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The PSAT will be given at River Dell on Saturday, October 18 th, at 7:30am. This is the only date that the test is offered this school year!

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Presentation on theme: "The PSAT will be given at River Dell on Saturday, October 18 th, at 7:30am. This is the only date that the test is offered this school year!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The PSAT will be given at River Dell on Saturday, October 18 th, at 7:30am. This is the only date that the test is offered this school year!

2  Cost: $25.00 – cash or check made out to River Dell HS  Deadline to Register: Friday, October 10 th, 2014  Registration: See Ms. Rosario in the Counseling Office ASAP!

3  Who should take the PSAT?  We strongly urge ALL 11 th graders to take the PSAT since this is the last PSAT they take before taking the SATs in the spring. We invite 10 th graders to take the test if they want to get exposure to the test format and questions.

4  What is the purpose of the PSAT?  The PSAT is a practice for the SAT. It is a short version of the SAT and helps students understand the content and format of the SAT.  For 11 th graders only: the scores are also used to determine National Merit Scholarship standing. The top ½ of 1% of scores nationally will determine if students qualify for National Merit Scholarship programs.

5  How long is the test?  The PSAT is approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes long. (Note: due to the distribution of materials, breaks, etc., students can be picked up after 11:00am. Those getting extended time will be finished between 12pm and 12:30pm)  What is on the test?  The PSAT consists of 3 sections: critical reading, mathematics, and writing

6  Are scores sent to the colleges?  Absolutely not! Scores are sent home to the student and to River Dell sometime in early December. River Dell does not share the scores with colleges or any other outside organization. These scores are not included on student transcripts.

7  Get a good night of rest.  Eat a healthy breakfast the morning of the test.  Bring two number 2 pencils and a calculator.  (Graphing and scientific are acceptable)  Bring extra batteries for your calculator.

8  The score ranges for each section are 20- 80 and total (Composite) range of 60-240.  To calculate what your SAT score would be, add a ‘0’ to each score (ex. A 60 PSAT Math Section=600 SAT Math Section; a 180 PSAT Composite=1800 SAT Composite).



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