 days 3.3-5 days 4.6-9 days 5.10-29 days 6.All 30 days

3 QUESTION #3 Did you eat breakfast today? 1.Yes 2.No

4 QUESTION #4 A student is being bullied when another student, or group of students, say or do nasty things to him or her. It is also bullying when a student is teased repeatedly in a way he or she doesn’t like. In the last 30 days, how often have you been bullied? 1.I have not been bullied 2.Once 3.2-3 times 4.About once a week 5.Several times a week

5 QUESTION #5 How often do you feel the homework you are assigned is meaningful and important? 1.Almost always 2.Often 3.Sometimes 4.Seldom 5.Never

6 QUESTION #6 My teachers notice when I am doing a good job and let me know about it. 1.NO! 3.yes 4.YES!

7 Shelton School District Highlights from the Healthy Youth Survey Fall 2010

8 COLLABORATIVE EFFORT  Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction  Washington State Department of Health  Department of Social and Health Services Division of Behavioral Health  Department of Commerce  Liquor Control Board

9 PURPOSE The HYS provides important information about Washington youth. It helps to guide policy and programs that serve youth, especially for the following:  County prevention coordinators  Community public health and safety networks  Other community coalition efforts  Public Schools (District and Building Planning)

10 PURPOSE (con’t) The HYS data can identify trends in behavior patterns over time. Students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12 have voluntarily taken the HYS in the fall of even numbered years: 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010. The survey provides information about: safety issues, physical activity and diet, alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, and other related risk factors.

11 HOW CAN WE USE THE HEALTHY YOUTH SURVEY DATA? The following slides show us a few very important ways.

12 HEALTH-RELATED BEHAVIORS AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Mounting evidence and experience support the concept that reducing students’ health-risk behaviors has positive impact on their academic performance. The HYS measures several health-related issues, any of which can distract students from school. The survey results may help identify areas where students need specific help.

13 UNDERSTANDING SCHOOL CLIMATE School climate clearly impacts students’ daily experience. The HYS includes many questions about this topic. Results can be used to create safe and welcoming schools that foster positive school climate and higher academic achievement too.

14 PLANNING AND EVALUATION PROCESSES The HYS data can be very useful in the School Improvement Planning (SIP) process. School building results can be compared over time and compared to district, area, or state results. They can be used to help improve existing programs, or to help justify creation of new programs.

15 Current Cigarette Smoking Percent of students who report smoking cigarettes in the past 30 days Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2010Shelton School District

16 Current Alcohol Use Percent of students who report having drunk a glass, can, or bottle of alcohol in the past 30 days Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2010Shelton School District

17 Current Marijuana Use Percent of students who report smoking marijuana in the past 30 days Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2010Shelton School District

18 Bullying Percent of students who report being bullied in the past 30 days Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2010Shelton School District

19 Feeling Safe at School Percent of students who report that they feel safe at school Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2010Shelton School District

20 Seat Belt Use Percent of students who report wearing seatbelts “most of the time” or “always” when riding in a car Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2010Shelton School District

21 Excessive Television/Video Game Use Percent of students who report 3 or more hours of watching television, playing video games or using the computer for fun on an average school day Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2010Shelton School District

22 60 Minutes of Physical Activity per Day Percent of students who report being physically active 60 minutes per day Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2010Shelton School District

23 Obesity Percent of students who are obese (according to reported height and weight) Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2010Shelton School District

24 HEROPHILUS, 300 BC When health is absent…. Wisdom cannot reveal itself, Art cannot be manifested, Strength cannot be executed, Wealth is useless, and Reason is powerless.


26 COUNSELORS One full time in each Elementary School One full and one part time at Olympic M.S. Two full time at Oakland Bay Junior H.S. One full time at CHOICE H.S. Three full time (with an addt’l intern) at Shelton H.S.

27 OTHERS One full time School Nurse Food Services Department Staff Transportation Department Staff Two staff providing Family Liaison Support (Homeless Students) Special Services Staff

28 CHOICE ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMS Traditional Day Classes Contract Based Education Home Partnership Re-entry

29 ON-LINE SCHOOL Shelton Virtual Academy Serving 30 Students Currently

30 ESD 113 Jump Start Program at OBJH and OMS Alternative to Suspension and Expulsion (ASE) Program Dropout Early Warning and Intervention System (DEWIS) GRAVITY Program Educational Advocates placed in schools True North Program (Drug/Alcohol and related issues)

31 COMMUNITY AGENCIES Mason Matters (Kim Klint) Department of Health (Heidi Iyall) Coordinated Student Health (CSH) Planning

32 CABINET LEVEL Facilities Technology Human Resources Teaching & Learning Safety and Emergency Preparation, etc.

33 IN REVIEW…… Sharing a recent personal illustration AND….. Any questions?

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