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Tobacco Tobacco has many issues and problems, in this power point will be a few problems and solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Tobacco Tobacco has many issues and problems, in this power point will be a few problems and solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tobacco Tobacco has many issues and problems, in this power point will be a few problems and solutions.

2 In 2010 the biggest focus for American lung association in Kentucky was advocating for funding of tobacco cessation treatments for all Medicaid patients in Ky.

3 Despite the large state budget deficit, the lung association and its public health partners were successful in getting $1.5 million per year in state budget for a fiscal year in 2011 and 2012

4 These state dollars will generate matching dollars from the federal government as well. This law was approved in 2007, maybe if we keep supporting the program we can get more and more people to quit.

5 co.html co.html NIDA the science of drug abuse and addiction Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of diseases, disability, and death in the U S.

6 co.html co.html NIDA the science of drug abuse and addiction In a 40 year range an estimated 12 million deaths was caused by cigarette smoking, 4.1 from cancer,5.5 million from cardiovascular,1.1 million from respiratory and 94,000 infants.

7 co.html co.html NIDA the science of drug abuse and addiction According to the (cdc) cigarette smoking results in more than 443,000 premature deaths. For every person that dies from smoking about 20 more suffer from at least one serious illness.

8 clinical excellence for nurse practitioners, Ridner,SL Recent studies have documented the factors associated with smoking acquisition while in collage, yet little known about smoking cessation and quit attempts by collage students.

9 clinical excellence for nurse practitioners, Ridner,SL A non-experimental, cross sectional design was used to explore the factors affecting smoking behaviors to quit 88% used cold turkey during their attempts.

10 clinical excellence for nurse practitioners, Ridner,SL Significant predictors of attempts too quit smoking were the positive financial impact of quitting and the possibility of weight gain.

11 American journal of health promotion Bonelli, Belinda No studies have examined the differences in smoking attitudes and behavior between Dominicans and Puerto Ricans. Identifican of pretreatment differences is important far cultural adaptation of evidenced-based smoking cessation treatments.

12 American journal of health promotion Bonelli, Belinda Three home visits for asthma education and smoking cessation caregivers who smoke have child with asthma more whites than anyone.

13 American journal of health promotion Bonelli, Belinda Controlled for age education and acculturation results compared with (dRs), PRs were more acculturated, more nicotine, dependent, less motivated and confident to quit.

14 health promotion journal of Australia Wakefield Science children obtain most of their total dose of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in domestic settings, efforts to encourage smoker parents to ban smoking indoors are important.

15 health promotion journal of Australia Wakefield 4 focus groups discussions were conducted with 33 smoker parents of children aged less than 10 years of age. Some said that simply smoking in a different room or another side from the child would confer sufficient protection. After the children has gone to bed parents get the pressure to smoke because the kids aren't around or when there friends come over and they smoke they don't want to tell them to leave the room or go out doors.

16 health promotion journal of Australia Wakefield There are specific pros and cons perceived by parents to banning smoking at home which may influence their like hood of creating and maintaining such bans.

17 Health Education Research Oslash-Verland,Simon Schools are an important arena for smoking prevention. In many countries smoking rates have been reduced among adolescents, but the use of smokeless tobacco is on the rise in most of them. We aimed to study the restrictions between smokeless and smoking tobacco.

18 Health Education Research Oslash-Verland,Simon We studied 1444 of Norwegian students aged 16-20 years. Respondents were asked bout their schools’ restrictions on smoking and smokeless tobacco. We found out the restrictions on the age, gender, type of schools.

19 Health Education Research Oslash-Verland,Simon More explicit pervasive restrictions were strongly associated with the prevalence of use. The first study on the associations between schools’ restrictions on snus and the prevalence of snus use corroborate what has been found in many studies on smoking restrictions and smoking.

20 American Journal of Health Promotion *Bonelli, Belinda* Health Education Research *Oslash, Simon* Clinical Excellence for Nurse Practitioners *Rinder, SL* Health Promotion Journal of Australia *Wakefield, M NIDA The Science of Drug Abuse & Addiction


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