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Bewilder {n.} Definition: to confuse or puzzle completely Sentence: Rachel was bewildered by what she saw when she walked into the gym.

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Presentation on theme: "Bewilder {n.} Definition: to confuse or puzzle completely Sentence: Rachel was bewildered by what she saw when she walked into the gym."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bewilder {n.} Definition: to confuse or puzzle completely Sentence: Rachel was bewildered by what she saw when she walked into the gym

2 DELUSIONAL def. having false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions Part of speech. ADJ Sentence. Billy Bob seemed to be delusional because he would not stop saying… UNICORNS ARE REAL!!! THEY ARE REAL!!!

3 Detonate Definition: To explode with sudden violence. (V) Sentence : The bomb was detonated and exploded right on time. Synonym: Set off, ignite Antonym : Dismantle

4 Firmly(adj) Not subject to change or fluctuate sentence: I firmly believe that I can graduate school. Synonym: unwavering Antonym: change


6 Mesmerized (V) Def: hypnotize, fascinate S:Max was mesmerized by the colorful picture.

7 Precision (noun) Definition: quality or state of being exact. sentence: when you are hunting you need to aim with excellent precision Synonym: accuracy Antonym: wrong

8 Rummage (V) Definition: To search thoroughly by moving around and turning over contents. Sentence: My brother rummaged through my box to find his toy car I can find Tacos with this thing 

9 Sentence!!! Part of speech: noun Definition: a judicial decision on decreeing punishment to be inflicted Sentence: bob got a sentence to go to jail for 4 years Synonym: punishment Antonym: rewarded

10 Disperse definition: scatter, to send off in many directions. Part of speech: verb Sentence: after school the kids disperse in the courtyard

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