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American Literature Beginnings to 1800. I.First Migration: Ice Age Travelers A.hunters B.crossed the Bering land bridge submerged under the Bering.

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Presentation on theme: "American Literature Beginnings to 1800. I.First Migration: Ice Age Travelers A.hunters B.crossed the Bering land bridge submerged under the Bering."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Literature Beginnings to 1800

2 I.First Migration: Ice Age Travelers A.hunters B.crossed the Bering land bridge submerged under the Bering Strait 2.from Siberia to what is now Alaska C.people were already here when Europeans arrived in 1490s

3 II. Europeans: Explorers A.called America the New World B.writings 1.letters, journals and books 2.emphasized a.abundant resources b.peacefulness c.hospitality of the inhabitants d.the promise of unlimited wealth to be gained from gold

4 III. The Puritan Legacy A.writings 1.central to the development of the American literary tradition 2.Puritan convictions shaped the American character a.moral b.ethical c.religious B.came to America for spiritual and business ventures C.the everyday world and the spiritual world were closely intertwined

5 IV. Who Were These Puritans? A.began in 1560 B.Protestant group C.sought to “purify” the Church of England 1.simpler forms of worship organization described in the New Testament D.before coming to America 1.suffered persecution in England 2.some fled to Holland 3.feared they would lose their identity as English Protestants in Holland E.Came to America 1.led by William Bradford in 1620 2.hoped to build a new society patterned after God’s Word (New Jerusalem)

6 V.Puritan Beliefs: Sinners All? A.Adam and Eve’s sin of disobedience left most of humanity damned for all eternity B.the merciful God sent His Son Jesus Christ to earth to save a particular people (the elect) C.Salvation 1.saved by God’s grace 2.salvation would result in a change in outward behavior 3.after grace, the person was “reborn” as a saint (the elect) D.Puritan values (ideal qualities for a new society) 1.self-reliance 2.industriousness 3.temperance 4.simplicity

7 VI.Characteristics of Puritan Writing A.the Bible was the model for Puritan writing B.each individual life was a journey to salvation C.writing was used to explore inner and outer lives for signs of God’s work D.diaries and histories were the most common E.plain style 1.stressed clarity 2.avoided complicated figures of speech

8 VII.The Bible in America (Puritans) A.the Bible – considered the literal word of God B.Puritan emphasis on education 1.ability to read the Bible 2.ability to understand theological debate C.Harvard College 1.founded by Puritans in 1636 2.intended to train Puritan ministers D.1639 – 1st printing press in American colonies

9 VIII. The Age of Reason A.also called the American Enlightenment B.Rationalism 1.people arrive at truth by using reason 2.did not rely on the authority of the past, religious faith or intuition 3.compared God to a clockmaker who created the universe and then allowed it to run on its own like a clock 4.reason a.God’s gift to man b.allowed people to discover scientific and spiritual truth c.allowed everyone to regulate and improve his or her own life

10 IX. The Smallpox Plague A.Cotton Mather 1.Puritan minister 2.scientist 3.believed that sickness was caused by sin 4.began inoculating people (only 6 of the 300 died)

11 X.Deism: Are People Basically Good? A.Derived from the Latin word Deus for God B.God = a clockmaker 1.Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) 2.Having created the perfect mechanism of this universe, God then left creation to run on its own, like a clock. C.God’s gift to man = Reason 1.God had made it possible for all people at all times to discover natural laws through their God- given reason.

12 D.Deistic Principles 1.believed that the universe was orderly and good 2.stressed humanity’s goodness 3.believed that people could become perfect through reason 4.God’s objective – the happiness of His creatures 5.the best form of worship – to do good for others E.Deistic Characteristics 1.came from many different religious backgrounds 2.didn’t support specific religious groups 3.sought to unite all religions F.Deists 1.Sir Isaac Newton 2.Benjamin Franklin 3.Thomas Jefferson 4.George Washington 5.Thomas Paine

13 XI. Self-Made Americans A.masterpiece of the American Age of Reason – Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography B.the model for future rags-to-riches stories

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