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The Holocaust.

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1 The Holocaust

2 Why did it Happen? Hitler wanted a group of people to blame for all misfortunes that had befallen the Germans since the beginning of World War I. Anti-Semitism had been around since biblical times. Jews had been persecuted all over Europe for centuries. In addition, Hitler and the Nazis had certain beliefs about the natural order of humanity

3 Ubermenschen “Above People” Aryans
Were superior, culture-creating people Nordic Aryans were considered almost a super race Hitler believed that there were actually 5 other classes of Aryans

4 Untermenschen “Under People” who destroyed culture
Category 1 was based on race and included Jews, Slavs, and Gypsies Category 2 was based on Genetics (Eugenics) and included those disabled or having genetic defects Category 3 were homosexuals Category 4 were Jehovah’s Witnesses or other Pacifists

5 Lack of Living Space Hitler felt that the under people were taking the limited space that should belong to the Aryans. It is possible that Hitler’s initial idea was to get the Jews to leave Germany. When the Nazis came to power, they thought Jews would want to leave. The Nazis began to do things that would make the Jews choose to leave.

6 I. Spontaneous Actions April 1, 1933: Boycott of Jewish Stores
Nazis said it was necessary to liberate Germany from Jewish capitalism. There were also attempts to show the Jews that they were not wanted in Germany. Also, there was state-sponsored harassment.

7 II. Separation Phase 1935 Nuremberg Laws
Law for Protection of German blood and Honor said that there would be no sexual relationships between Jews and Germans. All marriages were dissolved Reich Citizenship Laws said that only Germans were citizens. These 2 laws deprived Jews of their citizenship and rights and gave the government a legitimate power to mistreat Jews

8 III. Removal Phase Voluntary
Office of Jewish Immigration was set up, but was unsuccessful. Forced Removal began in October, 1938 Krystallnacht on November 9-10, 1938 30,000 Jewish males were arrested and families were told that they would be released, if families agreed to leave. At this time, many Jews started to leave with Palestine being the most favored destination along with the United States. When the war started in 1939, Jews were unable to leave because borders were closed

9 IV. Final Aim When Poland fell, Southern Poland was used to form Ghettoes for Jews. Parts of cities were literally walled in. Jews from all over were sent to these ghettoes. In Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, German soldiers were sent to kill Jews. Jews in ghettoes began dying of malnutrition. (2,000 to 134 calories)

10 Final Solution January, 1942
It was decided to use labor camps to work Jews to death. The ones who do not die must be killed. Concentration camps would be used. Different types of camps: Labor to Death Camps Extermination Camps


12 Jews were stripped of rights over a long period of time.
Lost right to use public transportation, go to school, have certain occupations Must turn in radios Must wear Yellow Star of David on all Clothes Were rounded up Bounties were paid to turn in Jews “in hiding.”

13 Transport

14 Arrival

15 Entering the Camp

16 Your Path

17 Shower

18 Make a Choice

19 Your New Life

20 Other Path

21 Gas Chamber


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