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1 Appraisal and Revalidation Update

2 Update on Timetable for Revalidation:  RO and team now have access to GMC Connect – the database which identifies name and date for revalidation.  GMC Connect has been updated to include all doctors for whom the RO is responsible.  Dates and years have now been assigned to all doctors. Senior Clinical team to revalidate first – all communicated to, opted out rather than opted in. Other doctors who requested revalidation first, and teams also identified, such as ITU, Neonates and A and E. These make up the necessary 20% needed for the first year. 2 nd and 3 rd year of revalidation split between remainder of clinicians. We will be writing to you to notify you of the year that we have identified for you.  Appraisers have now all been identified, and top up training organised for the remainder of appraisers that need it.

3 Process of Revalidating:  GMC Connect will notify both Trust and individual doctor of their revalidation date.  The recommendation for revalidation is based on evidence of strengthened annual appraisal and no concerns.  RO then logs into GMC Connect to recommend revalidation, defer revalidation or state that the doctor has not engaged in the process.  GMC Connect updated monthly to ensure that the system is up to date with any new starters or leavers.

4 What do you need to do next?  Ensure that you are up to date with appraisal in the last twelve months. Your appraisal must contain reflection and link to SI, complaints, outcome data etc and PDP.  Must be fit for revalidation quality – use MAG Form to ensure it is.  Ensure that you have attended strengthened appraiser training if you are an appraiser for the Trust.

5 What is the Trust doing next?  Increasing current appraisal rates  Ensuring strengthened appraisal process is fit for purpose – adding the links to SI panels and complaints, using MAG for appraisal, updating Appraisal policy to include remediation procedure.  Links to University to include MAG and to ensure Academics are captured on our Revalidation database.

6 Thank you  Any questions?

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