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Group Review Use your Review Grid to answer the Scoot review questions around the room. You will have 20 minutes to complete the review. (If you don’t.

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Presentation on theme: "Group Review Use your Review Grid to answer the Scoot review questions around the room. You will have 20 minutes to complete the review. (If you don’t."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group Review Use your Review Grid to answer the Scoot review questions around the room. You will have 20 minutes to complete the review. (If you don’t get to all the questions, that is okay! We will check them at the end!)

2 Legend of Sleepy Hollow Creepy answers to Study Guide

3 Name ______________________ LSH Scoot Review

4 Name ______________________ LSH Scoot Review The Dutch colonized Tarrytown, NY (page 151)

5 LSH page 1 1.Who is the main character of LSH? Ichabod Crane 2.Who is the woman the men are trying to court? Katrina Van Tassel 3.Ichabod enjoyed stories about ghosts, supernatural activity, spirits, specters 4. Was Ichabod in love with Katrina? Why or why not? No; Ichabod Crane is interested in her money and wealth. 5. How does Ichabod gain the affection of Katrina? He spends lots of time with her, he teaches her how to sing – his musical talent and taking her on long walks at her house.

6 LSH page 2 6. At the end of the party, Ichabod….Left Katrina and rode away sadly.  7. The antagonist is…Brom Bones, Headless Horseman?? 8. Ichabod has a career as a ….teacher 9. We can assume that Ichabod…. Left and never came back or had an “accident” #deathtoBrom 10. Irving wrote the story to…entertain

7 LSH page 2 11. How are Ichabod and Brom similar in this story? Ichabod and Brom are both popular, interested in Katrina, money hungry, and are interested in ghost stories. 12. How are Ichabod and Brom different in this story? Ichabod – schoolteacher, smart, intelligent, scrawny, BIG NOSE Brom – prankster, athletic, strong, horseman, handsome 13.What happened to Brom and Katrina? Brom and Katrina get married! 14. The climax of the story occurs when Ichabod is chased by the Horseman and crosses the bridge – safe?? Or captured??

8 LSH page 3 15.What was found the morning after the chase between Ichabod and the horseman? Smashed pumpkin, horse with no rider, no Ichabod, Ichabod’s hat 15.Describe the setting of Sleepy Hollow.Sleepy Hollow is located outside Tarrytown, NY. LSH takes place in the 1800s, Dutch settlement; it is a mysterious, dreamy setting. Sdppoky, dreary, dreamy, INTENSE 16. What is the important theme of the story? Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer; bros before bows 15.The horse Ichabod borrows from Hans Van Ripper is named Gunpowder 16.What “type” of horse does Ichabod borrow? Gunpowder is a plowhorse; old, weak, scrawny, and broken down. 20. Who founded the area? The Dutch

9 Partner Work: Venn Diagram How are Ichabod and Brom Bones similar? How are they different? Ichabod Ichabod and Brom Brom Bones

10 Journal Entry Choose one of the following to write about: 1.What does Veteran’s Day mean to you? 2.Write a letter to someone you know who served in our military. 3. Write a paragraph of things you are thankful for in America. ELA6.3 I can write in response to a question in a short time span using main idea, supporting details, and conclusion.

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