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Google Chrome OS: A New Frontier in the World of OS.

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Presentation on theme: "Google Chrome OS: A New Frontier in the World of OS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Google Chrome OS: A New Frontier in the World of OS

2 So I bet you are already wondering, What is the difference in Chrome OS and a standard OS like windows or snow leopard?... I’m glad you asked.

3 Taking a closer look at Chrome OS. - Chrome will be for download on systems only with a solid state hard drive - Solid state hard drives allow for faster boot up time plus faster write time. - One major downside is price difference. SSD tend to cost $3 per GB where as standard HDD cost 20 to 30 cents per GB

4 Using a SSD allows for faster boot up times - The current boot up speed is 7 seconds and Google promises times to be even faster when the project is complete. Can your windows do that?

5 Other awesome features Other awesome features of Chrome OS Other awesome features of Chrome OS… - Even better than mac… - No viruses possible!

6 REALLY NO VIRUSES!!!! - How can this be? The firmware verifies the signature of the optimized kernel, and, if it is OK, it loads the kernel which in turn loads the browser. In case one signature is incorrect, possibly due to virus activity, the firmware will download a default safe kernel and OS, the whole process being automatic. This recovery is without losing system or application data, without losing settings and even without losing the cache. Also, Chrome OS updates itself with newer versions when available. done the

7 Chrome OS will run applications online instead of installing the apps on the local machine. As seen here.

8 There will be a wide variety of applications available. - Application will include notepads, calculators, online tv, plus your favorite social networking sites. - Since information is not saved locally, a user can access His data from different computers. So now you’re saying these apps are great, but what happens if I still need to edit my Word or Excel files? I’m glad you asked…

9 Since Chrome is open and non proprietary, If you have an excel or word file you need to edit from a storage source i.e. a flash drive, Chrome OS will access MS Windows Live to open it up for editing.

10 In conclusion… - Chrome OS is in no way replacing standard operating systems. - Chrome is built for netbooks and people who only need a computer for internet purposes. - Chrome will pave the way for more operating systems with the cloud computing technology.


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