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Welcome to The Meadows Primary School

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1 Welcome to The Meadows Primary School

2 Staff Mrs Fran Harding (headteacher) Mrs Kate Sapoff (class teacher)
Karen Parker (Parent Support Advisor) Mrs Shelley Robinson (teaching assistant) Louise

3 Transition Each child is invited to attend two ‘stay and play’ sessions: 1st visit – 11th June 3.45 – 4.30 with parents 2nd visit – 16th June 3.45 – 4.30 with parents 3rd visit - Induction morning, including lunch (no parents) 7th July 9.30 – for Group 1 OR 9th July 9.30 – for Group 2 Please send them with a water bottle and a coat. Pre-school Liaison I will be meeting your child’s pre-schools in the next few months to gain their perspectives on your child’s development. It is important that you have informed us to explain which pre-school /s they attend and which sessions so that I can meet all the pre-schools. Louise

4 Home Visits Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd September, Kate Sapoff and Karen Parker would like to visit you and your child at home. Very informal visit to get to know your child in a place where they are comfortable to help ease transition. Possibly see their favourite toys, pets etc. Make sure that the TV is switched off and any unpredictable dogs are shut away! Choose an appropriate time later this evening. We will provide book-bag and a book. Christine / Hannah

5 Starting School Your child will start school full-time on Monday 7th September. However, for the first four weeks we can be flexible if your child is finding this too tiring. Mornings will be compulsory for all children; your child may then go home at lunch time or stay for the afternoon session. This phased induction will be arranged on a child-by-child basis, depending on how you feel your child is settling into the school routine. Louise

6 Early years Foundation Stage
The Foundation Stage is the stage of education for children from birth to the end of the Reception year. The ‘New’ EYFS Framework is based on the recognition that effective learning takes place when children engage in playing and exploring, active learning and have the opportunities to be creative and think critically Christine / Hannah

7 The curriculum is organised into areas of learning and development:
Prime Areas Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and Language Specific Areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design Christine / Hannah

8 Monitoring Progress Each of the 7 areas of learning has its own set of ‘Early Learning Goals’ which determine what most children are expected to achieve by the end of Reception Class. Learning diaries are used to record their progress and achievements. Christine / Hannah

9 The first few weeks We will find out what the children already know & can do. This will form an on-entry assessment. We will use this information to help us to plan their next steps. We would value any contributions you would like to make in helping us get to know your child’s needs. We are interested in their achievements through home and ask that you contribute to learning diaries through ‘wow’ slips. Christine / Hannah

10 Communication Between Home & School
Website – see ‘Children’, ‘Class pages’, ‘Oak’ for information about the class and what we have been learning. Letters, information etc available on website Weekly newsletter Parents’ forum Drop-in sessions Absence notification - phone call on first day You can the office about anything (see website for ) Louise

11 Starting School First day Monday 7th September
Take children to playground for arrival time Class will line up by me at the whistle, say goodbye to parents and walk in Please send a water bottle and coat No PE kit or forest school kit needed until second week Once children are full-time you can use Breakfast Club which starts from 7.45 Louise

12 Practical Details Uniform is from Tescos online – see school website for link (‘About Us’, ‘Key Information’) Please ensure all uniform is labelled with child’s name, and that it is easy for them to use PE kit should be in a small named bag which stays on their peg You can put spare underwear in their PE kit in case of an accident Children need to have a coat in school Wellies, thick clothes and waterproofs for forest school Only need book bag – no other bags please Christine / Hannah

13 Food and Drink Water bottles for the classroom should only have water
We provide fruit or veg for afternoon break time Free milk (until your child is 5) – you can pay for it when they are 5 if you wish You can provide morning snack Can buy toast, milk, juice, cheese and biscuits for morning play – payment in an envelope

14 School Dinners Free school meals for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Cooked on premises Tasters will be available later this evening! Louise

15 Home Time We finish at 3.30 Children will be sent out to you when a known person is recognised. If, for some reason, someone different is picking your child up, please let Kate Sapoff or the office know. Children will be very tired initially, school is hard work when you are 4. After-School Club can care for your child until 5.45 and collect them from the classroom. Christine / Hannah

16 Medical Matters Any sickness, diarrhoea, must be followed by 48 hours absence Head lice are common! Please check regularly and treat as recommended. Girls’ hair must be tied back Any absence requires a note or telephone call explaining why Holiday is not authorised in term-times Any medicines can only be administered by prior arrangement Louise

17 School community Governors PTA Breakfast Club After-school club
The church Pam, ?, Louisa

18 In General We are always pleased to see any parent requiring information or advice Parent volunteers Any Questions? Louise

19 For the rest of the evening
Wander round school Sample a school dinner Choose a morning or afternoon for your home visit The staff will be happy to help with any queries

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