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.  What will we be doing this year   Warm-ups  Investigate geometry with Patty Paper  Flip the classroom in Algebra II  Work with a partner 

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Presentation on theme: ".  What will we be doing this year   Warm-ups  Investigate geometry with Patty Paper  Flip the classroom in Algebra II  Work with a partner "— Presentation transcript:


2  What will we be doing this year

3   Warm-ups  Investigate geometry with Patty Paper  Flip the classroom in Algebra II  Work with a partner  Work cooperatively in groups  Work independently very quietly  Take notes and keep an organized notebook  Prepare for and take an SOL in the spring

4   Watch the lecture at home and take notes. Sometimes there will be questions to answer. This will be your homework.  Practice the concepts in class where you can get your questions answers Flipped Algebra II Classroom

5  How will we be graded?

6   Quizzes ( 1 or 2 per chapter, 30 pts each)  Chapter Tests ( at the end of each chapter, 100 pts)  Cumulative Review ( take home assignments, 30 pts )  Homework ( graded on effort, 5 pts each)  5 points for every question given reasonable effort  4 points for most of the work given reasonable effort  3 points for about ¾ of the work given reasonable effort  Missed homework may be turned in one class late for a maximum of 3 points. Every question must be given reasonable effort on late work to receive credit.  If you do not have homework, you will fill out a “Missed Homework” form, which I will keep on file.

7   3 Ring Binder ( 1.5 inch )  Lined and Graph Paper  Pencils with Erasers  12 Dividers  Graphing or Scientific Calculator What Supplies Do You Recommend?

8   Get a perfect score on a test. 100% without any bonuses or extra credit How can I be on the Wall of Fame?

9   It will be posted on the board with the daily agenda  It will be on the syllabus that I give you at the beginning of the chapter ( but that may change )  It will be posted on the Homework Calendar on my web page on the day it is assigned How will we know what our homework is?

10  Where can I get some help ?

11   Math Lab is open after SSR during every study hall  There is a math teacher there to help you.  You can get help with math questions.  You can do your homework there in case you run into problems  You can help other math students  You can work cooperatively just like in class  You cannot be on your phone or listening to music, just like in class. Math Lab room 206

12   If I see your phone or any other electronic device, I will be taking it. Zero Tolerance for Electronics

13   There is a current syllabus for each chapter (sometimes the hard copy I give you at the beginning of the chapter must be adjusted).  There is Extra Practice with Answers for each section  There is a Homework Calendar with daily assignments posted ( on the day assigned ) Check out my web page


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