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 Started August 1,1914  Ended November 11,1918.

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3  Started August 1,1914  Ended November 11,1918

4  German Empire “Hohenzollern Empire”  Austria-Hungary “Habsburg Empire”  Ottoman Empire “Turkey”  Bulgaria

5  Russian Empire  France  British Empire  Serbia  Belgium  Japan  Greece

6  The total of those killed, seriously injured, and prisoners of war.

7  TP: 167,000,000  Total casualties: 9,250,000

8  TP: 39,600,000  Total casualties:6,179,000

9  TP: 49,400,000  TC: 3,190,000

10  TP: 92,000,000  TC:353,000

11  TP:67,000,000  TC: 7,406,000

12  TP:49,900,000  TC: 6,920,000

13  TP: 21,300,000  TC:1,454,000

14  TP:478,527,000  TC: 22,195,000

15  TP:143,700,000  TC:16,047,000

16  WWI 15 Million  WWII 55 Million  Still many say WWI, since many causes of WWII are traced back to the first.


18  WWI began in Balkans, the small kingdom of Serbia.  Serbia did not like the way the Ottoman Empire did things, So they allied with Greece, Bulgaria, and Montenegro to win a series of victories.  Serbia wanted to be its own state.





23 Who Shot the Duke? “Union or Death”, a small secret Bosnian serbian organization, sent three men to assassinate Ferdinand. Gavrilo Princip, Stepped up and shot the duke and his wife.

24  When Austria was confirmed that it was the U.O.D who had planned the assassination Austria automatically thought Serbia as a country was to blame.  Austria told Serbia to avoid war with them they had to agree to cease all anti-Austria propaganda.  Basically eliminating sovereignty in Serbia

25  Serbia said no to the ultimatum because “Russia got my back!”  And then Austria was all like “Oh Yeah Germany got my back!”  Then they were all like “ITS ON!”




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