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Two – and Three-Digit Measurement Subtraction Using the Standard Algorithm.

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Presentation on theme: "Two – and Three-Digit Measurement Subtraction Using the Standard Algorithm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Two – and Three-Digit Measurement Subtraction Using the Standard Algorithm

2 Skip Count by 3s to 30 … 36912151821242730 Skip Count by 4s to 40 … 481216202428323640 Skip Count By 6s To 60 … 6121824303642485460 Skip Count

3 Skip Count by 7s to 70 … 7142128354249566370 Skip Count by 8s to 80 … 8162432404856647280 Skip Count By 9s To 90 … 9182736455463728190 Skip Count

4 Subtract Mentally 10 – 7 = ________ SAY THE NUMBER SENTENCE IN UNITS OF ONE. 10 ONES minus 7 ONES = ________ ONES 3

5 Subtract Mentally 11 – 3 = ________ SAY THE NUMBER SENTENCE IN UNITS OF ONE. 11 ONES minus 3 ONES = ________ ONES 8

6 Subtract Mentally 61 – 3 = ________ SAY THE NUMBER SENTENCE IN UNITS OF ONE. 61 ONES minus 3 ONES = ________ ONES 58

7 Subtract Mentally 100 – 30 = ________ SAY THE NUMBER SENTENCE IN UNITS OF ONE. 100 ONES minus 30 ONES = ________ ONES 70

8 Subtract Mentally 110 – 30 = ________ SAY THE NUMBER SENTENCE IN UNITS OF ONE. 110 ONES minus 30 ONES = ________ ONES 80

9 Subtract Mentally 610 – 30 = ________ SAY THE NUMBER SENTENCE IN UNITS OF ONE. 610 ONES minus 30 ONES = ________ ONES 580

10 Estimate and Add 38 + 23 = SAY THE ADDITION PROBLEM Give me the new addition problem if we Round each number to the nearest ten. 40 + 20 WHAT DOES 40 + 20 =? 60 So 38 + 23 should be close to? ON YOUR BOARDS SOLVE 38 + 23.

11 Estimate and Add 173 + 49 = SAY THE ADDITION PROBLEM Give me the new addition problem if we Round each number to the nearest ten. 170 + 50 WHAT DOES 170 + 50 =? 120 So 173+ 49 should be close to? ON YOUR BOARDS SOLVE 173 + 49.

12 Problem of the Day Tara brings two bottles of water on her hike. The first bottle has 471 milliliters of water, and the second bottle has 354 milliliters of water. How many milliliters of water does Tara bring on her hike? 471 mL354 mL 471 mL + 354 mL 825 mL Tara brings 825 mL of water on her hike.

13 CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Tara has 132 milliliters of water left after hiking. How can we find out how many milliliters of water Tara drink while she is hiking? What operation do we need to use in order to find out how much water she drank during her hike? SUBTRACTION 825 mL -132 mL

14 825 mL -132 mL On the place value chart how many ones does Tara start with? How many tens does Tara start with? How many hundreds?

15 825 mL -132 mL How many ones should we take away to show the water Tara drank?

16 825 mL -132 mL How many tens should we take away to show the water Tara drank? Hmmm? That’s going to be hard. We need to take away 3 tens, and there are only 2. What can we do?! Good idea! We’ll unbundle some 10s from the hundreds place.

17 825 mL -132 mL 693 mL Now we can subtract three tens! And finally, let’s subtract 1 hundred. What are we left with?

18 CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Tara has 132 milliliters of water left after hiking. How can we find out how many milliliters of water Tara drink while she is hiking? Tara drank 693 mL of water on her hike. 825 mL -132 mL

19 785cm – 36 cm = 749 cm

20 440g – 223 g = 217 g

21 Part 2: Subtract using the standard algorithm. J ames buys 507 grams of grapes at the market on Tuesday. On Thursday, he buys 345 grams of grapes. How many more grams did he buy on Tuesday than on Thursday? 507 - 345 Can we take 5 ones away from 7 ones? What are we left with? 2 Can we take 4 tens away from 0 tens? What happens if we unbundled one 1 hundred? How many tens will we have? 10 4 Can we take 4 tens away from 10 tens? How many 10s are we left with? 6 Can we take 3 hundreds away from 4 hundreds? How many 100s are we left with? 1 What unit of Measurement are we Using? GRAMS James bough 162 g more grapes on Tuesday.

22 Try two more 513 cm - 241 cm 506 mL - 435 mL


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