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Development of Education Quality Management System Ričardas Ališauskas Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania Rotterdam.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of Education Quality Management System Ričardas Ališauskas Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania Rotterdam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of Education Quality Management System Ričardas Ališauskas Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania Rotterdam 3QC September 16, 2004

2 Teaching and Learning Conditions Education Quality Management System Rehabilitation of School Buildings School Network Optimisation Context of the project

3  Information on time for decision making,  then better decisions at national, local and school level,  then higher effectiveness of education system,  and better learning achievements Goals and focus points

4 Information needs of managers satisfied Performance standards of schools raised Data on Quality and Equity of education Policy options and monitoring of progress Investments into Education Quality Management System

5 Implementation (Actions, orders & control) Planning (Development of schedule of actions by experts) Non-reflective business cycle

6 Reflective quality management cycle Implementation Planning Monitoring Analysis Finding strengths and weaknesses Sharing experience Actions towards goals Reflection of progress and success Agreement on goals and measures

7 Implementation Planning Monitoring Analysis National level Regional level School level Implementation Planning Monitoring Analysis Implementation Analysis Quality management system

8 Challenges of the Project Philosophy: Changing the Culture FromTo ValueFear Attitude to work well GoalCompliance School improvement QualityInstructionAgreement Basis for decisions Opinions Evidences (data, indicators, standards) Style Administration & control Reflective quality management Trust people – improve processes

9 Do we want to work well? What does quality mean? What are we going to do now? How do we know? How are we doing? Attitudes Agreement Reflection Evidences Improvement Basic Questions

10 32 indicators 1-5 sub-indicators per indicator Levels of performance 4 3 2 1 School based illustrations for levels (at least 4 & 2) © Internal Audit Methodology, 2002 Schools Internal Audit Structure CurriculumAttainments Learning & Teaching EthosResources Management & Quality Assurance Support for Pupils

11 1. Preparation (learning & planning) 2. Taking a broad view across all 7 key areas Strengths & Weaknesses based on intuition 3. Taking a closer look at 7 key areas per 3 years: identifying appropriate evidences (illustration) selecting data sources & methodology of collection creating instruments & collection of data data analysis & summary of findings 4. Presentation of audit findings 5. Planning of school improvement Attitudes & Reflection Evidences Improvement Agreement Schools Internal Audit Process

12 Trust people – improve processes  The concept of 10-5 (or 3-2) audit (finding 10 strengths & suggesting 5 targets for improvement)  Recognition of context of the school itself ( has the EA helped to this school to improve education of these children?) Adequate to the Internal Audit  Same philosophy, indicators & criteria  Based on Internal Audit reports Accountability  Publishing short External Audit reports  Providing data for national & regional monitoring Schools Improvement External Audit

13 Pilot: Looking for models (study visits & seminars for experts) Pilot in 6 schools, drafting Methodology with Consultant Pilot in 28 schools, approval of Methodology Dissemination: Publishing Methodology Training of 73 trainers 3 day seminar for every school principle 2 day seminars in every school, 1 day consultations dissemination of good practice (publications, conferences) Implementation of Internal Audit

14 Pilot: Selection of Consultant, discussions Drafting Methodology & Code of Practice Training of 18 chief auditors in practice (4 EA) Selecting 8 municipalities & piloting Methodology Dissemination: Changes in Laws & Regulations Establishing National Center for External Audit Training up to 100 auditors Implementation of External Audit in every municipality Implementation of External Audit

15 Self-evaluation is an good idea Temporal western idea It is being implemented in the right way It is being implemented in the wrong way What do teachers & school heads think about the internal audit?

16 Lessons from our experience Involve users into development of procedures Involve users into development of procedures Make school principles and other managers your partners Make school principles and other managers your partners Develop specific (not only general) training modules Develop specific (not only general) training modules Don’t save too much on dissemination and work with school community Don’t save too much on dissemination and work with school community Begin with believers, end with the whole community Begin with believers, end with the whole community

17 Integration of 2 databases avoiding duplication of data collection; training Over 20 000 teachers & school heads trained; 3 publications of schools best practice National indicators on student achievements; training National indicators; annual & ad- hoc reports; training Some gains until now

18 Development of Education Quality Management System Ričardas Ališauskas Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania Rotterdam 3QC September 16, 2004

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