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» You have two minutes to memorize the following words!

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Presentation on theme: "» You have two minutes to memorize the following words!"— Presentation transcript:

1 » You have two minutes to memorize the following words!

2 NineSwapCellRingLust PlugsLampAppleTableSway ArmyBankFireHoldWorm ClockHorseColorBabySword DeskHoldFindBirdRock

3 » You have two minute to write down as many of the words as you can remember, GO! » How many did you get? _____

4 » Do you only use 10% of your brain? Yes or No, and write down WHY you think that. XFX2xTRpQXLYNnO

5 » Which sense do you think your memories are most tied (related) to? a)Sight b)Sound c)Touch d)Smell Could all be the answer? In the limbic system….olfactory nerves (neurons) are in close proximity of the hippocampus

6 “Can we erase bad memories” What do you think?

7 Match appropriate letterWRITE OUT DEFINITIONS ___ Neurons ___ Axons ___ Impulses ___ Vertebrae a.A long fiber that transmits information to other cells b.Rings of bone that protect your spinal cord c.Electrical messages that can travel as fast as 150 m/s along nerves d.Specialized cells in your body that transfer messages in the form of electrical energy

8 » Nerves do NOT contain which of the following? A.Muscle fiber B.Blood vessel C.Axons D.Connective Tissue

9 » Which part of the brain regulates sleep? A.Frontal Lobe B.Medulla Oblongata C.Temporal Lobe D.Diencephalon CAN YOU BE MORE SPECIFIC PLEASE……. HYPOTHALAMUS

10 » Which part of the brain regulates coordination of movement and balance? A.Cerebrum B.Cerebellum C.Temporal Lobe D.Occipital Lobe What do all the others regulate?

11 ASAP DAY!!!!! This is How your Brain Works

12 » Which nervous system is responsible for sensing touch and feeling throughout your body and sending info to your cerebral cortex? A.Limbic nervous system B.Central nervous system C.Peripheral nervous system D.Enteric nervous system

13 Write out the QUESTION for the Bell Work on 8/31/15 Write out LEARNING TARGET C Draw a quick sketch for the ASAP Day on 9/11/2015 What was the answer for the Bell Work on 8/19/15 How many columns did the chart have for “Graphing Practice-Problem 1?”

14 » Why are some body parts more sensitive than others?

15 ASAP DAY What Happens if all the Bees Die?

16 What does it mean to be color blind? Partial color blindness, a condition where the individual has difficulty discriminating between specific colors (cones or photoreceptors lack ability), is far more common than total color blindness where only shades of gray are recognized.

17 The eye’s LENS allows light to converge, bend inwards, and focus a real image on the RETINA. The eyes’ lens is an example of which of the following? a.Convex lens b.Convex mirror c.Concave lens d.Concave mirror

18 » Which part of the eye do you think would connect to the occipital lobe of your brain? A.Retina B.Optic Nerve C.Lens D.Cornea The “Train to the Brain” carries a “real-image” to the brain which is flipped to a virtual image for you to see the world.

19 Which part of the eye do you think is repaired during laser eye surgery? The Cornea

20 For any sound you hear, how could you make that sound louder to your ears? Increase the energy (amplitude) creating sound Stand or get closer to the sound (change distance)

21 “The Science of Laziness” Why do you think you are lazy (either all the time or sometimes)?

22 » Which part of your nervous system controls reflex actions? A.Brain B.Spinal Cord C.Axons D.Impulses

23 » ASAP DAY “Amazing energy facts that will blow your mind”

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